Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 302 Galadriel

Ashton walked through the streets of the Arvandor Village, surrounded by the other Fey Youths who had passed the Coming of Age Ceremony. They had just been offered various career opportunities, but Ashton had already made up his mind. He was going to join the Demon Slaying Squad.

Elder Lirien had suggested that he visit the library of the village to learn more about the Fey Race's history against Demons, and Ashton had taken her advice. He had spent hours poring over ancient tomes and scrolls, reading about the long and brutal war that the Fey had fought against the Demons.

He learned about the Fey's long and bitter struggle against the Demon Race, a struggle that had lasted for thousands of years.

The Fey had once been a proud and powerful race, with magic coursing through their veins and an unbreakable bond with the natural world. But the Demons had come, bringing with them fire and darkness, and the Fey had been forced to fight for their very survival.

For centuries, the two races had battled for dominance, with each side gaining and losing ground in turn. The Fey had used their magic to create powerful wards and defenses, but the Demons had always found a way to overcome them.

In the end, it was the Fey's sheer determination and indomitable will that won the day. Led by their bravest warriors and wisest elders, the Fey had driven the Demons back into the shadows, sealing them away in the depths of the earth where they could do no more harm.

But the victory had come at a great cost. Many Fey had lost their lives in the battles, and the wounds of the war still lingered even after all these years. The Fey had never forgotten their bitter struggle against the Demon Race, and they had vowed to never let their guard down again.

But their joy was short-lived. One Fey, consumed by envy and bitterness, betrayed their race and freed the Demons from imprisonment. The Demons poured forth from the realm of darkness, thirsting for revenge and destruction.

The world was plunged into chaos once again, as the Fey battled the Demons in a war that was even more brutal than the first. The Demons had grown stronger during their long imprisonment, and they were now more powerful than ever before. The Fey fought with all their might, but it seemed as though they were fighting a losing battle.

For decades, the war raged on, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. But the Fey refused to give up. They knew that if they lost, the world would be consumed by darkness and chaos forever. So they fought on, with courage and determination, never giving up hope.

Finally, after many long years of conflict, the Fey managed to stabilize the situation. However, the Demons grew too powerful, they can't imprison them again.

The Fey Race can only seal their homes away in a protective bubble while gathering sufficient strength to launch a powerful comeback that would end the Demon Race once and for all.

Ashton couldn't help but feel a whiplash due to how similar the situation is to where he came from.

As he read, he felt a growing sense of determination. He knew that he had found a clue for his mission in this world.

He had decided that he will join the Demon Slaying Squad.

After making up his mind, he looked for Elder Lirien and found her at her office in the village. He told her about his decision and she said that she was glad that he was brave enough to join.

She gave him a detailed map that he can use to locate Galadriel. She also handed him 100 El-coins, she told him not to use all of it at once since he might need to pay to join the Demon Slaying Squad.

After accepting the gift, Ashton only stayed within the village for a night. Then at the crack of dawn, he left for Galadriel...


Ashton had been traveling for several days, making his way through the winding paths of the Sylvenvale Great Forest. He had heard of the magnificent city of Galadriel, the capital of the Fey Race, and was eager to see it for himself.

The forest was lush and green, and Ashton couldn't help but marvel at the towering trees and sparkling streams that surrounded him. As he journeyed deeper into the forest, he encountered a variety of magical creatures - from playful pixies to fearsome trolls.

Despite the dangers that lurked in the forest, Ashton pressed on. He was determined to reach Galadriel and discover all that the city had to offer.

Finally, after several more days of travel, Ashton caught sight of the towering walls of Galadriel in the distance. The city was a marvel to behold - a sprawling metropolis of sparkling crystal towers and winding cobblestone streets.

As Ashton made his way into the city, he was awestruck by the sights and sounds around him. Everywhere he looked, there were bustling marketplaces, soaring libraries, and grand palaces.

At the heart of the city stands the Royal Palace, a magnificent structure of white marble and golden spires. The palace is surrounded by lush gardens and sparkling fountains and guarded by an elite corps of Fey warriors.

The city is divided into several districts, each with its own unique character and charm. The Market District is a bustling center of commerce and trade, where vendors hawk their wares and merchants haggle over prices.

The Library District is a peaceful enclave of scholars and sages, with towering stacks of books and quiet reading rooms. The Entertainment District is a lively hub of music and dance, with performers of all kinds vying for the attention of the crowds.

But amidst the glittering splendor of the city, Ashton also sensed an undercurrent of tension. He could see the wary glances that the inhabitants of Galadriel gave him as he walked the streets, and he could hear whispers of a looming threat to the Fey Race.

Determined to uncover the truth, Ashton delved deeper into the city. He spoke with scholars and sages, listened to rumors and legends, and pieced together a story of danger and darkness.

It seemed that an ancient evil had risen from the depths of the forest, threatening to destroy all that the Fey Race held dear. And while the inhabitants of Galadriel were doing their best to defend their city, they were vastly outnumbered and outmatched.

'Ah, they must be talking about the Demons.' He mused to himself. 'But it would seem that throwing the word Demon carelessly might be punishable by law, that's why they can only mask what they actually mean.'

Ashton shrugged upon realizing this. He didn't like the rule of filtering information even if its intentions were for the benefit of the people since he finds it restrictive. However, there's nothing he can do about it.

After walking for a bit, he arrived at the location marked on the map he received from Elder Lirien. The Adventurer's Guild.

The Adventurer's Guild is a well-known and respected institution in Galadriel, located in the heart of the city's Market District. The guild is housed in a large, three-story building of dark wood and stone, with a sign depicting a sword and shield hanging above the entrance.

Inside, the Adventurer's Guild is a hub of activity, with adventurers of all kinds coming and going. The first floor is a bustling common room, where adventurers gather to swap stories, find companions for their quests, and restock on supplies.

The second floor houses the guild's administrative offices, where guild officials oversee the day-to-day operations of the guild and manage the records of its members. Here, adventurers can sign up for quests, request guidance or assistance, and learn about the latest news and rumors from the surrounding lands.

The top floor of the Adventurer's Guild is reserved for the most elite adventurers - those who have proven their skills and valor time and time again. Here, they can gather in a private hall to share their knowledge and tactics, and receive special assignments and rewards from the guild's leaders.

On the surface, it would seem that the guild was just a random organization for bull-headed men. In reality though, this place had deeper and more noble origins.

This is where the fabled Demon Slaying Squad gathers.

The Demon Slaying Squad is a highly skilled and specialized group of warriors dedicated to protecting the citizens of Galadriel and the surrounding lands from the malevolent forces of the underworld. Led by a battle-hardened commander, the squad is comprised of a diverse group of fighters with unique skills and backgrounds. least, that is what Elder Lirien told him.

However, since there seems to be a filter of information within Galadriel, it seems that the existence of the Demon Slaying Squad might also be a secret from the public as well.

Ashton decided to see more for himself. As he was about to enter the guild, he paused just before the doors and pointedly decided to step to the side.

Then, the doors blew open. Followed by a figure of a Fey who rolled out on the cobblestones while repeatedly groaning...

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