I woke up as the Villainous Empress

Chapter 91

91 Striking Comeback.

Yang Ning and Yu Ling looked over toward the source of the shrieking voice and stoned their faces to see Chang Ah, who was standing at the entrance of the chamber.

Yang Ning pursed her lips and sighed tiredly as she was expecting this to happen. She was wondering how come Chang Ah is so quiet today.

Here she is. Think of the devil and the devil is here.

Chang Ah came intending to lecture Yang Ning about how she dared to use Yang Jian’s chamber and change everything back as it was before, however, as soon as she entered the chamber, she was surprised by the changes made by Yu Ling in the chamber.

It looked more spacious than before as Yu Ling made some visible changes to the furniture and arranged them in a way that the room looks neater and more spacious than before.

The use of new colorful lanterns and paintings and even the curtains changed the vibes of the chamber and caused the room to become visibly brighter and more extravagant than before.

She pursed her lips and glanced at Xing Bao with a frown. Xing Bao and Yu Ling, both are Head Maids, one is at the palace and the other at the Yang Household.

However, the difference in class and taste is obvious. Xing Bao likes to fill up the room with everything and prefers luxurious and extravagant items to decorate the chamber.

Meanwhile, Yu Ling is aware of what she is doing and how to decorate the chamber without using many decorative items and make the best use of the space.


How great it would have been if Yu Ling would have worked for her. She would have treated You Ling better than Xing Bao then and even made her the Head Maid of the Household if she agreed to work for her.

But this old woman decided to serve a young girl who doesn’t deserve anything.

She soon recovered from her daze and confronted Yang Ning while looking at her coldly, ” Yang Ning, what are you doing here?”

“Don’t you know that it is Yang Jian’s chamber? How can you take Yang Jian’s chamber behind his back when he is not at home?”

“He has gone to the academy to study and is working hard to become the successor of this Household, have you imagined how he would feel if he finds out that you threw out his stuff from his room?”

“You’re his elder sister. You should be considerate of his feelings. How can you be so unembarrassed as to ask Court Lady Yu Ling to ask her to move your stuff from your chamber to here? It’s blatant robbery and nothing else.”

“Just because she is new here and doesn’t know anything about it, are you taking advantage of her kindness and making her do whatever you want?” Chang Ah didn’t hold back and said whatever was on her mind.

“Yang Ning, You’re going to become the Crown Princess in two months. Are you going to stay ignorant like this forever?” She scolded her.

However, she still tried to keep her cool and filtered her words as much as possible. Since Yu Ling belongs to the Royal palace, she cannot do whatever she wants and treat Yang Ning like before.

However, it will not stop her from expressing her anger as well. Yang Ning is in the wrong and needed to be scolded for that.

She is her mother after all. She was simply fulfilling her duty as her mother.

Xing Bao was standing behind Chang Ah and nodded in agreement to her lady. ” Lady Yang Ning, you should have asked Madam about changing the rooms first. How can you do whatever you want without discussing anything with your mother?”

After the lecture from last night, Xing Bao was scared of Yu Ling and didn’t address Yang Ning by her name, she used her title instead.

Yang Ning raised her brows to see the way they were framing her for disrespecting Chang Ah when in the whole scene, Chang Ah is nowhere.

She was forcefully squeezing herself in between this scenario and was giving importance to herself. The decision has been made by Yang Luoyang, why would they go and ask for her permission?

She scoffed in disbelief and before she could say anything, Yu Ling who was standing by her side stepped in front and said, ” Mrs. Yang, there is no need for you to get worked up. If you want to talk to Lady Yang Ning about something, please step back and speak from one hand of distance.”

” She is the future Crown Princess. I don’t want to compromise her safety. Also, kindly mind your words while talking to her.” Yu Ling said and gave a slight push to Chang Ah to step behind and made sure that she wasn’t touching Yang Ning anywhere.

Chang Ah: “...”

Chang Ah was speechless as she wasn’t expecting to be disrespected by Yu Ling to this level. Did she just push her?

How dare this bitch treat her like a plague?

Her face turned crimson in shame and humiliation. She clenched her fists to see the way Yu Ling was treating Yang Ning as the Crown Princess already.

Just like Chang Ah, even Yang Ning was caught off guard by Yu Ling’s bold comeback.

As they have decided before, she didn’t address Yang Ning by her name but called her formally instead to show her respect in front of Chang Ah and Xing Bao, so that they will do the same and not dare to disrespect her.

Before Chang Ah could recover from this shock, Yu Ling answered her meaningless questions, “Mrs. Yang, since you came here, I am sure you must be informed that it was Minister Yang who gave us permission to change the chambers.” She said while looking at Xing Bao who was hiding behind Chang Ah.

” Also, it was something that should have been done long ago. Lady Yang Ning is the eldest daughter of the Household and deserves the chamber and respect according to her status.” Yu Ling stood in front of Yang Ning and protected her from the dark energy coming from Chang Ah.

” Yet her chamber was the smallest in the household and didn’t look like a place where a noble lady, forget about the Crown Princess, should stay. Have you seen the chamber where Lady Yang Ning used to stay? It cannot even be called a chamber, it was more like a storage room where her bed and the other items were put into.”

Chang Ah bit her lower lip at Yu Ling’s sudden counterattack and gulped nervously upon being confronted by her hard facts, ” But it wasn’t right for her to kick my son from his chamber as well. He has been living in this Chamber since the day he was born. He was Yang Ning’s younger brother. How can she kick him out of this chamber suddenly?”

Yu Ling glanced at Yang Ning and signaled her to go and sit on the chair while she sorted out things with Chang Ah. Since Yang Ning is still not well and her wounds haven’t healed yet, she shouldn’t stay standing for a long period.

Yang Ning pursed her lips and nodded like an obedient child before she took a seat on the chair as Yu Ling asked her to do. When Yu Ling is dealing with Chang Ah, there is no need for her to worry about it.

She simply sat on the chair and sipped on the tea that Yu Ling had prepared for her and ate the snacks while enjoying the free show.

Chang Ah’s face turned grim to see Yang Ning hiding behind Yu Ling and ignoring her words. However, Yu Ling didn’t allow her to glare at Yang Ning as she covered Chang Ah’s view of Yang Ning by standing in between them.

“Mrs. Yang, You are talking as if you only care about your son and do not consider Lady Yang Ning, who is also your daughter.”

“She is the eldest daughter of the Yang Household. She deserves the second largest chamber in this household according to her status and should have a wardrobe filled with beautiful dresses and ornaments, yet she owns nothing. She not only has the smallest chamber in the household but also the guest room is better than the chamber of lady Yang Ning, how do you expect us to stay calm about this?”

“Seems like you’re forgetting that she has been engaged to His Highness. She is going to be the Crown Princess of the Empire. Treating her like this will only make you and Minister Yang look bad in the eyes of the public. If you don’t want this thing to get out of this household, kindly leave this room. Otherwise, I will have to ask the guards to show you the way outside.” Yu Ling said coldly, causing Chang Ah’s face to turn dull in mortification.

Did she hear it right? She was threatening to call guards upon her?

Chang Ah gritted her teeth and wanted to slap Yu Ling in her face but she was too intimidated by her icy aura. Who is this woman after all? She is just a Head of Court Ladies yet her aura is so intimidating.

She huffed in anger and left the chamber without saying another word. She swallowed her anger and pride thinking that everything will be alright once Yang Ning marries the Crown Prince and leaves the Yang Household.

She just has to control her temper until then only.

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