I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 116: Brother! You have to help me, brother please!

Chapter 116: Brother! You have to help me, brother please!

6: Brother! You have to help me, brother please!

Touching Ding Ruilongs woman and daughter was only a small part of what Wu Chen had to do. Wu Chen not only wanted to make Ding Ruilongs betrayal before death worse than death, but also make the towering tree that guarded Ding Ruilong crash!

Dont admit it? Wu Chen said with a smile in his tone, When you were caught by Li Ruotai, didnt you tell all the shit that Ding Ruilong arranged for you? Its sold, youre doing a great job!

You The other party wanted to say something.

I really dont know where you got the courage to take both. By the way, how is the transfer of your assets abroad? Is it done? Is it difficult? There was no sound from the phone.

Wu Chen waited patiently.

The Lamborghini came out of the basement and quickly drove onto the main road.

What do you want? The other party finally spoke, as if he had adjusted his mood, his tone was low and unwavering, and he asked very directly.

Lets meet up. You decide the place and the time, Wu Chen said.

He knew that with the cautious character of the other party, if he set the time and place, the other party would not come out, and some things had to be discussed in person before they could be explained.

The other party was silent for a while and then said, Let me make arrangements, wait for my call.

The other party hung up after finishing speaking.

Wu Chen put away his phone, stepepd on the accelerator again, and rushed directly to Dongcheng District.

Although the time and place hadnt been decided yet, Wu Chen knew that the other party would set up a time and place to meet him soon, and Wu Chen could even infer where the other party would invite him.

He just drove over there.


Wu Chens cell phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and looked at it, frowned slightly with a smile, then answered the phone and said, What? Missed me just after I left?

The call was from Li Ruobing, and Wu Chen had only been downstairs for a few minutes.

Lu Guangnian called me just now, and it has something to do with you, Li Ruobing said quietly, not answering Wu Chens teasing.

Oh? Whats the matter? Wu Chen raised his eyebrows.

He didnt say anything, but he just greeted me and said he would borrow you from me Li Ruobing said in a strange tone.

Wu Chen was her boyfriend and still worked in her company, and Lu Guangnian knew her better, so its no problem to give her a call.

What Li Ruobing found strange was Lu Guangnian was so capable, why should he ask Wu Chen for anything?

If its eating and drinking to thank him for the last time, it must be for them both, not just looking for Wu Chen.

Although the conversation with Lu Guangnian was very short, Li Ruobing could tell from Lu Guangnians faltering tone that he and Wu Chen discussed something!

Well, I see.

What is he looking for from you?

What do you think?

I dont want to talk about it.

Li Ruobing hung up after finishing speaking.

Wu Chen glanced at the phone screen with a smile, and a few seconds later, the phone rang again. Wu Chen sent a text message to Lu Guangnian. It was Wu Chen who sent him the address of his first love, so Lu Guangnian had Wu Chens number.

Boss Lu, business is booming, Wu Chen answered.

Finally got through, brother. Do you have time? Lets go out and have lunch together? Lu Guangnian directly invited Wu Chen to dinner.

Dinner I have something to do. Wu Chen said, Boss Lu, is it very important?

Its all right, I just want to thank you. Hahaha, its all thanks to you! Without you, I would have let that bitch fool me. Brother, you saved my family and life, so I have to have a meal to thank you Lu Guangnian laughed.

It could be heard that his mood was not suppressed. He laughed and called Liu Caixiu a bitch. In just a few days, he already walked out of the haze of his wife murdering for money and his son being someone else!

Normally, he wouldnt do this.

Normally, no one would do this! When encountering this kind of thing, you may not be able to get out of it for several months or even years. Because of this kind of thing, your personality will change drastically, and you may even hate women and stop trusting people. It was possible!

But Lu Guangnian came out of it quickly.

Its not because of how abnormally strong he was inside.

Its just he had a replacement! A bigger good thing was enough to dilute the negative impact of a big bad thing.

Not to mention, first love was always the most memorable.

You dont need to thank me. Just because of the relationship between me, Boss Lu, Ruobing and Tai, I should help you, Wu Chen said with a smile.

Dont! Brother! One yard counts for one yard! Feelings are feelings, and thanks are still to be thanked. Where are you brother? You decide where to eat, and I can go to you, Lu Guangnian said hastily.

Boss Lu, arent you busy? Wu Chen said with a deeper smile in his tone.

From the moment Lu Guangnian called, Wu Chen knew that he was busy! Because normally, he should be busy recovering his first love and son these few days, how could he have time to thank others?

This Brother

Did Ma Huifang beat you out? Ma Jiawei doesnt recognize you as a father, does he? Wu Chen asked Lu Guangnian again.

This brother, you really know everything. Lu Guangnian admitted with a wry smile.

Wu Chen was silent for a while.

Today he has to run some errands, and he called just now, so if he changed his plan temporarily its not impossible!

As for todays matter, he must use Li Ruobings power to achieve a check and balance effect.

Lu Guangnian called suddenly.

Then borrowing Li Ruobings power and Lu Guangnians power at the same time, the effect should be better

Okay, where shall we eat? Wu Chen asked.

Okay, okay, can we go to Yuefulou? Brother, is it convenient for you? Lu Guangnian asked.

Ill drive there now, Wu Chen said.

Okay! Brother, what do you like to eat? Ill let them prepare first

Whatever you want, it doesnt matter what we eat

Okay, okay, then I He said a few more words and hung up the phone.

After crossing the intersection ahead, Wu Chen changed his route and headed towards Yuefulou in the west city!

After more than ten minutes

Wu Chen was still on his way to Yuefulou.


the phone rang again, this time, it was the person Wu Chen had called downstairs just now and called back again.

One hour later, east of the city, Shudao Cafe, The other party said directly in a deep voice.

I have something to do, so Ill be there later. Wu Chen hung up immediately after finishing speaking.

After another ten minutes.

At Yuefulou Hotel, Wu Chen took care of the car. When he entered the door and saw the welcoming lady coming, he said directly, I have an appointment with Boss Lu. Mr. Wu, please go upstairs.

Followed up to the third floor, It was not until the door of the innermost private room that the welcoming lady left. Not all hotel restaurants had this kind of service of personally leading the way, and the place where Lu Guangnian treated guests to dinner, how could it be an ordinary place.

Wu Chen pushed the door and went in.

There was not only Lu Guangnian in the room, but also two of his assistants and bodyguards.

No food was officially served on the big round table, only tea.

Brother is here, Seeing Wu Chen coming in, Lu Guangnian stood up immediately, greeted Wu Chen warmly, and signaled to the others. Go.

His bodyguards and assistants all went out.

Lu Guangnian sat down warmly in front of Wu Chen.

Boss Lu, dont be like this. Dont act like an outsider, just speak up if you have something to say Wu Chen sat down and asked with a smile, Whats the situation now? Is it completely dead?

Oh, brother, you dont know. Look look at my head Lu Guangnian got excited when he mentioned it, he even stroked his short hair, and leaned over for Wu Chen to see.

He had an injury on his head, not very serious, and his nails were big, but because the scabs were very dark and his hair was black, he couldnt see it unless he looked closely.

Did your first love hit you? Wu Chen looked at him and asked.

Thats right! They threw things at me to drive me away, and even threw me with a teacup. Its just a teacup you say. Im humbled I After Lu Guangnian finished speaking, he held on tightly again.

He held Wu Chens hand and said, Brother! You have to help me! I beg you, brother! We are all friends, right? I have a relationship with Tai and Ruobing, you can do something right? Brother If you can make her mother recognize me, you can make me do anything in the future, like true brother

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