Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 235 - Silver Vales

Chapter 235 - Silver Vales

Before Anastasia left, Ileus gave her a thousand warnings on how to remain as discreet as possible. The royal guards were ready to leave with her and they assured him that they wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on her. Ileus created a portal for all of them in the garden of the east wing. As soon as Anastasia stepped out, Kaizan and Darla were waiting for her in what looked like manor. She looked all around. It was a beautiful estate that spanned over three rolling hills. Vines of blue blossoms and flowers that resembled the red wild one of the Virgine Falls covered the patios, balconies and the circular staircases, hanging like garlands from the edges. The grounds were covered with lush green grass and marble squares. Sun was shining bright and cool gusts of wind fluttered the flowers and vines in a way that sweet fragrance wafted in the air.

Anastasia was awed. She noticed several gardeners at work. Everyone worked silently. They walked through the garden over a cobblestone path to the main doors of the house. Heavily crafted and gilded with gold, above the massive doors were narcissus swayed in the chilly breeze. When the heavy wooden doors swung open, Anastasia heard muffled laughter from the inside. Was that Lila?

"This way princess," said Darla and pointed in the direction opposite to the sound of laughter. Unease suppressed her enthusiasm for the work she had come to. Even though the weather was perfect, sweat trickled down her spine. Her chest tightened as she passed through the doors inside an even more opulent interior. The floor of white marble shone beneath her feet. The room they stepped in opened into a large number of doors. Tall arched windows with lacy curtains swayed in the breeze. Anastasia noticed the pattern. She found the same style in Adrianna and Dmitri's bedchamber too. They crossed the hall and entered another garden. They followed a gravel path and came to a small independent house.

"Where are we?" asked Anastasia.

"This is the guest house, Anastasia," said Darla.

Shocked, her eyes became wide. "Why am I here instead of the main house?"

Darla replied, "Ileus asked us to keep your presence hidden. And we were sure that in the main house there would be so many servants, it would be impossible to keep you a secret. Over here, you are going to be safe. Apart from your royal guards, both Kaizan and I are going to stay with you round the clock. Haldir will be sending Mozias under Aidan's leadership to add to the security." A pale blush spread on her cheeks.

Anastasia rolled her eyes. "There is no need for such heavy security!" She started walking in the house.

"Anastasia, I hope you aren't carrying your dagger with you," Kaizan grunted.

She halted and turned to look at him. She put her right leg forward and then slowly raised her green dress to her mid-thighs. Her sheathed dagger was strapped there. "Satisfied?" she asked.

"Pretty much!" Kaizan answered.

She grinned and then left the dress, which slipped back to cover her dagger. The guards stayed on the outside while she walked in with the vokudlaks.

Once they were inside, she noticed that though the house was small, it was cozy. "Now that I am here, won't Cora and Pierre know about my presence?" she asked, kicking her shoes in one direction.

"I don't know," said Kaizan. "This is one of Ileus' hideouts—a place where he just hangs out. We come here so often that no one is bothered about it. So maybe they don't, or maybe they do. Most likely they do."

"Ah-ha!" Anastasia mused. She didn't sit and took a tour of the house. Since Ileus had shackled her wings, she blended with the rest of them. At least that is what she thought. When she returned, she said enthusiastically, "Let us go to find the jewelers in the market."

"No need!" Kaizan replied. "I have arranged for a few jewelers of repute. They are going to come here by evening."

A knock on the door pounded and a guard opened it. "There's a maid on the outside. She wishes to speak to you," he addressed Darla.

Darla frowned. "What for?" she muttered but went out nonetheless.

Anastasia turned her attention to Kaizan. "I want to look into those jewelers who are not so popular. Sometimes you find good stuff with them at cheaper price." She spoke like an experienced dealer.

"Anastasia, you got so much money. Why would you want to explore cheaper options?" Kaizan said with a smirk, pointing at the gold bag in the corner. He went to lift it to keep in the locker of her room.

"Everything doesn't boil down to money!" she said exasperatedly. "Why do you—" Her sentence was cut when the door swung open wide. Darla came in.

"Anastasia, we all are invited by Cora and Pierre to have dinner with them tonight," said Darla.

Kaizan shook his head and walked in her room to keep the bag while Anastasia froze.

"Lila will also be there."


Cora and Pierre were laughing at a joke from Lila. She was looking at them sweetly. When they stopped laughing, she said, "I am so blessed to have you in my life." Her dulcet voice was laced with sugar. "Sometimes I feel that no one could be as lucky as I am." She got up from her place and walked to Cora. She hugged Ileus' grandmother as Pierre watched them with affection. When she pulled out, she said, "I have to leave now. I have called two jewelers from the market who would come with their collection. I always buy from them and when Father asked me to carry out this important task, I knew where to get the gifts from," she boasted. "They are top class jewelers and have collections from the human realm too."

"We know it, Lila," said Cora affectionately. "It is nice that you have been given this task by your father. You will have to prove to him that you are the best. Not only that, we know that you are taking care of the werewolves prison out here. We haven't heard a single complaint against you from the past one year. Really Lila, how do you manage so well?"

Lila chuckled. "It's all because of your blessing Cora. You are too kind to praise me." A headache was beginning to form and she wanted to have the milky latex. She wanted to go back to the prison and ride the cock of the prisoner she had started using over the last few days. She looked out of the window. "It is already pretty late. I must meet them and also go to the prison to take a normal round."

"Yes of course!" said Cora. "Oh by the way, have your dinner with us. One of Ileus' guests, Anastasia, is here and we are inviting her too." Cora trusted Lila so much that even though she had to remain quiet about Anastasia, she revealed her presence and called Lila to have dinner with them. After all, Lila was going to marry her Grandson. She should know about everything.

Lila's mouth became dry. Her mind stuttered and she paled. What was Anastasia doing here?

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