I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 370: Alluring Woman

Chapter 370: Alluring Woman

The Demon Sealing Record…

Looking at the tattered ancient tome in his hand, Lu Heng was slightly astonished.

This book that flew out from the hidden chamber is evidently not an object from this era; the aura of the words inscribed on it is far too ancient.

After perusing the other two books, Lu Heng discovered that the recorded contents didn't mention the true nature of the upheaval in Zhuxian Town. The books merely contained some popular folk legends, their content not even as comprehensive as the detailed account provided by the Great Sage of Fu Feng.

However, Lu Heng himself didn't harbor any expectations towards the two books, so he simply threw them aside, allowing the books to fly back to their respective positions.

Then, Lu Heng directed his attention towards the final book in his hand, the one with a leather-like texture similar to that of the "Demon Sutra," titled "Demon Sealing Record."

Before turning the pages, Lu Heng, for the sake of caution, employed occult techniques to ascertain that this peculiar tome didn't harbor any harmful sorcery. Only then did he proceed to open it.

However, what met his gaze was a collection of entirely blank pages. From the first page to the very last, they were overwhelmingly devoid of any text, not even a single character could be seen.

According to the results obtained through occult means, it is evident that this book is undoubtedly connected to the upheaval in the Zhuxian Town.

Holding the "Demon Sealing Record," Lu Heng approached the hidden door of the study and proceeded to push open the entrance to the secret chamber. Stepping inside, he found himself in a cramped space, with shelves against three walls, displaying some of Nangong Hao's private collections alongside the presence of "the Demon Sealing Record."

Within the enchanting Magical Tool, gleaming with resplendent radiance, resided astonishingly sizable ginseng roots, fragmented skeletal remains… The treasures within the secret chamber were an assortment of peculiar and valuable objects of immense worth.

However, these held no allure for Lu Heng.

After searching through, Lu Heng was unable to find a way to decipher the contents of "the Demon Sealing Record."

Recalling how the previous "Demon Sutra" had remained indecipherable in his possession for so long, only revealing its contents when the rightful owner intervened… Could it be that this "Demon Sealing Record" also requires the personal involvement of its author to unveil the words on its pages?

But this "Demon Sealing Record" has been in existence for countless years; where can Lu Heng possibly find the author of the book in a short period of time?

Attempting to trace back the origins using magical spells, however, the results obtained revealed that the ages had passed too long, and the original author's essence had long since vanished, rendering it impossible to trace back to its true origins.

If Lu Heng could once again attain the transcendent state he achieved during enlightenment, perhaps he could rely on browsing through the timelines associated with this book to locate the former owner of the "Demon Sealing Record."

However, on second thought, if Lu Heng could return to the transcendent state and review the timelines of the past, he could simply browse through the events that occurred in Zhuxian Town during ancient times. Why bother seeking out the owner of the "Demon Sealing Record"?

In the confines of the secret chamber, Lu Heng, who found himself trapped in a predicament, couldn't help but shake his head, temporarily abandoning the "Demon Sealing Record."

It seems that in order to investigate the truth behind the anomaly in Zhuxian Town, one must resort to extraordinary measures.

With such thoughts in mind, Lu Heng departed from the secret chamber and proceeded directly to the study room.

The sky at this moment was already filled with countless twinkling stars.

Despite the brief time Lu Heng spent in the study room and secret chamber, he found himself preoccupied until the arrival of nightfall.

Only two days and one night remained until the arrival of the anomaly in Zhuxian Town.

Within the expansive Lord's Manor, there resounded continuous cries, a symphony of sorrow and joy, as preparations were being made for the funeral rites of Nangong Hao.

The funeral rites of the Youxiong Country, however, were somewhat more intricate than those of the Fire Pass Country to the south.

After all, the Youxiong Country, unlike the Fire Pass Country, doesn't adhere to cremation but rather cultivates traditional burial. They seek the tranquility of the deceased resting underground, and therefore, the arrangements for funeral ceremonies take longer compared to those in the south.

Clad in a pristine white gown, Lu Heng gracefully traversed through the courtyard, swiftly arriving at the doorstep of the Lord's Lady's chamber.

Nangong Hao's wife is a cultivator with formidable strength. Although her realm may not match that of Nangong Hao, she has already begun to refine the Three Blossoms on her crown, making her an outstanding cultivator wherever she may be.

Therefore, despite her advanced age, she possesses the art of preservation, still radiant with youthful beauty.

Now, dressed in mourning attire, she appears even more beautiful and captivating. Behind her restrained and sorrowful countenance lies a mask of resilience, concealing the tears she holds back. In the midst of her husband's tragic demise, she relies on her personal fortitude to sustain the household, calmly and methodically handling all affairs, while managing the hidden motives of those around her.

As Lu Heng arrived, a bustling crowd filled the courtyard.

Numerous administrators from various Lord's residences gathered here, continuously communicating the external information to the widow who had lost her husband, inquiring about appropriate strategies to handle the situation.

After standing in the shadows for a while, Lu Heng realized that if he were to wait any longer, he might not have the opportunity to find this woman alone even after waiting for a whole day and night.

After all, the people in this courtyard come and go, leaving and returning in an ever-flowing and immensely intricate crowd.

There are relatives, adversaries, family members, and servants… so many responsibilities, and now they all rest upon the shoulders of this woman.

Although she possesses extraordinary beauty, clad in mourning attire there emanates a stubbornness, akin to the resolute and defiant nature of a blossoming white lotus, Lu Heng holds no interest in the widow.

Stepping out of the shadows without hesitation, Lu Heng walked directly towards the woman inside the house.

Wherever he went, a gentle breeze brushed past, causing the figures of the passersby on both sides to fall one by one.

As Lu Heng stepped through the entrance, in the vast courtyard and within the house, the only one who remained alert and vigilant was the woman, her state marked by uncertainty and apprehension.

The scene before her eyes directly startled the wife of the city lord.

Although there is only Nangong Hao in the innate realm within the City Lord's residence, there are several cultivators who have reached the three flowers realm. Even the accomplished cultivators in the innate realm cannot silently infiltrate this place.

However, at the moment when the white-clad man appeared before them, no one noticed his presence, not even the elderly housekeeper standing next to her, a senior cultivator whose cultivation level was second only to her husband Nangong Hao, as he silently collapsed to the ground.

In the eyes of the person before them, the city lord's residence, which was gathered with so many cultivators, seemed unexpectedly defenseless.

Under the shock and dismay in her heart, the woman's expression involuntarily revealed a tense and timid look.

"Do you have any matters to attend to, esteemed guest visiting my humble abode?" the woman forced herself to speak in a calm tone, suppressing the fear within her heart.

As for things like shouting for help or the like, she hadn't even entertained the thought.

Not to mention that there are no innate cultivators left in the residence, even if there were truly innate cultivators, they would likely be of little use in front of this enigmatic elder.

Therefore, the woman could only pray, praying that the white-clad man before her was not an enemy.

In her anxious gaze, Lu Heng halted at the entrance and said, "I, Lu Heng of Hanyu Mountain, have an urgent matter to disturb you, the Lady of the Manor. Due to the urgency of the matter, I had to act impromptu. I humbly request the Lady's forgiveness."

Lu Heng's actions being referred to naturally indicate the act of rendering all the people inside and outside the house unconscious without any prior warning.

However, at this moment, the woman didn't dare to place blame. She quickly stood up and said, "So it is the Wolf God Lu… I am Duanmu Zhi. I have had the honor of meeting the esteemed presence of the Wolf God. May I inquire about the purpose of the Wolf God's visit to the Zhuxian Town? If there is any way that I, as a junior, can be of assistance, I will not hesitate to offer my help!"

Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief as Duanmu Zhi displayed such propriety.

He nodded and said, "Madam, you may employ your magic eyes to observe me, in order to discern my true intentions."

Speaking thus, Lu Heng directly dissipated his concealment technique, allowing the manifestation of the Heavenly Thunder Dao Foundation.

As Duanmu Zhi, dressed in mourning attire, opened her magic eyes, she couldn't help but emit a muffled groan and took several steps back.

With a look of astonishment on her face.

"Wolf… the Wolf God!"

Over the past six months, she had already heard about the name of the Wolf God Lu Heng, the most eminent figure in the Fire Pass Country from those cultivators and demons who came from the south, as well as from her husband. She was aware that he possessed unparalleled power, capable of wielding heavenly thunder as divine punishment and wielding the Demon Destroyer List to reprimand wicked spirits.

An embodiment that can be deemed as a punitive incarnation.

There are even rumors that the Wolf God Lu is said to be the first heavenly thunder that occurred during the dawn of the world, and after countless ages of arduous cultivation, was able to take on a mortal form. It is a truly ancient being, even older than the ancient deities themselves, and shares the same lifespan as the heavens and earth.

Amidst various rumors, the Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain was portrayed as tremendously terrifying, to the point where one couldn't help but wonder if such a fearsome being truly existed in the world, or if it was merely a result of exaggerated hearsay and misinformation being spread.

However, today, Duanmu Zhi witnessed with her own eyes the dazzling and even overwhelming Heavenly Thunder Dao Foundation, which was almost beyond the limits of what she could bear. Yet, she understood clearly that the rumors were indeed true.

This formidable being, the Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain, is truly a rare and terrifying presence in the world.

Merely the existence of the Heavenly Thunder Dao Foundation alone makes it one-of-a-kind in the entire realm of heaven and earth. As for the fact that she almost couldn't bear it with just a single glance, that is even more astonishing to hear.

Merely the foundation alone is enough to make cultivators of the three flowers realm unable to meet its gaze. Even those who are innate cultivators would be like ants in the eyes of the Wolf God…

Startled in her heart, Duanmu Zhi took a long while to recover from the overwhelming shock that had engulfed her.

She quickly performed a respectful bow to Lu Heng, saying, "I apologize for my momentary lack of manners. I humbly ask for the Wolf God's forgiveness."

At this moment, Lu Heng had already concealed the Heavenly Thunder Dao Foundation using the art of aura concealment.

Looking at the visibly frightened woman before him, he felt a slight sense of guilt. However, the tasks that lay ahead required the strong support of the Lady of the City Lord.

Without revealing his identity, it may be difficult to gain the trust of the other party.

Upon seeing the woman finally regain her composure, Lu Heng took out the tome known as "Demon Sealing Record" and addressed her, saying, "Madam, are you familiar with this book?"

"This…" Duanmu Zhi was stunned for a moment, feeling a bit nervous and said, "I… it seems like I've seen something similar before…"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "No need to be nervous. Indeed, this book was taken from the secret chamber in your husband's study. Lu Heng came here to inquire if Madam knows the method to decipher this book? This matter is of utmost importance and is related to the imminent upheaval in the Zhuxian Town. I humbly request Madam's guidance."

Duanmu Zhi was slightly surprised by Lu Heng's words.

"Is this book related to the upheaval in the Zhuxian Town?"

It was evident that Duanmu Zhi was also unaware of the contents within this book.

Observing Lu Heng's astonished expression, Duanmu Zhi quickly explained, "The Wolf God, this book appeared out of thin air on the streets of the Zhuxian Town at the conclusion of the upheaval that took place two hundred years ago."

"After obtaining this book, my husband decided to keep it in his collection. However, he was unable to decipher the contents within and regarded it as a book without words,"

"I never expected that this book would be related to the upheaval in the Zhuxian Town…"

The origin of "the Demon Sealing Record" spoken by Duanmu Zhi left Lu Heng somewhat disappointed.

Indeed, Nangong Hao was also unaware of the contents of this book. Just like Gongshu Jie who had previously stumbled upon the "Demon Sutra", he too was unable to decipher the text within.

Shaking his head, Lu Heng uttered, "Since this book cannot be deciphered, let us temporarily set it aside."

"Today, as Lu Heng arrives, there is another matter I would like to request from Madam," Lu Heng said. "In two days' time, it will be the day of the upheaval in the Zhuxian Town, and at that time, there will be disturbances occurring within the town."

"Of course, this is something everyone is aware of, and you all have long been accustomed to it."

"But based on the information I have gathered, it appears that this instance of disturbance is different from previous ones. Not only will there be illusionary scenes, but it is highly probable that a situation similar to what occurred one thousand years ago will manifest itself-a presence of malevolent forces infiltrating the town, leading to loss of life."

"And according to the rumors, wicked demons are said to be gathering in the shadows, intending to take advantage of this upcoming upheaval in the Zhuxian Town, and bring chaos upon this place."

"It can be foreseen that when the upheaval arrives in two days' time, this city will undoubtedly suffer numerous casualties. Therefore, I would like to implore Madam to evacuate the residents from the city as quickly as possible, leaving it empty, to prevent a tragedy similar to the one that occurred a thousand years ago from happening again."

The words of Lu Heng caused a slight tremor of surprise in the expression of Duanmu Zhi.

Although she had suspected that the Wolf God's visit to her was indicative of a significant event, she could not have anticipated the magnitude of the situation at hand…

The calamity that occurred a thousand years ago resulted in countless casualties, and it was only through the decree issued by the Human Emperor that the evil beings in this land were barely subdued.

How is it possible for such a situation as one from a thousand years ago to reoccur now?

The expression of Duanmu Zhi also turned solemn, and she immediately said, "I will promptly report to the capital and evacuate the residents of the city as swiftly as possible."

"Furthermore, there are several powerful clans within the city who hold some grievances towards my husband. If it is an order from the City Lord's Manor, they may covertly disobey. Therefore, I hope the Wolf God can intervene and advise those few clans…"

Lu Heng nodded and said, "Madam, if you provide me with the names of the clan leaders, I will personally advise them to depart."

"Ah, there is another matter that I hope you would be aware of," Lu Heng smiled helplessly and continued, "I hope you can keep it confidential, Madam, and refrain from disclosing to any third party, about my arrival to this place."

"If news of me being in Zhuxian Town spreads, before the day of calamity arrives, this place will already be in chaos."

Duanmu Zhi was slightly astonished by Lu Heng's words.

Observing the reaction of the Wolf God, it appears that he is harboring some kind of apprehension.

Is it possible that even the formidable presence of the Wolf God could be subject to things that evoke apprehension?

With confusion in her heart, Duanmu Zhi's face remained respectfully composed as she spoke, "I shall follow the commands of the Wolf God without fail, and I vow not to disclose the encounter with the Wolf God to any third party. If I violate this oath, I shall face the wrath of heaven and earth, shattering my soul to pieces!"

Duanmu Zhi directly uttered a malevolent oath to demonstrate her determination. In the presence of such an ancient being, she dared not harbor even the slightest hint of cunning.

Following that, Lu Heng inquired with Duanmu Zhi about the names and surnames of several clan leaders who needed to be greeted, and then he departed from the Lord's residence.

After Lu Heng, dressed in white robes, gracefully departed, those who had fallen unconscious both inside and outside the room began to gradually awaken.

After regaining consciousness, they stood still for a moment, stunned, before recalling their unfinished tasks, and hastily went about attending to their own affairs.

Including the elderly steward who stood behind Duanmu Zhi and had already reached the threshold of the Precelestial Realm, none of them, upon awakening, detected anything amiss.

With such a situation at hand, it deeply unsettled Duanmu Zhi's heart.

Indeed, the methods of the Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain are truly terrifying!

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