I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 377: The Master of the Green State Cauldron

Chapter 377: The Master of the Green State Cauldron

Upon the windy streets, the woman's expression exhibited a slight hint of apprehension.

In this moment, however, within the shadows of the street, silently emerged a peculiar and sinister figure.

It was none other than the eerie demon shadow that had previously appeared in the Fire Pass Country.

After appearing, the demon shadow spoke directly, saying, "The Wolf God is no longer in the vicinity, Mother Ghost, there is no need to be anxious, just relax."

Regarding the woman leading the Wuyou and Wuyu siblings, the demon shadow spoke as follows, "Within the detection range of the Demon Eater Lock, the Wolf God has already arrived in the streets several miles away, seemingly teleporting without a trace. I wonder what happened just now."

The demon shadow spoke, its tone filled with confusion, "Judging by the Wolf God's actions, it was clearly lured and about to charge directly towards us, yet the moment it stepped off the street, the entire being vanished into thin air, relocating to another position within the city… Could it be that there is a cultivator aiding from the shadows? Do they not wish to witness the Wolf God falling into our ambush?"

The words of the demon shadow relieved Mother Ghost, temporarily alleviating her fears. However, she then expressed concern, saying, "The Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain is already the most formidable existence in the world. Who could possibly surpass him? Who could instantaneously teleport him against his will? If it is true, then the power involved must be terrifying, isn't it?"

The speculation of Mother Ghost was bone-chillingly terrifying.

The demon shadow, however, shook its head and said, "It's not that extraordinary. The situation in this city is peculiar, existing somewhere between reality and illusion. Various techniques from reality are restricted here. And many things that are impossible in reality are not considered particularly surprising when they happen here."

"In this illusionary city, teleporting the Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain away is not much of an accomplishment. To achieve the same feat in a real city, now that would be a true manifestation of incredible powers."

"And if we were to encounter such a cultivator, there would be no need for us to dwell on it, we would simply kneel down and beg for death, for resisting would be utterly futile."

The demon shadow looked around and said, "Since the Wolf God has been teleported away, let us catch up and have a look. The Demon Eater Lock continuously tracks its location. If the Wolf God cannot find us, we will simply deliver ourselves to him."

"Judging by its previous reaction, this female image you, Mother Ghost, created in its mind surely holds a significant presence. Even if it knows that all of this is false, it would still come rushing to investigate. We just need to employ the same old tricks, and it will fall for it just the same."

Speaking of this, the demon shadow once again looked at the woman's figure in the middle of the street, assessing her from head to toe and saying, "Indeed, she is a beautiful woman with an exceptional temperament and appearance. However, at first glance, she appears to be just an ordinary mortal with nothing particularly special… Could it be that the Wolf God has fallen in love with a mere mortal?"

The demon shadow couldn't comprehend, no matter how much it pondered, why the Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain would fall in love with a mortal woman.

A mere mortal woman, with a lifespan of merely a hundred years, a fleeting time as brief as a sunset glow, how could she hold such a significant place in the heart of the Wolf God of Hanyu Mountain?

Mother Ghost, on the other hand, fidgeted with her clothes uneasily and said somewhat ominously, "I don't believe this woman is a mere mortal…"

"Demon shadow looked curiously at Mother Ghost and asked, "Oh? What do you mean?"

Mother Ghost, with a tense expression, said, "Transforming the appearance and form of this woman, the previous few times were brief and nothing unusual was detected. However, this time, the duration of the transformation is too long, and I am increasingly feeling fearful."

"In a trance, it seemed as if there were a pair of eyes silently gazing at me, with every move and action of mine exposed under her watchful gaze. This sensation is truly chilling…"

"When I carefully sense it, however, all of this seems like an illusion, as if there is no presence actually watching me…"

Mother Ghost rubbed her arms and murmured, "This sensation is strikingly reminiscent of the legendary interaction between the celestial beings. It feels as if disrespecting ancient deities and flaunting oneself in their presence has caught the attention of the divine entity… My intuition tells me that this woman named Shen Yuanjun is not only a mere mortal but quite possibly an ancient being, comparable if not surpassing the stature of the Wolf God, transcending the realms of ordinariness!"

The words of Mother Ghost caused a dramatic change in the countenance of the demon shadow. "When did you start having such a sensation?"

Mother Ghost's face turned pale as she said, "Ever since entering this city, it has occurred several times… Even when I called out that woman's name just now, this sensation resurfaced within me…"

On the long street, two sinister demons locked eyes, both witnessing the horror reflected in each other's gaze.

Calling out a name and capturing the attention of the divinity, indeed, this is the method employed by ancient deities! It is a supernatural ability possessed only by beings whose stature transcends the ordinary realm.

Could it be that this woman called Shen Yuanjun is not deceased? Is she still alive in the mortal realm?

According to conventional wisdom, their sinister sorcery of turning illusions into reality, and assuming the appearance of another, is not capable of replicating the existence of the living; it can only portray the semblance of the deceased.

Since the image of Shen Yuanjun can be conjured by them, it should be that she is someone who has already passed away. So why does it now appear as though she is still alive?

Upon the forehead of the demon shadow, droplets of cold sweat trickled down.

He gazed at the pallid countenance of Mother Ghost, as well as the siblings she held by her side. After a moment of profound silence, he finally spoke in a measured tone.

"This city is extraordinarily peculiar, suspended between reality and illusion, where the occurrence of bizarre events is deemed commonplace. Perhaps it is not the woman who remains alive, but rather the reason lies within the essence of this city…"

The demon shadow made a decisive decision, gritting its teeth as it said, "We shall press on and seek the Wolf God! We must resolve this with utmost haste! Once the bow is drawn, the arrow cannot be retrieved. Given the current circumstances, regardless of whether the woman is alive or dead, we cannot afford to be merciful."

"Therefore, why not take a gamble!" Mother Ghost also realized this and gritted her teeth as she spoke, saying, "Regardless of whether this woman is dead or alive, we should give it our all! Regardless of the consequences, if we retreat now, the Wolf God will surely not spare us!"

"Exactly! Let's give it our all!" the demon shadow gritted its teeth and said, "To accomplish our plan before anyone else can react, and escape from this peculiar city!"

The two malevolent spirits quickly reached a unanimous decision, determined to take a risk and seize that final glimmer of hope.

In the instant they turned around, they suddenly realized that the surrounding streets had completely transformed.

The streets that once exuded gusts of cold wind around them were no more. Instead, there stood a vast, desolate and blood-stained eerie altar.

And in the center of this altar, there stood a dilapidated earthen platform.

On top of the platform, a throne, likewise crafted from earthen material, resides.

The figure on the throne, casting a cold and detached gaze upon them below, spoke.

"So it's the Demon Eater Lock… You have all been overthinking it if you believe you can plot against the Master of the Green State Cauldron with such a thing."

The sudden appearance of King Shadow startled both the demon shadow and Mother Ghost.

In seeing the figure on the throne, they all felt an instinctual urge to escape, to run away as far as possible.

This is simply an entity that they cannot provoke!

Both wicked creatures instantly fled towards the square without even daring to utter a single word of banter.

However, in the instant when the two wicked demons turned and fled, countless blood-red and terrifying hands suddenly emerged from beneath the altar beneath their feet, wildly tearing at them.

Towering as the leaders of the demonic path, these two esteemed innate demon cultivators, were now utterly powerless and vanished within the writhing grasp of countless blood-red arms.

Even the cries of agony seemed so utterly hopeless.

Once everything had settled, what remained on the square were only the motionless and vacant-faced Wuyou and Wuyu siblings, along with a peculiar length of obsidian chains radiating a sinister aura.

Upon seeing this fragmented piece of the Demon Eater Lock, the figure on the throne shook their head and said, "The Demon Eater Lock is also in a state of disrepair… but it will suffice for now."

"By means of the technique you have accomplished, I can further augment my abilities. It is possible that we may even succeed in eliminating this ominous intruder, the Master of the Green State Cauldron…"

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