I'll Quit Being a God

Chapter 453: Let's Call Her Little White Dragon for Now

Chapter 453: Let's Call Her Little White Dragon for Now

We purchased

The smile of the Dragon Emperor was gentle yet fragile.

Upon seeing her sudden appearance, Lu Heng was slightly taken aback.

"Your Majesty"

Lu Heng spoke up, saying, "You shouldn't have expended your spiritual energy to appear while we are still inside the Starry Sky Tomb!"

Lu Heng, perplexed and puzzled, carried a hint of anxiety.

However, within the cold expanse of the cosmic void, the Dragon Emperor weakly smiled and said, "I can no longer escape Xiu Ya has no chance."

She said, "Xiu Ya acknowledged that my time was running out, with only a trace of spiritual energy left, I appeared to bid farewell to Brother Lu."

"Today, as we part ways, it signifies the eternal separation between celestial beings and humans, with no hope of meeting again in the future. Fortunately, Brother Lu is not bound by the constraints of the Starry Sky Tomb, and one day, you will be able to return to the Celestial Desolation Realm."

"For Xiu Ya, this is already excellent news."

"Otherwise, if Brother Lu were to be implicated by Xiu Ya and perish alongside her in the depths of the Starry Sky Tomb, Xiu Ya would truly bear the blame even in death"

On the face of the Dragon Emperor, there appeared a hint of remorse and a hint of relief.

She smiled gently and said, "When each Dragon Emperor ascends to the throne, the Ancestral Spirits always reveal the destined union of the Dragon Emperor. It is a sacred bond witnessed by heaven and earth, the most suitable union for each other Unfortunately, Xiu Ya's bond of union, today, is destined to be severed here."

"The bloodline of the Dragon Emperor will also be severed"

"However, it is not considered a major issue, for even if it is severed today, it will also be severed when the Earthly Catastrophe descends."

"This is the fate of the beings in the Celestial Desolation Realm"

Speaking of this, the Dragon Emperor paused and finally smiled, saying, "Brother Lu, farewell for eternity."

In the icy expanse of the cosmic void, the form of the Dragon Emperor grew dim, with the last remnants of spiritual energy within her body on the verge of dissipating.

As she willingly revealed her figure, she completely depleted the scant spiritual resonance that remained within her soul. After a few breaths, Dragon Emperor Xiu Ya would dissipate entirely from the mortal realm.

Although the innate realm surpasses the mortal realm, it ultimately cannot attain true immortality.

Once one steps into such a terrifying wasteland, where the spiritual aura is completely extinguished, there will be no possibility of escaping unscathed.

However, as Lu Heng witnessed the fading form of the Dragon Emperor, he shook his head and said, "I forbid your demise."

As the voice fell, Lu Heng casually waved his sleeve, and from within it, three green bronze cauldrons soared into the air.

The three large cauldrons each hovered in place, their mouths tilted and emanating countless vibrant streams of life essence.

Lu Heng and the Dragon Emperor stood amidst this vast abundance of life essence. He spoke, saying, "I possess a secret technique that can save Your Majesty from the imminent perils. However, once the technique is activated, Your Majesty's cultivation will be completely drained, and all memories and spiritual resonance will be temporarily sealed, transforming into the primal form of a beast."

"When embarking on cultivation once again, the obstacles encountered will be formidable, making it difficult to return to the current realm. However, if successful in enduring the arduous cultivation, the memories and spiritual resonance lost today will be restored along with it."

"Your Majesty's realm of strength will far surpass what it is today"

Lu Heng sighed and said, "Though the hope may be faint, it is our final ray of hope."

As Lu Heng finished speaking, the form of the Dragon Emperor had already become insubstantial, her consciousness muddled, unable to comprehend Lu Heng's words.

However, Lu Heng didn't intend to wait for her consent either.

A vast surge of life force surged forth, under Lu Heng's guidance, forming a colossal vortex that wildly spun in the frigid expanse of the universe.

The dim figure of the Dragon Emperor drifted amidst the vast surge of life force, with the eerie and deathly Requiem Seal hanging above her.

With each tremor of the Requiem Seal, the soul of the Dragon Emperor revealed a hint of peculiarity. Meanwhile, the rapidly revolving life force swirling around continuously pierced through the essence of the Dragon Emperor, reshaping and reconstructing her celestial body, inherent to the dragon lineage.

The incantation employed by Lu Heng was the sole method he had derived during his lengthy journey through the cosmos to ensure his survival.

The inspiration for the incantation originated from Lian Cangqing's Life Deviation Technique, though the Life Deviation Technique can only be performed within the Celestial Desolation Realm. Furthermore, after the technique is executed, the practitioner vanishes, only to be reborn during the resurgence of all things after the Earthly Catastrophe.

Lu Heng, following the profound mysteries of the Life Deviation Technique, derived the current incantation, allowing it to be cast outside the Celestial Desolation Realm. It has the ability to reshape the essence of the Dragon Emperor, enabling her to rejuvenate in her primal form. Although the subsequent cultivation after rebirth will be arduous, at least she will be able to survive.

Moreover, there is hope for reclaiming the memories.

Within the vast reservoir of life force, Lu Heng incessantly infused heavenly thunder into the soul being reshaped for the Dragon Emperor.

Although he couldn't directly impart the true Heavenly Thunder Tao Foundation to the Dragon Emperor, he could enable the Dragon Emperor to converge her soul around the essence of heavenly thunder, just like Xiao Ai.

With her soul reshaped in this manner, the Dragon Emperor can now survive even within the Starry Sky Tomb, devoid of spiritual energy

Amidst the frigid expanse of the cosmos, the boundless life force surges madly, while the colossal Requiem Seal looms above, occasionally sweeping forth a chilling beam of deathly radiance.

While Lu Heng intermittently infuses the pure essence of heavenly thunder into the vortex of life force, he tirelessly remolds and reshapes the soul of the Dragon Emperor contained within.

Such a process persisted for a considerable duration.

Even when the primordial essence of the Dragon Emperor's soul was on the brink of dispersing, it could not be easily shattered and reconstructed.

Not to mention, in the process of shattering and reconstructing, maintaining the resilience of the Dragon Emperor's consciousness and the integrity of her soul Such a highly demanding technique is almost akin to conjuring a brand-new dragon out of thin air!

Moreover, it is a dragon with heavenly thunder at its core

Besides wielding the Requiem Seal, and the lavish expenditure of life essence by Lu Heng, it is doubtful whether anyone in the Celestial Desolation Realm could accomplish such a feat.

Even during the peak of Lian Cangqing's era, it is unlikely that she could have accomplished such a remarkable feat.

However, this tremendously horrifying technique, which almost subverts the common knowledge of the cultivation world, remains unknown to anyone today.

In the frigid expanse of the cosmos, apart from Lu Heng, there were no spectators to be found. Even the Dragon Emperor, continuously reshaping her body and soul within the vortex of life, had long relinquished her sentience.

In the end, as Lu Heng dissipated all his life essence and put away the three large cauldrons and Requiem Seal, what appeared in the vast expanse of the universe was a feeble little dragon measuring only half a foot in length.

The diminutive white dragon faintly shimmered with brilliant lightning around its body, yet it remained frail and tender. It stared at Lu Heng ahead with wide, watery eyes, filled with a sense of bewilderment.

Regarding this unfamiliar world and unfamiliar man, the little white dragon had no recollection at all.

In the present, she is but a newborn infant to this world, utterly incapable of displaying any glimpse of the majestic presence and charm befitting Dragon Emperor Xiu Ya.

Upon witnessing her appearance, weary Lu Heng couldn't help but reveal a smile, saying, "Finally, I have succeeded"

With a simple gesture, Lu Heng summoned the perplexed white dragon into his grasp, smiling as he spoke, "From this day forward, you shall be called Little White Dragon and accompany me in my cultivation."

"Although we may not have the fate of husband and wife, perhaps we can be master and disciple for a period of time Hahaha"

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