I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 179: A Plan for the Pirates

Chapter 179: A Plan for the Pirates

[Luna POV]

I had teleported us to the guild so we could complete the quests for the chimera and bear.  We ignored the surprise of the adventurers around us and went up to the counter.  Skadi explained what we were here for and the receptionist asked for the proof.  I took out a part of the chimeras and placed them on the counter.  I then opened a small Gate and had a part of the bear come out since there was no room to bring the whole thing out.  The receptionist filed the completed quests, handed over our reward, and we left the guild.  We made our way back to the temple.  When we got there, we went to the usual spot we went to to discuss what to do next.

Ophidia, how long are you going to stay there? (Skadi)

I wouldnt mind staying here the rest of the day since its quite nice, but Ill move if you want me to. (Ophidia)

You dont have to. (Skadi)

She then started to pet Ophidias head with a finger and Ophidia started to let out a hiss of enjoyment.

Ok, ignoring them, when do all of you want to head to the coast?  We can either set off shortly or tomorrow. (Luna)

I say tomorrow. (Velvet)

Im with Velvet on this one. (Soleil)

I agree nya. (Mio)

Alright, then well head out first thing tomorrow. (Luna)

With that decided, we all went to do our own things for the rest of the day.  Skadi and Ophidia were still in their own little world, Mio went to take a nap, and Velvet and Soleil went to walk around in the city.  I went to the room I was staying in and pulled out my brush and started brushing my tails.

{Hey Luna, I wont be able to speak with you much tomorrow since that is when Fenrir will be here.}

Alright.  Ill manage.

I continued to brush my tails.  Once I was done with that, I looked out the window and noticed that it was dark.

Guess Ill try to sleep tonight.

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.  The next time I opened them, it was early morning.

Ugh.  It doesnt even feel like I slept.

I got up and went about doing my morning routine.  Once that was done, I left the room and went to the usual spot.  I found Skadi already there.  She was swinging her sword around.

Morning. (Luna)

Hey Luna.  You seem a bit out of it right now. (Skadi)

I wanted to sleep last night and did, but it doesnt feel like I did so my mind is all weird right now. (Luna)

I get you.  I hate it when that happens. (Skadi)

It was then that Mio showed up.

Hello nya. (Mio)

Morning, Mio. (Skadi)

Hey. (Luna)

She sat down in front of me and yawned.

I hate mornings nya. (Mio)

Do you hate mornings, or the fact that you have to wake up? (Luna)

The fact that I have to wake up nya. (Mio)

Understandable. (Luna)

By the way Skadi, is Ophidia not up yet nya? (Mio)

No.  Why do you ask? (Skadi)

I just figured that she would be here with you nya.  The two of you were really close yesterday after all nya. (Mio)

She stayed true to her word and only stayed where she was for the rest of the day.  After that, she changed back to her human form and went to bed normally.  As for her not being here now, you know how she is in the morning. (Skadi)

Thats true nya. (Mio)

Indeed. (Luna)

Skadi put away her sword and sat down next to me.  I handed her some water which she took gratefully.  The three of us chatted until the others showed up.  Surprisingly, Ophidia made it before Velvet and Soleil.

Skadi, you could have woken me up you know. (Ophidia)

I tried.  The most I got from you was some mumbling. (Skadi)

Oh.  Sorry about that. (Ophidia)

It was cute, so its fine. (Skadi)

Fufufu. (Luna)

Nyahaha. (Mio)


Nothing. (Luna)

Nyot a thing nya. (Mio)

Ophidia sat down next to Skadi and joined our chat.  When the last two finally showed up, Soleil was all haggard again.

Velvet, what did I tell you last time? (Luna)

Not to drink so much. (Velvet)

Exactly.  So, tell me, why is Soleil like that then? (Luna)

UmWell, you see (Velvet)

Its actually my fault this time, big sis.  I made her drink more this time. (Soleil)

I looked at Soleil with a deadpan look.

Soleil, while I wont stop the two of you from enjoying yourselves, please remember that we are still technically on the job right now, so mind the time and occasion.  I can help you out with healing magic, but Ill only do it one more time after this, got it? (Luna)

They both nodded their heads while they blushed in embarrassment.  I got up, walked over to Soleil, and healed her.

Now, lets head out and take care of some pirates. (Luna)

We teleported to Berias capital then started on our way to the city that sent out the quest.

So, do we need to meet anyone specific before taking care of the pirates, or do we just hunt them down? (Luna)

Well have to speak with the governor of the city.  After that, we can do as we see fit. (Skadi)

Alright.  Does anyone have a plan on how to deal with them?  I have one, but I want to hear any other opinions first. (Luna)

I was thinking we just do what we normally would and find them, then bombard them with whatever till they are taken care of. (Velvet)

Thats very muscle-headed coming from you, Velvet. (Luna)

True, but you cant deny that that is how things normally go, now can you? (Velvet)

I never denied it. (Luna)

Anyway, I was thinking along the same lines as Velvet.  I mean, with just me here, they are as good as dead already. (Skadi)

Whats your plan, Lunya? (Mio)

I was thinking that we could take a stealthy approach.  If we luck out and find one of there ships, we sneak aboard, wait for them to go to their hideout, kill them all, then take everything they have. (Luna)

What? (Luna)

How is that any different from a bandit or pirate? (Soleil)

It just is.  I mean, thats what usually happens with loot taken from bandit subjugations, so why would it be any different here? (Luna)

Dont look at me like that. (Luna)

What would you even do with everything you take? (Velvet)

I dont know.  I mean, Ill have a use for the weapons.  The money will just be added to what we already have.  As for the ship or ships, no clue just yet.  Maybe Ill do something with them and create this worlds first airships through some magic something-or-other. (Luna)

Master, you just want the ships, dont you. (Ophidia)

So what if I do?  What self-respecting reincarnator would I be if I didnt want whatever I could get in a situation like this?  I mean, its not every day I get an opportunity like this, you know.  Ive only ever dealt with bandits and the like twice. (Luna)

Lunya, thats a good thing nya. (Mio)

Gah!  None of you get it!  I understand thats a good thing, but its also not.  I want to find myself in a clich development like that at least once in my life before ascension. (Luna)

Ok, something is clearly off about this situation.  Lady Tamamo would normally have interjected by now. (Skadi)

Tamamos not here right now.  She said Fenrir was coming to see her today. (Luna)

Oh, how rare.  Lady Fenrir doesnt leave her home very much.  I wonder what other reasons she had? (Skadi)

Would there be more than just seeing the Goddess? (Soleil)

Who knows?  Thats just my assumption. (Skadi)

Its no wonder youve been slightly more agitated today then, Luna. (Velvet)

Hmph.  Lets pick up the pace. (Luna)

I sped up my pace and the others did the same.

Chaos Realm:

I have returned!

Order: Welcome back.

Atmos: You've been away for a while.

???  What's up with her?

Order: She got scolded by Tamamo for trying to start something.

Ah.  The usual then.

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