I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Side Chapter 11: Pneuma's Announcement and Learned Secrets

Side Chapter 11: Pneuma's Announcement and Learned Secrets

[Pneuma POV]

The day of my appointment to crown princess has arrived and Im nervous.  At first, I was worried about Zeke hating me for taking the position that was originally his, but instead he was ecstatic.  Now, Im worried about making a fool of myself in front of the people of the country.  Most of the nobles will be here and the event will also be projected to the people outside of the castle.

Right now, Im sitting in a room next to the throne room, waiting to be called for the big moment.  Mother is also with me and is saying things that I cant hear due to the nerves.  She notices that Im not listening to her, so she stops and gives me a smile.  Seeing that, I calmed down a little.

You have nothing to worry about, Pneuma.  All you need to do is go in there, kneel in front of your father and say yes.

I know that.  The thing Im worried about is the things I have to do at the party tonight.

Youll do fine, youve been practicing your speech since that night you decided to do this.

I heard a knock on the door which was the signal for me to go.

Im off, mother.

Youll do great.

I left the room and proceeded to the big doors of the throne room.  I heard the announcer announcing my arrival and the doors swung open slowly.  Inside the throne room I could see the nobles lining up on the sides of the room.  I walked in with steady steps and proceeded towards my father.

I took several glances to the sides to watch the reactions of the nobles.  Most of them showed happy expressions, but I knew a few of them were just masks.  Once I got to the place where higher ranked nobles and foreign nobility stood, I saw Miss Luna standing there.

She was wearing a nice formal dress that reminded me of some of the ones I had.  It didnt stand out as much as the kimono she wore the night I met her, but it still made her presence known.

She gave me an encouraging smile when I passed by her, which I appreciated.  After that, I stopped in front of my father and kneeled.  He was wearing his kingly attire with his black and gold trimmed mantle.  He stood up from the throne and spoke.

I have gathered all of you here today to announce my successor.  While I dont plan on abdicating anytime soon, I figured that this is something that should not be put off.  As for my choice, I have chosen my daughter, Pneuma de Celestia.

He paused for a moment to look around the room then turned his attention to me.

Princess Pneuma, do you swear to uphold the laws and dignity of the Celestia Kingdom?


Do you swear to protect the people and ensure their prosperity in the future?


Do you swear to not back down in the face of adversity in your rule?


Then rise, Pneuma de Celestia, as the Crown Princess of the Celestia Kingdom.

I stood from my kneeling position and turned to face the crowd of nobles.

Let it be known, today the crown princess has taken her first step onto the path to the future of this kingdom!  May her reign be long and prosperous!

Once father finished his declaration, the nobles applauded and horns were blown outside, signaling the end of the ceremony.  After that, the day went by quickly and it was time for the party.

I was again waiting in a separate room from the venue.  This time, mother was joined by Aunt Nia.  They were talking about how I did earlier which made me feel a little embarrassed.

Its almost time, Pneuma.  Youll do great, just go out there confidently and no one will question you. (Nia)

Thats easy for you to say, Aunt Nia. (Pneuma)

Shes right, Pneuma.  If you go out there like your usual confident self, then no one will doubt that youre the right person to follow. (Mythra)

I took a deep breath which calmed me down.

Thank you both, I think I can do this. (Pneuma)

Of course, you can. (Mythra)

Since I still have a few minutes, can I ask if Ill see Lady Luna here tonight? (Pneuma)

Unfortunately, she has a prior arrangement tonight that take precedence over this.  However, you will get to meet her tomorrow. (Nia)

Is it too much to ask what that prior arrangement is? (Pneuma)

She gets to see her future wife tonight. (Nia)

Oh my.  Is she engaged to someone from this kingdom? (Mythra)

No, her circumstances are just complicated.  Its a part of the discussion we will have tomorrow. (Nia)

Then I look forward to tomorrow. (Pneuma)

It was then that father entered the room.

Pneuma, its time for you to enter and give your speech.

Im coming father.

I left the room with father, and we stopped at the entrance of the party hall.

Are you ready, Pneuma?

As much as I can be father.

He gave me a small smile then said; Then, let us proceed.  Give those nobles every reason they should follow you.


We entered the room to the blaring of fanfare.  Father led me onto the platform used to give announcements and the room quieted down.  I stepped up to the center and started to speak.

I thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate my becoming the crown princess.  I will ensure that the kingdom will prosper under me and that our names will be remembered throughout history.  I will make this kingdom a shining beacon that illuminates the world like the full moon that does in the sky this night.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see father make a small reaction to my words, but I didnt stop speaking.  My speech went on for a few more minutes hyping up the prosperity of the kingdom and how I was looking forward to the nobles continued support and blah blah blah.  Once I was done, I was awarded with applause and cheers of Long live Princess Pneuma.

After that, the night continued on like any other noble party.  I greeted and complimented.  There were a few more proposals than normal, but nothing that I havent handled before.  By the time the party was over, I was mentally exhausted.  When I made it to my room, I just barely managed to not fall asleep in my dress.

When I woke up the next day, I was still a bit tired, but I knew that I had an important meeting to go to.  I got up and the maids helped me get dressed.  I left my room and got some breakfast, then went to fathers office.  Just as I was about to knock on the door, it opened and father was walking out.

I see, you have perfect timing, Pneuma.  Follow me and well go and meet Lady Luna.

I simply nodded my head in agreement, and we started walking in the direction of Aunt Nias villa.  When we arrived, we were greeted by Aunt Nias butler, Bas.  He was his usual perfect butler self and led us to the most secure meeting room in the villa.  Once the door shut behind us, the anti-eavesdropping  magic tool activated.

There were several other people in the room.  Aunt Nia and Lady Luna were obviously there, but I was surprised to see mother here.  There was also one other person that I didnt know, but I assumed she had some relation to Lady Luna since she was sitting next to her.

Good morning, King Drome, Crown Princess Pneuma. (Luna)

There is no need to be formal like that Lady Luna, especially from you. (Drome)

I just thought I should show some respect. (Luna)

I was a bit confused about what was going on.  There arent many people that father talks to like he is in the lower position, but that is the feeling I got when he spoke to Lady Luna.  I looked over to him hoping he would elaborate.  He noticed my look and started to speak.

Pneuma what you are going to hear must not be spoke of outside of this room.  The information we will tell you is on the level of a national secret and only very few people in the world know this. (Drome)

To start off, do you remember what you asked me on the night of Zekes screw up? (Nia)

The question of why you spoke about multiple people judging his actions? (Pneuma)

Yes.  I worded it that way because there were two people that would have done something to Zeke if he went any further.  The first is Luna, and the other one id the Goddess of the Moon. (Nia)

When I heard this, my eyes went wide in shock and my jaw hit the floor.

Why would the Goddess of the Moon judge Zeke? (Pneuma)

{Because he was thinking of courting Luna, even though she is already mine.}

I looked around for the source of the beautiful voice, but I didnt see anyone else besides the people that were already in the room.  Just when I was going to ask who said that, I noticed the mirror floating in the middle of the table.

Now Tamamo, thats in the past, you already know I wouldnt answer him in the first place. (Luna)

{Thats true.}

Hearing this, I put the pieces together.

So, Lady Luna is engaged to the Goddess of the Moon? (Pneuma)

Yes. (Drome)

Lady Luna turned the mirrors face to me, and I saw the image of a woman that held the beauty of a goddess.  From what I could see in the mirror, she had long silver hair and shining golden eyes.

{There are a lot of other things about Luna you will learn today, but I ask that you remain her friend.}

Of course. I replied instantly.

The goddess smiled at my reply and Aunt Nia spoke.

Pneuma, eventually Luna will also become a goddess and she will become the patron god of this country.  When that happens, you will be required to work with the shrine she blesses to ensure that we uphold the values she wants us to. (Nia)

Ill say it right now that I dont plan on changing much at the moment. (Luna)

I understand, when that time comes, Ill do my best. (Pneuma)

Fufufufu.  You dont need to be so nervous, Pneuma.  For the time being Im still mortal, so this is all talk for the future. (Luna)

I get that, its just a lot of information to take in.  Im also relieved that I steeped in when I did the first day we met.  I dont want to imagine what Zeke would have gone through. (Pneuma)

I wouldnt have physically harmed him.  Just trapped him in an illusion temporarily. (Luna)

{I would have used some light gravity magic to make him shorter, nothing more.}

Thats only something you can do after three mess ups, not two. (Velvet)

{Yes Velvet.}

Not you too Goddess. (Velvet)

The only person I didnt know got flustered when Lady Luna and the Goddess jokingly replied to her.

Anyway, do you have any questions, Pneuma? (Luna)

Hmm.  Why become an adventurer? (Pneuma)

Because I need to get stronger if I want to become a goddess and join Tamamo.  Thats also part of the reason why Im trying to clear the dungeon here. (Luna)

Im curious about that as well.  Though I have no problem with you being in this country, why did you need to specifically go to this dungeon? (Drome)

That has to do with who I was in my past life and the reason that I was the one to execute the two mongrels a month ago. (Luna)

At this point I was lost again, but it seems like father knew what Lady Luna was talking about.

So, you were the one that was killed in the dungeon? (Drome)

Yep, and it was not pleasant.  Who would think spears impaling you from every angle would be a good trap?  But thats also in the past and Im over it now. (Luna)

We all talked a bit more when father said he needed to get to work soon.  I was going to go with him in order to learn how to do what he does.

Before I go, I must ask where you will be going next, Lady Luna? (Drome)

Im thinking the demon empire.  There are several things there that I want to take care of, but that is a long way off from now.  By the time I want to take care of the most important thing over there I want to have five tails, but I currently only have two. Is what she said while taking off the necklace she was wearing, revealing a second tail that was the same as the other one.

When I saw the number of tails increased, I understood the reason Zeke wanted to pet them.  Just by seeing them I was tempted to drop all pretense and bury my hands and face into the fluff.

{Luna, you should put the necklace back on.  The crown princess is being drawn in.}

So, its starting to happen through sight now? (Luna)

{You did go up a level recently, I think it will get more effective the stronger you get.}

But it was just one level. (Luna)

{Think of it this way, Luna.  Your first tail reached full abyss level already and the more levels you get with your second tail the closer it is to the level of your first tail.}

So, youre saying that my second tail is only at abyss level two? (Luna)


Goddess, once Luna gets even more tails, will we need to upgrade the illusion item she is wearing? (Velvet)

{No, it should work fine enough, though if thats not good enough you could always add some things to it.}

If you want, I have some adamantite tags that would fit that necklace.  You can enchant them as needed. (Nia)

How many do you have? (Luna)

I have five. (Nia)

If each tag hid one tail, then including the necklace that hides one, I would still be one short of hiding every tail but one. (Luna)

I could give you one more tag like Aunt Nia is talking about. (Pneuma)

You can? (Nia)

Why are you surprised by that Nia?  You know that Pneuma has always looked up to you.  She got those a little after you did so that she could copy you. (Mythra)

Mother!  You didnt have to say that in front of all these people! (Pneuma)

Of course, I did.  Its a mothers privilege to embarrass their child in front of their friends. (Mythra)

This made everyone laugh and my face to turn red.  After a few minutes something dawned upon Lady Luna.  She looked over to her friend and asked.

Please tell me my mom didnt do that when I wasnt around Velvet. (Luna)

She didnt. (Velvet)

{Shes saying that because thats what you told her to say.}

Lady Luna looked at Miss Velvet with dead eyes.

Now calm down Luna, I was just joking. (Velvet)

Lady Luna didnt say anything and just moved her tail across Miss Velvets hands.  In that instant Miss Velvet stopped moving.

You will tell me what she told you later, then you will forget it.  Is that clear? (Luna)


{Wasnt that a bit excessive, Luna?}

Youre no better.  Anytime Atmos tries to tell me any of your embarrassing stories, you immediately send her to the Atmos isolation room. (Luna)


*Sigh*  You almost made it not breaking the serious atmosphere, Luna. (Nia)

Father and I left after having a laugh with everyone.

So, what do you think, Pneuma?

The future seems to be bright, with someone like that becoming our patron goddess.

I agree.

Author's Note:

Atmos: Tch. I didn't get to see Tamamo getting pampered.

That will happen in the next chapter, I wanted to get the secrets revealed now so I don't have to give them a Luna POV chapter.

Atmos: Want to focus on the diabetes inducing stuff without serious undertones?


Atmos: I respect that.

By the way, I heard you liked to cake people in the face before.  Where did you get that inspiration?

Atmos: From a certain Ice Goddess.  I though it was hilarious, so I imitated her, though I'll never reach her mastery, I still strive to prank like her one day.

I guess I should give you Authority over Pranks in this novel then.

Atmos: Really!

Why not?  I don't have any plans to make a god of pranks since you already fulfill that role.

Atmos: It seems my Dao has progresses quite well then.

Hey! This isn't that kind of novel!

Atmos: It was just a joke.

And I was playing the straightman to your joke.

Atmos: And you did a damn good job.


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