Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 470 - Machinations

Chapter 470 - Machinations

Aed Ruad entered his room in the cave and he couldn't believe that his fates would turn so… favorably. If Siora married him after the blood oath, there would be no way she could go against him. He liked her proposition. Why would he go after Vilinski and retrieve his mother or help his father with his avenge? He would rather enjoy and spend the rest of his days in palatial comfort as the king of Galahar. He held the edge of the mantle over the fireplace. A grin covered his face. Now he just had to find a way to cast his father out of her. And that too before he married her.


Haldir was standing in the council meeting room in front of Ileus, Kaizan and Rolfe. His soldiers hadn't been able to find Siora. The threat of her around in the Lore was looming large over them. They didn't want to talk about her to Iona or Anastasia because they were sure that once they knew, the girls would start offering their help in finding her. That would be dangerous for the babies they were carrying. Overnight, Ileus and Rolfe had become extremely protective about their wives. Ileus had issued orders that his wife and sister would be accompanied with at least a dozen soldiers if she went out of the palace or in the palace. He had sent a message to his parents to return.

They didn't know how much of the help Siora had with her, but a wicked woman like her could do anything.

Haldir reported, "Some traders on the northern route reported seeing a woman on a horse, but they thought she was just another thief or a sex slave running from her master. No one really had interest in her and so none followed her. However, I do feel that she has disappeared somewhere in the Northern Mountains."

Ileus' brows knitted. "Are you sure? She could be anywhere in the Lore? For all I know she could be camping on the outskirts of Silver Vales!" Fear slithered down his spine. "Have you searched everywhere?"

"We have searched each and every tavern, inn and shady market squares. We have also searched the upscale ones. But she is nowhere to be found. Since she escaped only a few days back, it is highly unlikely that she would have reached farther than Silver Vales." Suddenly a thought occurred to Haldir and he asked Rolfe, "Has your mother ever come out of Galahar?"

Rolfe scoffed. "She barely came out of the palace."

"In that case she wouldn't know where other kingdoms in the Lore are, would never take the risk of asking others for the fear of being found. And that confirms my doubt—she has most likely disappeared in the Northern Mountains," Haldir stated.

"But why Northern Mountains?" asked Ileus. "That place would practically kill her in this cold!"

"Why would a person go to such places where they have their safe havens over there?" Haldir reasoned. "I mean I have seen Dmitri taking Adrianna off on long holidays where they would just go off the grid."

Ileus's blood rose to his cheeks listening about his parents.

"We would never come to know where he would take her. Like no matter the emergency we were in, he would come back only after he had had her completely at his disposal."

It was Rolfe's turn to raise an eyebrow. Damn, his father-in-law was so romantic. Why wasn't he taking his bride on such holidays? He looked at Ileus who was now blushing like a girl, and not knowing where to look. As if to add to his discomfort, Haldir added, "Iona was conceived on one such trip."

"And Ileus?" asked Rolfe, totally mesmerized. At this point of time, he wanted to ask Dmitri about all his safe havens. The demon was shameless.


"Can we steer back to the topic?" Ileus snapped.

"Ah yes!" Haldir nodded. "What I mean is that there has to be a destination Siora might be thinking about. Otherwise, why would a woman like her risk it?"

"But the Northern Mountains are treacherous. I won't let my soldiers go there to find her. It would be like finding a needle in a haystack. And where would they even go?" Ileus was pretty strong in his opinion. "So, I suggest that we just increase our patrol on that side."

"I agree with Ileus," Rolfe added. "Also, I do feel that she doesn't have too much support. If she has reached her safe haven, then if I was her, I would lie low for some time, not because I wouldn't want to strike, but because I wouldn't work in such harsh winters."


Siora was helped by a servant to take a bath. She was surprised that they boiled water for her. Well, it wasn't her problem. She had to take a nice scented bath, and just look good enough to seduce Aed Ruad. The seduction wasn't necessary for the offer she had given him, but for Aed Ruad to force his father to evict her body. She had completely shut herself off from Seraph because she knew that he wanted to talk to her. She was sure that he had already heard her.

She stepped in the bath and sighed out of relief when hot water touched her skin. But her relief was short-lived. Seraph forced himself to the surface despite her resistance. As soon as he was out, he said, "Your offer was enticing demoness, but forget that I will be leaving you. Don't try to trick my son with your machinations."

Siora smiled on the inside but remained quiet. She would cast him out, no matter what. Seeing that she was unwilling to talk, Seraph sulked.

Once she had taken a bath, she stepped out, toweled dry and got dressed in a light silk gown that the servant had left for her—no doubt it was Etaya's. It was slightly small for her in length, but who was bothered. She wore a warm shawl over it. The servant had asked her to go to the common room. A flicker of surprise passed through when she saw that Aed Ruad was already standing there in black breeches and a white shirt with a black jacket. There were several other men, including faes. A man who was wearing a white shirt with white breeches was probably going to perform the ceremony.

He smiled at her and said, "Ready for the blood oath?"

"I am," she replied with her chin high up in the air. She knew that Aed Ruad was rushing her, but then what did she have to lose. If they never even took over Galahar, worse come worse, she would end up being his wife and because of his blood oath, he would end up taking care of her. "There's a small thing I would like you also to say during the blood oath," she said softly.

Aed Ruad smiled. "Anything."

"You have to swear that you would take care of me as your wife, always."

Though those words looked like soft and sweet marriage vows, they actually were very potent.

"I will," he replied as he held his hand out for her to hold. She looked stunning.. His breath hitched.

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