I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 188 He Was Like A Brother To Me [1]

I couldn't sleep last night… or the four nights before that, for that matter. 

It's been five days since I read those journals and discovered what was written in the last diary.

To say the least, it was a horrifying experience.

Look, it's not every day that you find yourself transmigrated to a fantasy world. 

There are no instruction manuals for these types of things. 

It's my first time in a situation like this and I don't even know what to think now.

That entry was definitely written by Lucas—the original Lucas. However, it was intended for me— Noah— to read. 

But what does that imply? 

Did Lucas know about everything that is happening? Did he know that I would be transmigrated into his body? 

But how could he have known? He was just a side villain in the novel. 

But then again, I can't even fully trust the novel. I also can't trust the memories I acquired from him.

So, what can I trust? 

How can I solve this mystery? 

According to the entry, Lucas will answer all my questions when the time comes. 

Should I wait for that to happen? 

Nonsense. I can't wait after learning something like that. Besides, I don't even know if that entry was truly written by Lucas.

I mean, if I really can't trust anything, how am I supposed to trust those journals? 

Fuck! One mystery after another!

Ugh, I hate this. I hate problem-solving and uncovering mysteries. It was never my preferred genre.


Okay, me, calm down. Every problem I have is related to uncovering Lucas' true identity.

It's safe to say that much like Kai, Lucas was a character who wasn't fully portrayed in the novel.

He had a deeper, hidden side to him that was never brought to light in the story because he managed to hide it somehow.

Learning about Kai's origin and discovering how he managed to keep his real self hidden in the novel is easy. 

All I have to do is give him a good beating until he tells me everything.

But unlike Kai, I can't beat Lucas to get my answers. 

Why? Because I am Lucas! Beating myself won't solve a damn thing!

That leaves me with only one option. I must go to Wolfshire and personally investigate this matter there.

Similar to the intuition I had about not opening those journals, I have a strong gut feeling that I'll find something significant if I go to Wolfshire.

Call it this body's instincts or whatever.

That's it then. I had already planned to go there, but after the King's Tournament, I'm heading straight to Lucas' home.

Once there, I'll closely investigate what led him to such a drastic change. I'll solve all the mysteries that have been pestering me since I arrived in this world, all at once.


Just as my mind was engulfed in such thoughts, a forceful kick slammed into my chest, launching me through the air.



A pained groan escaped my lips as my body struck the matted floor, coming to a halt with a crash landing.

"Master!" I grimaced, clutching my chest as I struggled to rise to my feet. "I asked you to take it easy. My semester exams are starting today. What if I end up breaking my hand or something?"

"I'll give you a healing potion," Leo retorted in an 'isn't that obvious' tone.


Once again, I was left utterly speechless by the sheer cruelty of his mindset.

Just because he can fix me, he deems it acceptable to break my limbs! 

I'm not an expert on the subject of the master and disciple relationship, but isn't a master supposed to be gentle and nurturing toward their disciple?!

"And besides, I was going easy on you," Leo stated matter-of-factly. "It's your mind that's clouded with uneasy thoughts. Is something bothering you?"

"...I guess," I muttered, looking down at my feet.

Right now, it was around 5:46 AM, and I found myself in the Training Hall with Leo. 

We were engaged in unarmed combat, going through our routine training.

These days, I've been with Leo on a daily basis. In fact, I sometimes train even when I'm not with him.

It's strange, really. 

I'm starting to like training, which is rather concerning since my defining characteristic is laziness.

If I'm not lazy anymore, then what am I? Aside from genius, rich, and handsome that is.

Anyway, most of my time is now spent with Leo. He has been teaching me various things since we returned from our isolated mountain training.

My understanding of him has also grown significantly.

Apparently, he's not as indifferent and callous as he was depicted in the novel.

I mean, he still is, but he doesn't treat me that way for whatever reason.

He has a dry sense of humor, the kind that often leaves you questioning whether he's joking or being serious.

He's also incredibly wise, intelligent, and sharp. He's obsessed with looking cool, and that vibe has started rubbing off on me. Plus, he absolutely despises early mornings.

Sometimes, during our morning training sessions, he just falls asleep right in the middle of our training. 

It's pretty pathetic to admit but even when he's sleeping right in front of me, I can't manage to land a hit on him.

"Tell me about it," Leo said, offering his assistance. "Maybe I can help you out."

"I doubt it, Master," I replied, shaking my head. "I don't think anyone can help me out of the predicament I currently find myself in."

Leo stared at me with an incredulous expression. "Yeah, okay, listen, my dear disciple," he said. 

"I have slain a dragon, defeated armies single-handedly, split oceans, and torn apart mountains. They call me a God! Do you really think I can't help with whatever teenage problem you're having?"

"...Master, are you seriously bragging right now?" I asked, with a look of disbelief on my face.

"N-No?" he stammered, averting his gaze.

He definitely was! He definitely was bragging! This bastard!

"But seriously, tell me about it," Leo pressed.

I let out a sigh, contemplating whether or not to tell him about everything. 

After pondering about it for a moment, a thought crossed my mind.

"Alright, I'll tell you," I agreed. "But first, can you answer one question for me?"

Leo wiped his face with a towel and tossed one to me. "Sure, go ahead," he said. "Ask whatever you want."

I hesitated before continuing, "I overheard some people saying that you were once an ally of the Morningstar family. Is it true?"

A faint frown appeared on Leo's face as he looked at me. 

"Yeah, it's true," he confirmed. "But it's not some big secret or anything. I was your father's comrade. You should have known about it."

"No, I didn't," I shook my head.

The frown deepened on Leo's face. "Wait, don't tell me... your father never talks about me?"

"He doesn't," I replied sincerely.

"...Ha! Haha… Ahahaha!" Leo's expression suddenly shifted and he burst into a fit of erratic laughter like a lunatic.

"Um, master... are you alright?" I inquired, concerned.

"That bastard," Leo said, his laughter subsiding. "I'll kill him. I'll definitely kill him when I see him again."

"Master, calm down a little, will you? If it helps, my father never really talked to me much anyway!" I approached Leo, beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

Leo let out a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I see. It's alright. But when I meet that bastard again, you might lose a father."

"Sure," I shrugged. "So, what's the story here?"

Leo hesitated for a moment after hearing my question before letting out another sigh.

"Alright," he said. "But let's go somewhere else first."

"Now?" I frowned. "It's almost 6:00 AM, Master. I have my first-semester exam in six hours."

"Perfect," Leo shrugged, making his way towards the exit of the training hall. "That gives us six more hours to train."

"Huh?!" I exclaimed, following behind him. "Master, I've barely had any time to study because of our trip. Are you trying to make me fail the written exams?"

"It's fine, it's fine," he waved his hand dismissively. "Written exams don't mean a damn thing in the real world."

"But they do in this academy! I want to improve my rank!"

Harsh gusts of wind whipped across my face, carrying with it a scorching heat that intensified under the blazing sun. 

The air itself seemed to waver and distort due to heat. As I scanned the horizon, my vision was met only with vast stretches of sand dunes.

Not a single soul was in sight.

"Master, are we in the Great Deserts of the Eastern Continent?" I inquired, seeking confirmation from the tall figure standing beside me.

"Yes, indeed we are," Leo responded, his voice carrying a tinge of excitement.

"...Why?" I couldn't help but ask. 

Leo, with his fiery red hair tied into a bun and contrasting against the desert backdrop, let out a snigger, as if finding amusement in what was about to come my way.

"Why else?" he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he removed his Dougi. "Let's train."

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