I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 168: Change 14

Chapter 168: Change 14

Everyone was surprised by the announcement.

The broadcaster that broadcast the press conference live on the television was also surprised.

The viewers in their homes didnt know how to react to the news, especially the German citizens.

However, they were a bit glad. If Akasa Naomi was appointed as the Lieutenant General of Germany, didnt that mean she would protect the country?

Even though all people were surprised by the news, there was one person who got surprised the most.

It was Naomi herself.

What is this? They never told me about this! I was appointed as the Lieutenant General?

There was no talk about it.

She was not told about it. And Ingrid just announced it casually.

But, as the leader of the Moon of Akasha, Naomi had an image to uphold.

She smiled full of confidence even though she was confused. She tried to glance at someone who could cause this situation, Melaine.

When she glanced at Melaine, she was waving her hand at her with an innocent smile. That smile was enough for Naomi to know, it was that pervert who asked Ingrid to appoint Naomi as the Lieutenant General of Germanys military.

Busybody, I just wanted to get back at the Esper Association for Brainwashing Mischa. Now I have more responsibility to keep the country safe. But well, at least it will keep me from getting bored while slowly destroying the Esper Association and building another organization to replace the Esper Association.

Mischa was also surprised and looked at Naomi. She asked Naomi with her eyes, Do you know about this?

Naomi noticed Mischas gaze and understood what she wanted to ask as, Are you sure you wanted to be the Lieutenant General, huh? It sounds fun, so why not?

It was a misunderstanding, but Naomi nodded her head at Mischa.

Mischas body flinched a little, but then she regained her composure and looked at the reporters in front of her.

Marshal Ingrid, I have a question!

One of the reporters, the one with the ability to detect any lie, Rodiguez, raised his hand.

Fine, what is your question? Answered Ingrid.

Rodiguez nodded his head in gratitude.

Will Akasa Naomi get the authority to move Germanys military?

Because of the announcement earlier, almost everyone forgot the most important thing.

Did Akasa Naomi get the authority to move the military?

If that was the case, then Germanys military was as good as joining the Moon of Akashas side.

It was not Akasa Naomi being appointed as the Lieutenant General that was important, it was whether Akasa Naomi had the authority to move the military was the important one.

The reporters gulped in anticipation. They looked at Ingrid who slowly brought the microphone near her mouth.

Of course Ingrid was about to answer the question with a smile on her face, but another voice interrupted her.

I dont.

It was Naomi. Although the position of Lieutenant General sounded fun, Naomi didnt want the responsibility that followed along with the position.

I will only have the authority to move my own organization. I wont have authority over Germanys military.

She hates something troublesome. Her organization was enough, she didnt want to bother with the military.

She could leave them to her subordinates, but if someone like Melaine took control of the military, she didnt know what would happen.

Although Naomi didnt use any microphone, her voice was able to reach all reporters clearly.

They sighed in relief and Rodiguez nodded his head after he knew that Naomi didnt tell any lies.

Thank you for the answer.

Ingrid was glancing at Naomi, lowered the microphone, and muttered.

Are you sure? You can move the army as you like, you know?

Naomi nodded her head a little.

I know. Even though I have no authority to move the army, its better like that. A lot of people still hate me and are afraid of me, so its better if I have no authority in the military for now. If they know and understand me better, they will certainly follow me on their own accord.

Naomis answer made Ingrid realize something. She didnt hate Naomi, but she was indeed still afraid of her power.

She smiled a little and looked back at the reporters.

I guess thats true.


Mischa, who heard everything, was thinking of something.

So Naomi did have her mind on that. She knew that she was hated, but she still forced herself to do this. How about me? I said that I will look at Naomi, but Im no different than a hypocrite if I only follow my ideal.

She looked at Naomi with a tinge of sad expression in her eyes.

Mischa didnt know what Naomi felt. She was hated, and all people were afraid of her power.

That was the reason why Naomi hid her identity in the first place. But, she heard something from Melaine and Rekka before she went to Germany.

Naomi took off Mugetsus mask because of her.

Rekka told her that Naomi lost control of her ability and got angry. The reason why Naomi got angry was simple.

It was because of me.

She got angry when she realized the brainwash that the Esper Association planted.

It was me who made her resolution to destroy the Esper Association become firm.

Because she was Naomis friend.

And it was also me who made her take her mask off

Because Naomi wanted to destroy the Esper Association as Mischas friend.

I need to get my resolution too. I need to stop making excuses. I will

And so Mischa arrived at her decision.

I will help Naomi.

All of it was because of one reason.

Because I am her friend.


Naomi didnt realize what happened inside Mischas mind.

She was happy that she got the position with no problem, and she got no responsibility for the army.

I dont need to work on any documents anymore!

Her position as Akasa Inc.s manager also ended that day.

She was now free, and she could focus on one thing.

Now, I think it is time.

Naomi suddenly looked up and saw something beyond the cloud with her enhanced sight.

She smiled and then she said.

It seems the fireworks have arrived at the perfect time.

She extended her right hand to the sky, ignoring the confused people around her.

However, Ingrid, Mizuki, and Tetsuma understood what she meant by fireworks.

Mischa also understood about it, hence they looked at the sky.

The cloud in the sky parted as if God had blessed them.

But, it was Naomi who parted the sky. She used her Telekinesis to look at the sky better, without any cloud to hinder her sight.

When the cloud was cleared, 5 trailing clouds of smoke could be seen in the sky.

Everyone then understood what Naomi meant by fireworks.

Are you kidding me, thats fucking nukes! The reporter who saw the nukes in the sky shouted and then panic ensued.

Dont worry, you are safe.

Naomis voice was loud enough to be heard. The panic stopped in an instant, and they looked at Naomi with hope in their eyes.

That was right, there was that girl in this place.

As I am here to protect all of you. Said Naomi with a confident smile on her face.

The strongest Esper in the world was there, standing in front of them.

She was a fearsome enemy.

But as an ally...

She was the most reliable one.

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