I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 201 Game Starts [2]

"Evening," I greeted, confidently taking a seat across from Kai. "I didn't expect us to meet again so soon, especially here."

Kai raised an eyebrow in response, sensing something different about me. "You seem more confident than before."

"And you are just as careless as when we first met," I retorted with a smile.

A frown etched across Kai's face upon hearing my words. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

Before I could respond, a holographic screen popped up in front of me, capturing my attention.


Welcome, esteemed traveler. Where shall we transport you today?

• 7th District

• 5th District

• 3rd District

Please note: If your desired destination is not listed, you may have boarded the incorrect train.


Without a moment's hesitation, I tapped on the option for the [5th District] from the displayed choices.

Once my selection was made, I redirected my focus back to Kai.

"Think about it," I asserted, my voice filled with conviction. "If your intention is to avoid the spotlight then you're not doing a good job, are you? First you confronted me in public, and now this, meeting me when we are being watched by the world."

Kai surveyed our surroundings and saw several small drones hovering all around us— their incessant buzzing making it clear that we were being broadcasted live to the world.

If Kai wanted to discuss something confidential, then it was certainly not the ideal time or place to do that.

Nevertheless, Kai persisted. "So, was I right? Are you truly the one I've been searching for?"

"If you still need to ask that question then maybe you're not as smart as I gave you the credit for," I scoffed. "Alright, let's suppose I am the person you seek. What exactly do you want from me?"

Kai quickly responded in a cryptic statement, "I have reason to believe that you possess something that rightfully belongs to me."

"What do you mean by that?" I inquired, seeking clarification.

"It's not something I can explain in this place," Kai shook his head. "It is as you said, now is not the good time to discuss this."

"So then, what is it that you want from me right now?" I pressed further.

"Right now, you ask?" Kai rose from his seat and approached me, stopping only a few steps away. "I want you to join forces with me."

A mixture of confusion and amusement crossed my face, reflected in a faint smile that appeared on my lips. "Is that your desire? For me to join you?"

"Yes," Kai nodded. "If you truly have what I think you do, then you will be very usefull to me."

"Yeah, you see, I don't believe I possess what you believe I do," I replied with a smirk. "And even if I did, I cannot join you."

A cold, emotionless expression washed over Kai's face as he asked, "Why is that?"

"Well, let's just say you and I have different goals," I responded firmly.

"You have no idea what my goals even are!" he interjected.

Ignoring his comment, I continued, "And besides, I've made a promise to someone that I will bring you down."

Confusion marked Kai's face as he inquired, "Who is it?"

Thak, Thak, Thak—!

Before I could answer, the train suddenly jolted as its engines roared to life. 

This was my chance. The train was about to move.

"Enough talk," I declared, rising to my feet to face him. "I've already made it clear that I won't join you."

"Is that so?" Kai took a deep breath. "I can't let you walk away from here if you don't join my side. Your 'knowledge' will be troublesome if you ever become my enemy."

He put emphasis on the word 'knowlegde' for some reasons and I understood what he meant right away.

This confirms my suspicions. He knows about the future, just like me! And he also knows that I'm aware of it!

So, is this his strategy? 

He wants me to join forces with him so that he can utilize our shared knowledge of the future.

But for what purpose? Why? What is his ultimate goal?

Does he still want to rule the Global City as its Cadet Council President, just as it was in the novel? 

Or does he have an entirely different goal?

Haaa! Fine, I'll play along with him for now.

"You can't let me walk away from here, you say?" A snarl escaped my lips as I looked at him with a taunting expression, "And how exactly do you plan to stop me?"

"Simple," Kai shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll just beat you until you have no choice but to join me."

"...W-Woah, that's actually a remarkably simple plan," I admitted, struggling to find the right words.

"Right? Sometimes simplicity is better than multiple layers of one complicated," Kai remarked.

"True, true," I nodded, appreciating his perspective. "And yeah, your plan can also be very effective. After all, as they say, violence is never the answer—it's the question, and the answer is yes."

"Exactly!" Kai exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Finally, someone who gets it."

But immediately in the next moment, a glint of calculated madness flashed in his eyes as he stared at me.

"I'll enjoy breaking each and every bone in your body," he threatened, summoning a sword twice his size into his hands.

It was a giantsword.

'What the fuck?! How is he even going to swing such a giant greatsword in this cramped train compartment?!'

As such thoughts raced through my mind, I quickly shook my head and conjured my own spear into my grasp.


No words were exchanged between us as Kai swiftly lunged at me, wielding that big hunk of metal that could hardly be called a sword.

As his sword closed in on me, I swiftly ducked under it, narrowly evading what could have been a devastating blow to my skull.


Every object that stood in the path of his sword—whether it was support poles, seats, or luggage compartments—was effortlessly sliced in half by the sheer force of his strike.

He was like an unstoppable juggernaut! 

With a flick of his wrist, he redirected another swing towards me.

'Damn, so he's also fast with that thing?' I thought in my mind.

Gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw, I raised my spear to directly block his attack with the intention of testing his strength.



"Gaaah!" I couldn't help but cry out as the impact of his attack pushed me down onto my knees.

How on earth was he so incredibly strong? 

And I could just feel that he was not even using his full strength right now!

Well, neither was I for that matter.

"Fine!" I exclaimed, my teeth clenched tightly together as I channeled mana into my legs.


In the blink of an eye, I deflected his sword, which was pressing down on me, and used my speed to propel myself upwards.

I was on the verge of colliding with the train ceiling.

Yet, instead of evading it, I twisted my body in mid-air like a swirling tornado, and slashed the ceiling with my spear.


As soon as my spear made contact, an enormous hole was blasted through the ceiling. I passed through it and gracefully landed on top of the train.

"Oh? Planning to flee run now?" Kai glared up at me through the gaping hole in the ceeling and sneered. "You made grand claims, yet falter when it's time to back them up? But rest assured, I won't allow you to escape—"

However, before he could complete he sentence, I aimed an open palm in his direction and let out a loud roar, "Explode!"


In an instant, multiple medium-scale explosions erupted under the train, engulfing the entire compartment in a fiery blast.

Those explosions came from the marbles I threw on the tracks before boarding the train earlier.

Yes, I anticipated a situation like this could happen. There's no harm in being cautious, right?

Taking several deep breaths to clear my mind and calm myself, I used this moment to improvise my plan.

I started thinking about all the potential situations that could be happening right now.

If Kai is here, fighting me, then it's clear that they haven't put all their manpower to stop Nero.

Does this mean they are planning to fight us individually?

Should I contact everyone and ask for a status report? – as this idea crossed through my mind, I quickly dismissed it.

No, now is not the time for that. I peered down into the train compartment through the hole to look at the situation.

Everything was still engulfed in flames, the sound of embers crackling filled the air, and I could feel the searing heat on my skin even from up here.

A few drones were also caught in the explosions, but I could still see several of them hovering above me so I knew that not all of them were damaged.

"I know you're still alive," I sighed, shouting through the hole. "If the rumors about you are true then I know that this isn't nearly enough to kill you, is it?"


Almost as if waiting for my words, something emerged from the inferno, leaping through the hole and landing before me.

Right then, the train began to move and a sudden jolt accompanied the activation of inertia. However, I stood firm in my place.

Gazing ahead, I locked eyes with Kai. His clothes were charred and torn from the earlier explosion.

Dusting off his body, he jerked his head to the side.

"You will pay for this," he cursed.

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