I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 197 First Day Of The King's Tournament


Name→ Lucas Morningstar

Race→ Human [Phoenix Gene]


Strength→ 292 [+200]

Endurance→ 308 [+200]

Speed→ 299 [+200]

Stamina→ 324 [+200]

Accuracy→ 288 [+200]

Charm→ 485 [+45]

Intelligence→ 188

Mana Capacity→ 1500/1500 [+500]


Mana Core Rank→ Bronze 2 [↑ Bronze 1]

Mana Core Potential→ Mythical [↑ Gold 3]

Professions→ Spearman Lvl. 3 [+1] || Archer Lvl. 2



››Weapon Arts: 

•Thousand Falling Lightning Needle Strike (Lvl. 1) [100%]

•6-Movement Lance Style: Blossom Shattering Blast (Lvl. 3) [97%]

•12 Movements Scarlet Demon Devouring Art (Lvl. 4) [72%]

››Combat Arts:

•Soul Smashing Killer Fist (Lvl. 2) [75%]

››Breathing Technique

•Breath Of Vitality

»Movement Art

•Mirage Walk [87%]


Affinity→ Fire » Lightning || Light

Spells→ Fireball ⟨Low⟩ || Zap Touch ⟨Low⟩ || Fire Lance ⟨High⟩

Blessing→ Mana Burst 

Possessions→ Phoenix's Embrace ⟨Semi-Divine⟩ || Editor's Pen ⟨Divine⟩ || The Bringer Of Lost Flames ⟨Legendary⟩

Edit Points: 435


As I gazed upon my new status screen, a wide grin of excitement formed on my face.

Over the past couple of days, I didn't have enough time to thoroughly inspect my status screen.

I simply checked my Mana Core potential and moved on— training with my master, taking care of Sera, and making plans for the King's Tournament.

You see, when Sera hatched from her egg, the intense pain I experienced was due to my Mana Core breaking down in my body, only to rebuild itself anew.

Once my soul wavelength synchronized with Sera's, my Mana Core potential surged to match her Mythical rank.

Now I don't need to bother about cultivating my mana core anymore. As long as Sera keeps growing, so will I.

An additional advantage in all of this is the significant growth in my physical stats. I feel exceptionally strong and agile.

All of these changes are because of the appearance of the ‹Phoenix Gene› beside my ‹Human› stat.

You see, when a human syncs their soul with a mana beast, they acquire a beast factor.

In essence, when their soul suddenly changes wavelength, it impacts the human body, leading to an abnormality in their genetic composition.

This abnormality grants them a substantial boost in physical attributes, but that's not its sole power.

By training and mastering the beast factor, humans can tap into their beast gene and draw out unfathomable power—a state known as Beast Mode.

In Beast Mode, humans gain access to some of the abilities possessed by their respective beasts.

For instance, as a user of the Phoenix Gene like myself may possess the ability to create and manipulate fire without any limitations. 

Similarly, someone with the Shadow Cat Gene, like William, would be able to control shadows in his beast mode.

However, all of that is still ahead of me. 

Based on my calculations, I won't be able to use Beast Mode until next year, judging the rate at which Sera is growing.

Which is perfectly fine. At the moment, I don't have any immediate need for that level of strength.

By this time next year, I'll already be six months into my second year… and that's when the real challenges and difficulties will begin to arise.

"What are you thinking, eh bro?"

Kent's voice interrupted my deep thoughts as he playfully nudged my stomach with his elbow.

Startled, I was snapped back to reality. "Nothing much."

This blue-haired elven friend of mine had just returned from one of the food stalls, carrying two large tubs of popcorn and cold drinks.

Hmm? Where are we, you ask? 

Well, as I've mentioned before, the campus of the Global Academy has five towering skyscrapers.

Right in the middle of the pentagon created by the arrangement of these skyscrapers is a grand castle.

This castle is home for those in the Cadet Council and the Disciplinary Committee during their academy years.

At the heart of this grand castle is a colossal stadium, known as the King's Arena. 

It is within this very arena that the annual King's Tournament takes place.

And right now, that's precisely where we were at—in the King's Arena.

You see, the King's Tournament is not just a competition to determine the next Cadet Council president. 

It's a little more than that.

Today is the day of graduation for the third-year cadets.

Yeah, I know it's not the end of the year yet, but the third-year course only lasts for six months.

After graduation, they'll be sent off to different Military Units all over the world for the rest of the six months as a sort of internship.

Then, at the end of the year, depending on how they perform during their time in their assigned Military Units, they'll either be deployed to the front lines or strategic divisions.

So yeah, all the third-year cadets will be leaving the academy in seven days—except for the Cadet Council and the Disciplinary Committee, of course.

Those guys don't need to prove themselves anymore. They've already shown they're elites. 

They'll stay at the academy for the rest of the academic year and oversee the new cadets who are in line to take over their positions.

That's why most cadets try to aim for a spot in the Cadet Council or the Disciplinary Committee. 

It's a way to delay their military service, even if it's just for a little while.

So basically the King's Tournament is a grand event that marks the graduation of the third-year cadets.

For a span of seven days, various games are held to entertain the third-year cadets. It serves as a remarkable send-off as their time at the academy comes to a close. 

What's even more impressive is that the entire event is broadcasted live, reaching audiences all around the world.

And right now, on the first day, the graduation ceremony was being held for the third-year cadets.

In the vast stadium, the first and second-year cadets were seated while the third-year cadets were being called forward one by one by their instructors to receive their passing certificates.

The stadium itself aazy immense, with the capacity to accommodate thousands of cadets without any difficulty. 

To ensure optimal visibility for everyone, large holographic screens were hovering in the sky, broadcasting a live feed of the proceedings happening on the ground. 

This allowed cadets from all seating areas to easily view the event.

Most of the cadets treated the event as a day off, and well, technically it was. 

They indulged in popcorn, fast food, cold drinks, and engaged in activities like taking selfies and such.

In the next moment, Kent nudged me from my right, he excitedly pointed at the ground. 

"Oh, look! Aren't those two Drake and Emma?" he exclaimed, referring to two other third-year cadets who were being called forward.

Sure enough, it was Drake and Emma, the very same third-year cadets who had supervised us during our trip. 

"Looks like his injuries are healed now," I remarked. "From back here I can't even tell that he has a mechanical arm now."

"Yeah. And you know what, I heard a rumor that those two are dating," Kent gossiped.

"Huh?" I frowned. "To date the very girl who injured him? He certainly has an unusual taste."

"In his defense, Emma is a hottie," Kent chimed in.

"And in her defense, she stayed by his side day and night when he was in the hospital," a voice spoke up from behind me.

Curious, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Amelia sitting behind our seats, munching on popcorn. 

Beside her sat a blue-haired elven girl and Amelia's close friend, Aster Aquahart.

"Why are you two defending them again?" I sighed, shaking my head. "Well, whatever, I guess."

After all, they're just side characters. Their actions do not concern me.

"By the way," I redirected the conversation, turning my attention to Amelia. "Why am I here today?"

Amelia raised an eyebrow. "Hmm? I suppose you're here to witness your sister's graduation."

…This girl!

I scoffed dismissively. "Yeah, right. My 'sister' isn't leaving the academy yet. And even if she was, I wouldn't have bothered sacrificing my sleep to send her off."

Amelia chuckled. "Oh, such a good little brother you are."

"Stop playing around," I said, narrowing my eyes at her. "Tell me why you called me here."

Being present at this event wasn't necessary. 

Most of the cadets here were either participating in the side games or simply enjoying their day off, considering the King's Tournament was akin to a festive game event, like the Super Bowl. 

And what better place to enjoy your day off than the Super Bowl. Though I have to agree, even for that reason the crowd is too big for the first day.

Anyway, since I had no interest in watching the games, my initial plan was to sleep in for today like usual.

However, a certain someone texted me and asked me to be here. 

I didn't bother questioning the reason behind it and reluctantly complied, getting ready and coming to the stadium.

To no one's surprise, the certain someone who had called me was none other than Amelia.

"Did you have anything better to do?" she asked in an amused mocking tone. "You would've just slept the whole day, wouldn't you?"

"...." I used my right to remain silent. 

I can't argue if she bluntly shoves the truth in my face. 

In a moment, I replied, "So what? I highly doubt you called me here just to spend time with me, right?"

Amelia frowned and averted her gaze before speaking in a barely auideble tone, "...No, of course not."

"You two have stopped fighting?" The one who asked this question so innocently was Aster.

"N-No! That's never going to happen!" Amelia quickly retorted, puffing her chest defiantly.

Shaking my head and massaging my temples, I interrupted their banter. "Alright, enough. Seriously, why did you call me here?"

Amelia took a deep breath and hesitated for a moment. 

She then closed her fist tightly and spoke with determination, "Remember the favor I asked of you yesterday? I want to claim it today."

A faint frown formed on my face. 

"Alright," I replied, assessing her tone. "What do you want from me?"

"...I want you to participate in the main event game of today," she declared.

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