I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 80: Back in the Capital

Chapter 80: Back in the Capital

[Luna POV]

It didnt take long to find them since they just left the room.  Soleils face was still red, and Velvet was trying to figure out what was wrong.  Neither one noticed me just yet and I decided to stay silent.  I even activated my stealth skill to see what would happen.

Seriously, what happened Soleil?  Why did you run like that? (Velvet)

Its nothing.  I just accidentally said something out loud when I meant for it to stay in my mind. (Soleil)

I see.  Velvet said as she put a hand on Soleils shoulder. You shouldnt worry about it, it happens to everyone.

Tamamo, are they just trying to get along, or am I reading too much into this?

{For now, I think they are just trying to get along.  Soleils comment earlier means that she doesnt think of Velvet negatively, but I think youre reading too much into it at the moment.}

Then I guess Ill put the teasing off for now.  Sonias last comment gave me some good teasing material for the future.

I cancelled my stealth skill while walking up to them.

Are the two of you calmed down now? (Luna)

Yes. (Velvet)

Yes, and please forget what I said earlier. (Soleil)

Good, then its time to go to the guild. (Luna)

We left Velvets home and took our time going to the guild since this was Soleils first time in the capital.  She was looking around everywhere with sparkles in her eyes and asking us questions about the city.  I let Velvet explain most things since she knows the city better.

Hey Velvet, when we finish everything that we can do in this city and if we have enough time, you should take Soleil to Mister Barts shop. (Luna)

Sounds good to me. (Velvet)

What is sold there? (Soleil)

Its a coffee shop.  Didnt I tell you about it before? (Luna)

I dont remember if you did or not, but it sounds interesting, so Id like to go at least once. (Soleil)

Then well do it if we have the time. (Velvet)

It sounds like you like that coffee stuff, big sis, Im surprised that you dont have any in your inventory. (Soleil)

I do have some, but I cant give any to any of you. (Luna)

Why not? (Velvet)

Because it came from the God of Coffee.  I have no idea what it would do to you. (Luna)

It doesnt do anything to you? (Soleil)

Unfortunately not, status effect immunity makes sure of that. (Luna)

How weird.  Does that mean you wont ever get drunk either? (Soleil)

I have been once, but I doubt anything under what I had at that time will do anything. (Luna)

What, when did that happen? (Velvet)

New years with Tamamo.  It was a weird feeling. (Luna)

I would have loved to see that. (Velvet)

{It was quite funny, especially when you started chasing multiple mes.}

Im glad only I heard that. (Luna)

We arrived at the guild an hour later and went inside.  I looked at the long counter and found Shuten and Ibaraki with no one with them.  I led us over there and the two of them were surprised to see us.

I didnt expect you to be back this soon. (Shuten)

Welcome back. (Ibaraki)

Yeah, we came back to get her to register and join our party. I said as I pushed Soleil forward.

Hello and welcome to the adventurers guild, Im Shuten.

My name is Ibaraki.

I am Soleil, its nice to meet you.

Ibaraki can get you registered and give you the explanation. (Shuten)

Please come over here for a bit. Ibaraki said as she led Soleil to a spot a little further away from us.

How was everything in the Celestia Kingdom? (Shuten)

Great, we even met Tomoe and she helped us a lot. (Luna)

Thats good, how is she doing? (Shuten)

Good, she has quite the nice position in the guild there. (Velvet)

She was the vice guild master, right? (Luna)

Yep. (Velvet)

Good for her, now, onto other business.  You said the Soleil over there is going to join your party, correct? (Shuten)

Yes. (Luna)

Since your party will have three members, it will need a name.  Do you have one? (Shuten)

Our partys name will be Stellaris. (Luna)

A good name.  Does it have any meaning? (Shuten)

Not at the moment. (Luna)

Shuten wrote down the name I said on a piece of paper and put it on the stack that was next to her, then looked back to us.

With this, the party Stellaris is official. (Shuten)

At that moment, Soleil and Ibaraki came back over to us.

Take a look at this, big sis. Soleil said as she showed me her guild card.

Congratulations, Soleil, youre now an adventurer. I replied as I patted her head.

Once I was done doing that, I turned back to Shuten.

Shuten, can I ask to see the guild master, there is something I need to report. (Luna)

Ill go and inform him. (Shuten)

What are you reporting, big sis? (Soleil)

What you were dealing with in regards to the kobolds in the forest close to home. (Luna)

Oh. (Soleil)

A few more minutes went by until Shuten returned.  She told us that the guild master will see us and led us to his office.  When we passed the third floor, Soleil covered her ears with a frown on her face.

Ugh.  Too loud. (Soleil)

We can go and get you something for that after this. (Velvet)

Ok. (Soleil)

We finally arrived at the guild masters office and went inside.  Vince greeted us and we all sat down on the couches in the room.

Welcome back.  I see you have increased your party size. (Vince)

We did, this is Soleil. (Luna)

Its nice to meet you. (Soleil)

The pleasure is all mine.  Now, what did you need to report? (Vince)

Its highly likely that a kobold king has appeared in the forest near the shrine village. (Luna)

That is serious, but why bring this to me instead of letting your father and his soldiers deal with it? (Vince)

Because I need it to be a quest we can take in order to get Soleils rank up faster.  There are some special circumstances that require her to get to a higher rank fast. (Luna)

I see.  I wont pry.  Ill get the documents ready, does this need to be solely extermination or investigate and exterminate if possible? (Vince)

What would be more beneficial for our circumstances? (Luna)

Investigate and exterminate if possible.  She can get to E-rank by completing the investigation, D if there is a king and she has high contribution in killing it.  After that, shell need to complete several quests and at least one bandit extermination, as well as the escort and delivery quests. (Vince)

Then well go with that.  Thanks for doing this. (Luna)

Dont mind it.  Im treating this as a thank you to you, Miss Luna. (Vince)

A thank you for what? (Luna)

For the thing you did for Lia.  You gave her a good competition in archery that she hasnt had in a while. (Vince)

That hardly requires thanks since I was the one that wanted it in the first place. (Luna)

You dont understand.  Lia is the best archer in our home, she hasnt had a good archery contest since she returned from fighting the fiends.  You are the first person since then who actually gave her a hard time and she asked me that if I ever met you, to help you out if needed. (Vince)

Guess I have to thank her for this the next time I see her then. (Luna)

Vince finished doing the required things to make this an official quest and handed us the paper.

Bring this to Shuten or Ibaraki and youll be set. (Vince)

Thanks. (Luna)

Its no problem. (Vince)

We left his office and started going back downstairs.

What were you talking about when you said special circumstances? (Soleil)

Youll get something good if you make it to B-rank in a month that will help you out in the long run.(Luna)

Ok. (Soleil)

Youre just going to go with it? (Velvet)

Its because its big sis.  If she says that it will help me in the future, it cant be bad. (Soleil)

I dont think that is a good mindset. (Velvet)

I agree, Im not perfect Soleil, not everything I say will turn out well.  It will this time due to the people involved, but dont take everything I say as an absolute good thing. (Luna)

I understand. (Soleil)

We made it downstairs and went over to Shuten and Ibaraki again.  I handed the paper Vince gave me to them and the rest went quickly.  We left the guild and went to the place I got my sound suppressing magic tools to get some for Soleil.  While we were there, she got a bit distracted by all of the nice clothes there, but she eventually bought a pair of suppressors.  We left the store and I teleported us back home to start our quest.

Author's Note:

Some fun news, we have a new cover for the novel.  This one was made by the same wonderful individual as the last one, so please thank Lulla for their contribution.  Thanks for reading.

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