I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 193: Prelude to War 9

Chapter 193: Prelude to War 9

Mischa and Hotaru teleported right in front of the door of the meeting room.

There was an unusually tense atmosphere in the base. The usually quiet base was now busy. There were a lot of people running around.

Some of them were wearing suits, and some of them were wearing scientist coats.

They looked like they were being chased by something. They had a frown on their faces as a result of being worried over something.

The base is busy, huh? Muttered Hotaru.

Well, they are at war with the Esper Association I guess this much is as expected?

Eh? War? Surprised, Hotaru exclaimed loudly.

Mischa looked at Hotaru and let out a short voice, Ah

She forgot that Hotaru had been outside for a while, and no one had told her yet. She scratched the back of her head.

Well, you will be briefed in the meeting later, maybe? Lets just enter for now. I think the others are waiting for us.

Mischa turned into the meeting room.

Inside, several Espers pressures were already there, including Melaines and Rekkas.

With her enhanced hearing, Mischa could hear what they were talking about.

What is that girl doing, standing outside the meeting room? Melaine grumbled to no one in particular.

Dont be like that, Melaine. You know that Mischa is Princess best friend, right? Maybe shes still shocked and couldnt handle the fact that Princess has disappeared? responded Chi.

Or maybe this Mischa is afraid to enter the room? She never met any of us besides Melaine and Rekka after all. The voice that belonged to Hyun-Woo joked around.

Oh? I met her already though. Replied Chi. I even talked to her for a while on Avos Island.

Eh? Hyun-Woo was surprised. So the only one who never met her is me?

Yes, only the middle-aged Lee Hyun-Woo is the one who never met Mischa Belyaeva.

Arrgh! Shut up, Hyun-Woo! Chi! I am worried about Princess, and yet both of you are joking around?! Melaine couldnt bear their exchanges again and yelled at both Chi and Hyun-Woo.

Both of them turned silent right after. Satisfied, Melaine nodded her head before turning her gaze toward the door across from her.

Hey, Mischa! I know that you are eavesdropping! Just enter, and lets start the meeting!

The door was opened at Melaines words. Mischa and Hotaru appeared behind the door.

Mischa was looking at Melaine as she scratched her neck while Hotaru waved her hand to Melaine casually.

A-ahaha, hello Mischa greeted Melaine and the others awkwardly.

Sit on the chairs. We will begin our meeting. Chi had already ordered the other to prepare for war, so its just the six of us. Melaine briefly explained.

Mischa and Hotaru sat on the chairs beside Chi.

As soon as they sat on the chair, Melaine put on a serious face as she rested her chin on her hands.

Now, we have a lot of concerns regarding this war. The most important thing that needs to be investigated as soon as possible is the location of the executives of the Esper Association and finding Lady Naomi, who disappeared suddenly.

Right, we only know that Princess is trying to find the executives. So if we find them before Princess, we can help Princess. Remarked Rekka.

Umm Hotaru quietly raised her hand to gain their attention, but then Hyun-Woo interrupted her with a shout.

So its decided! Then why are we holding this meeting?

I need to tell you about the executives ability. So I asked Rekka to hold this meeting. Melaine answered Hyun-Woo.

Umm! Hotaru raised her voice a little, but then Chi interrupted her.

I see we need to get ready before going to war.

Yes, thats correct. Nodded Melaine.

Umm can you listen to me? Hotaru chimed in, but she was ignored again.

Hmm, I think we need to find Princess too when we are locating the executives of the Esper Association. Suggested Rekka.

Thats true. I wanted to find Avos location on top of that. If we can locate him and render him useless, then the war is easy. But, its as you said. Princess location is important. If we at least know where she was located in the last 10 minutes, it would be helpful. Answered Melaine.

Finally, after being ignored three times, she lost her temper and slammed the table with her hands.

Hey! I already said Umm three times! For gods sake, please listen to me!

The attention finally focused on Hotaru.

Mischa just smiled wryly as she looked at Hotaru. She wanted to tell them her opinion, but the conversations seemed to be really important, so as a newcomer, she just listened quietly.

That was why she was a bit amazed by Hotaru, who was brave enough to slam the table in front of them.

Naomis location I met her a few minutes ago. Maybe its not 10 minutes, but I certainly spotted her after she disappeared from the base because Mischa was trying to find her too!

What? Melaine could only ask stupidly.

Are you sure? Chi asked seriously.

Of course! I met her when I was in Avos School after I handed in my resignation letter.

T-Then Do you know where she is going? Asked Melaine. There was happiness in her tone that she couldnt contain.

She finally got a clue about Naomis whereabouts.

Although Naomi had just disappeared around 40 minutes ago, she was worried sick about her. Her reason for being worried was because she knew Avos ability.

It was a fearsome ability that even Naomi couldnt beat.

If she was able to control Time, then Avos was able to control space.

He could teleport easily, and worse yet he could slice a space.

From what she knew about him, he wouldnt even hesitate to kill Naomi if they met again. The only one who could beat Avos would be Mischa, the one who could cancel Espers ability.

But, the clue that she got instantly turned out to be useless as Hotaru shook her head with a sad expression.

I dont know Naomi had already left when we got there, and the only person who saw her was now still fainted.

Oh She couldnt say anything else.

Naomi could fly faster than a jet plane. Locating her without a definite path was impossible.

However, not all hope was lost.

Ring Ring

Mischas holo phone rang; someone had called her.

The attention immediately turned to Mischa, who hurriedly took out her holo phone.

She was about to reject the call and turned off her phone, but her hand froze when she saw the caller.

Mischa can you turn off your phone for a second? We are in an important meeting here. Requested Melaine.

However, Mischa ignored her. She just raised her hand at Melaine and took the call.

Melaine, who was worried sick and had trouble keeping her emotions, shouted at Mischa angrily.


But Mischa just put her finger in front of her mouth.

Melaine was angry. She was about to jump to Mischa to snatch her phone, but then Mischa spoke.

Yeah thanks, Topaz.

Hearing the name Topaz, Melaine regained her calm.

Could it be? She muttered in a low tone.

She knew Topaz. She was a reporter from the Garcia family.

If someone was asked who had the biggest information network, then he would answer Garcia family.

After all, the Garcia family had one of the biggest streaming platforms in the world as well as dozens of reporters who were spread around the whole world.

I got some information. It seems that Naomi headed West after she was spotted in Avos School. She was last spotted in Avos School 15 minutes and 24 seconds ago.

West?! Chi immediately opened her holo phone and calculated Naomis flying speed.

After a few seconds, she smiled and put her holo phone on the table.

Princess is now around the middle-east if she didnt stop flying for even a second

Middle-East? Which country? Asked Rekka.

Chi stared at him and answered, According to my calculation She's in Egypt.

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