I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 77: Regarding Soleil

Chapter 77: Regarding Soleil

[Luna POV]

The night passed quickly and were currently finishing breakfast.  Both Nia and Uncle Rex were here so that they could see us off.  Once Velvet and I were finished, we stood up and were about to leave.

See you both again some time. (Rex)

Youre both welcome back here anytime. (Nia)

Thanks, can you tell Pneuma, Drome, and Mythra I said bye? (Luna)

I will. (Nia)

With our parting words said, I grabbed onto Velvet and teleported us home.  We appeared in my room like last time and then went off to find Ana.  The first place we went and looked was moms office.  I opened the door when we got there and found mom doing the usual paperwork, but what surprised me was that dad was doing the same.

Im home. (Luna)

Im here as well. (Velvet)

Hello you two, what brings you back here today? Mom asked while not looking up from her paperwork.

Ana sent me a letter saying that she needed to talk to me. (Luna)

If youre looking for Ana, she should be returning shortly. (Deacon)

Then while we wait, let me ask why youre doing paperwork, dad? (Luna)

Because the person I usually push-I mean ask to take care of this fell sick, so Im stuck doing it for now. (Deacon)

*Sigh* You really need to take a page out of moms book and do this yourself more often, dad. (Luna)

I have to agree with Luna on this, even I did the paperwork I needed to do while I was in charge of the vampires in this country. (Velvet)


Anyway, has anything interesting happened recently?  We havent had the time to read your most recent letter. (Amagi)

We cleared the dungeon a few days ago, I got my third tail, met several important gods.  Am I forgetting anything Velvet? (Luna)

We made it to B-rank. (Velvet)

Oh yeah, that happened too. (Luna)

Congratulations on clearing the dungeon and getting your third tail. (Deacon)

Which gods did you meet? (Amagi)

Creation, Time, and the Sun. (Luna)

Deacon, our daughter did something outrageous again. (Amagi)

I know. (Deacon)

It was then that Ana entered the room with a new stack of papers.

Lord Deacon, some more paperwork has come in for you. (Ana)

Gah!  Why! (Deacon)

Its just how it is.  You get used to it. (Amagi)

Hello Ana, Im here as requested. (Luna)

Welcome back Luna, and thanks for coming. (Ana)

Do you want to talk somewhere else, or do you mind us listening in, Ana? (Amagi)

We can talk about it here. (Ana)

We sat down and Ana started to explain the reason she wanted me to come back.

Luna, please let Soleil start travelling with you. (Ana)

I dont mind, but can I ask why you are asking me this so early? (Luna)

Its because I have nothing else to teach her.  I dont know if she is just extremely motivated or just talented, but she learned everything I had to teach her extremely quickly. (Ana)

Like I said, I dont mind.  How about you, Velvet? (Luna)

If youre fine with it, then so am I.  Ive actually gotten used to travelling with a total of three people. (Velvet)

Technically its four people including Soleil since Tamamo has been with us in spirit. (Luna)

Speaking of, how has the Goddess been? (Amagi)

Good, although shes been real quiet since yesterday.  Come to think of it, Ana, you give off the same feeling as mom now.  Whats up with that? (Luna)

When I asked that, everyone in the room froze up.  I was about to ask why they reacted like that when my mirror made its way out of my inventory on its own.

{Good morning, Luna.} Tamamo said with a sleepy look on her face.

Morning Tamamo.  You awake now? (Luna)

{For the most part.  Hugging that plush you gave me is quite nice.}

Well I would hope so. (Luna)

{What are you doing right now?}

Talking with mom, dad, and Ana about Soleil joining our adventure. (Luna)

{Isnt this a year earlier than expected?}

Apparently, she learned everything she needed to.  Come to think of it, where is Soleil right now? (Luna)

I sent her off to do the same test you did.  Shell most likely be back by tonight. (Ana)

(Thats nice.  By the way, Velvet, whats different about you?  You seem less vampire-like than you used to.}

Luna told me to drink something that the God of Creation gave her, and it took away my weakness to sunlight. (Velvet)

{*Sigh* Crate is just like Atmos when it comes to stuff like that.  Shell give cryptic advice and hell give you a seemingly random item that turns out to be helpful in some way or another.}

At least it doesnt end up hurting anyone, right? (Luna)

{Thats true.}

Sorry to interrupt, but can we get back on topic? (Ana)

Sorry Ana. (Luna)

No need to apologize.  Can you tell me what youre going to do once Soleil joins you? (Ana)

Well, well need to go to the capital to get her registered.  Then well need to get her to at least D-rank so we can move outside of the country. (Luna)

Couldnt you just ask Grand Master Grey to issue her an exception? (Deacon)

He probably would if I asked him, but I still want her to raise her rank.  It would look strange to have two B-rank adventurers travelling around with an F or E rank adventurer. (Luna)

That makes sense. (Deacon)

Luna, you said earlier that you finished clearing the dungeon, right?  Where do you plan on going next? (Amagi)

The Demon Empire.  We found an item in the dungeon that will allow us to go to a place that I plan in using a lot in the future. (Luna)

What place is that? (Ana)

A floating island. (Luna)

Just what do you want a floating island for? (Amagi)

I will turn it into mine and Tamamos floating castle. (Luna)

I should have expected as much. (Amagi)

At least shes not thinking of turning it into a weapon somehow. (Deacon)

What would I use an island size weapon for that I cant already do myself? (Luna)

Fair point. (Deacon)

So, what Im getting from this is that youll let Soleil join you, and youll be in the country for a while to get her to D-rank. Then youll be moving on to the Demon Empire? (Ana)

Sounds about right.  Of course, well teleport around to here and Nias place if needed. (Luna)

Sounds good, just come back here before you set off for the empire.  Were going to want to see all of you off since it will probably be a while until we see you again. (Ana)

Thats fine, right Velvet? (Luna)

Yes. (Velvet)

Do remember though, I will be coming back for the Vanquishing Festival to spend it with Tamamo. (Luna)

{I got the approval for it, so I will be seeing all of you then.}

Thisll be an interesting festival this year. (Deacon)

I agree. (Amagi)

We continued to talk about things that have happened recently while we werent here. Before we knew it, the day was ending, and we were all waiting for Soleil to get back.  She made it back to the village just as the sun was sinking under the horizon.  She had a few small scratches on her and I could smell the faint scent of burnt hair.

Im back. She said in an exhausted tone.

Welcome back.  Howd it go? (Ana)

I did it, but I now hate kobolds. (Soleil)

What happened? (Amagi)

No one told me that they were in their mating season.  There were tons of them and I had to hide out until they stopped chasing me after I killed a few of them. (Soleil)

Should I go and eradicate some kobolds? (Luna)

No, Ill send my people out to clean them up tomorrow.  Theyll get more use out of them than you will. (Deacon)

Fine. (Luna)

When did you get here big sis? (Soleil)

This morning.  Ana called me over to talk about something. (Luna)

What was it? (Soleil)

Ill tell you later, for now go and take a bath and get some rest. (Luna)

Alright. (Soleil)

After she said that, she started walking home to do what I told her to.  I turned back to everyone and asked.

Why would you send Soleil there during this time?  Thats even more dangerous than when I went to kill some kobolds. (Luna)

Kobold mating season should have ended already. (Ana)

Maybe a king has appeared? (Amagi)

Thats highly likely. (Deacon)

How strong is a king? (Luna)

Around as strong as a troll. (Velvet)

How weak.  I though it would be interesting. (Luna)

Luna, what isnt weak compared to you? (Velvet)

Ummm.  A dragon? (Luna)

{Youre on par with dragons.}

A dragon. (Luna)

Deacon, our daughter just said that the only thing that can give her a hard fight is a dragon. (Amagi)

I know Amagi, I heard it as well.  I dont know if I should feel proud or if I should try to catch up. (Deacon)

We decided to go back to the shrine for the night and tell Soleil everything tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Damn sleep getting in the way of everything.

Luna: Just get sleep resistance.

You know it doesn't work like that.

Luna: Then drink more coffee.

I don't have any.

Luna: That's rough buddy.

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