I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 436: Absent Today, Also Absent Tomorrow

Chapter 436: Absent Today, Also Absent Tomorrow

After obtaining the Heaven's Divination Sword, Lu Heng's mood improved significantly.

After acquiring an additional Heaven's Divination Sword, the Sword Formation's display of power has grown ever more formidable, surpassing the previous level. It has now become an essential asset upon which Lu Heng relies in dealing with adversaries.

Therefore, rejecting the invitation of the Dragon Emperor brought about a slight unease of conscience, but the pleasant mood also alleviated it to a large extent.

As for staying on Dragon Island waiting for the return of the Dragon Emperor, Lu Heng doesn't mind at all.

Sanxian Island, located on the vast sea, boasts picturesque scenery akin to a heavenly realm. Practicing cultivation here is no different from cultivating in the mountains.

Isn't it just a matter of waiting a few years or a dozen years? No problem! I will wait!

On the terrace, dark clouds quickly gathered once again. Lu Heng directly concealed himself within the calamity clouds and continued his cultivation.

Beneath the calamity clouds, Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie stood side by side, gazing upwards at the calamitous clouds above.

Jiu Mie sighed and said, "It seems that my friend's this destined encounter has come to an abrupt end."

Candle Dragon, however, chuckled and shook his head, saying, "We've only just begun. How can we consider it an abrupt end? Do you truly believe that the Dragon Emperor would give up because of a few setbacks? You are underestimating the preparations of the Dragon Emperor."

"Oh? Preparations? What do you mean?" Jiu Mie raised an eyebrow, asking curiously.

Candle Dragon laughed and said, "My friend, you should know that the bloodline inheritance of the Dragon Emperor is highly unique."

"Every time a Dragon Emperor ascends the throne, on that day, they offer sacrifices to the ancient spirits and pray to the heavens and earth, drawing a response from the Celestial Desolation Realm. On the day the sacrifices conclude, the Celestial Desolation Realm reveals the specific characteristics and origin of the most suitable individual to be the Dragon Emperor's destined partner."

"This is a destined bond ordained by heaven and earth, theoretically the most suitable lovers for each other. The moment they lay eyes upon each other, they will be irresistibly drawn towards one another."

"Every conversation, even if it is just sharing a cup of tea or giving a book to each other, will involuntarily spark a little bit of affection from within, and from the depths of the heart, one will genuinely believe that the other person is the most suitable for oneself. Every single action of the other person will make oneself elated and excited."

"You see, Dragon Emperor has only known Friend Lu Heng for a few days, and already there is a deep-rooted connection and an undeniable love blossoming between them."

"This is not acting, but rather the genuine affection that has gradually accumulated within her during the days spent together with Lu Heng. It is a love that stems from the depths of her heart."

"While Friend Lu Heng may appear outwardly unaffected, his attitude towards the Dragon Emperor has undergone a remarkable transformation compared to the initial unfamiliarity."

"Just that Old Wolf has a slow-tempered nature, and his cultivation of the Heavenly Thunder Path affects his soul, making him exceptionally calm. He is not easily swayed by illusions, nor does he succumb to the influence of emotions and desires. He remains rational in many aspects."

"However, rationality doesn't equate to a lack of love. The old wolf Lu can currently maintain his composure because his love for the Dragon Emperor has not yet reached its peak. If the Dragon Emperor continues to engage with him, without the need for any special allure, but rather through the simple and enduring companionship of everyday friendship, it is inevitable that the old wolf Lu will eventually realize that he cannot bear to part with the Dragon Emperor any longer."

Upon the terrace, Candle Dragon gracefully twirled his whiskers and smirked, brimming with self-assurance.

Jiu Mie looked up at the calamitous clouds overhead, let out a sigh, and said, "So this is the extent of the karmic entanglements Ha it seems that Friend Lu Heng cannot escape this destined connection."

"However" Jiu Mie glanced at Candle Dragon, then looked towards the distant Hanyu Mountain with a meaningful expression, and said, "If the bond between Old Wolf and the Dragon Emperor solidifies, there will be someone by his side who will be heartbroken."

The words of Jiu Mie caused Candle Dragon to momentarily pause in surprise.

Shortly afterwards, Candle Dragon cast a peculiar gaze towards Jiu Mie at his side and said, "Friend, do you really want to discuss this topic it is somewhat perilous, you know"

Jiu Mie clasped his hands together and sighed, saying, "Guilt, guilt Old Wolf truly carries a heavy burden of sins."

Candle Dragon cleared his throat and said, "In any case, I completely support Friend Lu Heng The perception of the world, in my eyes, is absolute nonsense."

Jiu Mie's expression filled with sorrow as he clasped his hands together, sighing, "All people endure suffering Old Wolf suffers Young Wolf also suffers, alas"

On the terrace, the conversation between the two mischievous friends abruptly came to a halt, with no further continuation.

While amidst the calamitous clouds, the cultivating Lu Heng noticed that his two mischievous friends below were engaged in conversation. However, the two had deployed a soundproofing magic formation, rendering Lu Heng completely unaware of what they were talking about.

In any case, it surely wouldn't be anything pleasant.

Amidst the calamitous clouds, he closed his eyes once again, continuing his cultivation.

On this day, the Dragon Emperor didn't come for a visit.

Above the terrace, the calamitous clouds loomed over the peaks, with the slowly rotating vortex cloud resembling an immense eyeball, coldly observing everything below.

The ominous aura permeating the air deterred the numerous dragon clan members on the sacred mountain from approaching without permission.

And as the visitors ceased to appear, this secluded small courtyard became as desolate as it usually was.

Lu Heng sat cross-legged within the calamitous clouds, engaged in cultivation, and had no intention of venturing outside. On the other hand, Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie spent these days wandering around the sacred mountain, both in search of the potential Fu Xi Treasure Trove and for leisurely amusement.

The three immortal mountains are all vast and immense, resembling three enormous suspended continents.

On the immortal mountains, there are snow-capped peaks, plains, deep valleys, basins, vast lakes and marshes, primitive dense forests, and sprawling mountain ranges Various magnificent earthly landscapes, which provided great delight for Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie during their playful exploration.

Or rowing on rivers and streams, or savoring wine at the summit of snowy mountains, or taming beasts on boundless grasslands For Candle Dragon, who is both introverted and inclined towards simplicity, this life of enjoying playful activities with friends is simply unimaginably delightful.

Unfortunately, on several occasions when he went back to invite Lu Heng, Lu Heng was secluded within the calamitous clouds, engaged in cultivation, politely declining the invitation to join in the amusement, unwilling to accompany them.

Once upon a time, the most detached and free-spirited old wolf among the three, has now become the most reclusive individual among them.

Even though Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie were unaware of the karma, they understood that their dear friend must have shouldered some immense pressure, leading to such a significant transformation.

While Lu Heng immersed himself in secluded cultivation within the calamitous clouds for a total of seventy-five days, Dragon Emperor had also refrained from paying a visit for precisely seventy-five days.

Initially, Lu Heng could still wholeheartedly immerse himself in the cultivate.

However, gradually, as Dragon Emperor, who used to visit daily, delayed her arrival, an unexpected worry began to haunt Lu Heng's heart, always wondering, "Will she come today?"

And in the end, she didn't come today.

Furthermore, she didn't come tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow

By the morning of the ninety-third day, the calamitous clouds hovering above the mountain peaks suddenly dispersed, and to everyone's surprise, Lu Heng, who had immersed himself in secluded cultivation for over three months, voluntarily ceased the swirling of the calamitous clouds and descended undisturbed into the outside world.

In the empty courtyard, the figures of Candle Dragon and Jiu Mie were nowhere to be seen. The two mischievous comrades had ventured southward for leisure, and it seemed they had not returned for about a dozen days.

And the beloved Dragon Emperor, whose absence has been even longer

Is she currently immersed in the secret realm? Or is she occupied with the preparations leading up to her entry into the secret realm?

If indeed she has truly ventured into the mystical realm, then it appears that in the coming years, and even a dozen years thereafter, he may no longer have the chance to lay eyes upon her again.

In the end, after much hesitation, Lu Heng finally mounted the white clouds and set off towards the distant palace of the Dragon Emperor.

He wanted to witness the discussions of the Dragon Clan elders regarding the exploration of Sanxian Island by the three individuals, to what extent has it progressed?

It has been so long, there should be a result by now, shouldn't there

So did Lu Heng pondered.

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