I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 439: Into The Dark Dimension!

Chapter 439: Into The Dark Dimension!

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As of now, the patreòn is 6 chapters ahead. /AlienWarlord


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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Monkeyaking!🏆 (A/N: The two time!👑)

Leaving the Masters of the London Sanctum to deal with the aftermath, Peter, MJ, and Lily stepped through a portal back to their house. It's been a rather eventful day, after all. As they departed, Doctor Strange bid them goodbye and returned to Kamar-Taj, ready to spend the rest of the day sifting through the library's endless knowledge.

Back home, Peter was forced to recount the backstory for what just happened, explaining to MJ and Lily, who wouldn't stop pestering in for answers. His words flowed as he detailed the Ancient One's planned suicide, and his own intervention to save her. MJ and Lily listened with rapt attention, happy that Peter was able to fix everything.

After spending the day with his family, watching TV and just being lazy while he could, Peter tucked Lily into bed, reading her a bedtime story that was more scientifically accurate than most fairy tales. Due to her AI brain, she tended to like more realistic stories, so he had to edit a bunch of famous stories, adding explanations for all of the unexplained magic. And she loved it, for some odd reason.

"Goodnight, my love." With a kiss on her forehead, he left her room, moving toward his bedroom across the hall.

In the sanctuary of his and MJ's room, Peter sat cross-legged on the floor. Before him lay the Eye of Agamotto, its mystical aura pulsating gently. He had spent months preparing for this moment, poring over books, scrolls, and ancient texts in search of a way to sever the Ancient One's connection to Dormammu. It was a task easier said than done, for the entity's power was vast, and the bond forged between them was deep.

Over the last couple of months, Peter had discovered that the Ancient One had tied herself so tightly to Dormammu that severing the connection was a monumental challenge. Not to mention the fact that Dormammu wasn't inclined to let go, and Peter would need to confront the god-like being within the Dark Dimension to force him to release his grip, which was easier said than done.

As he contemplated his strategy, MJ entered the room, clad in pajamas, her concern etched on her face when she saw Peter engrossed in his preparations.

"Peter," she said softly, her voice tinged with worry. "Are you really going through with this?"

Peter looked up from the Eye of Agamotto, his expression a mixture of determination and reassurance. "MJ, I have to. Dormammu won't give up, and even though we've dealt with Kaecilius, there might be others like him in the future. It's better to face Dormammu now, before things escalate."

MJ sighed, walking over to him and sitting down. She regarded him with a mixture of love and concern. "But facing Dormammu... he's different from anything you've ever faced before. You said he's a dimensional entity, a god in his own dimension. Are you sure that you can do this?"

Peter offered a small smile, reaching out to hold her hand. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Dormammu is a challenge, but I can't back down. The Ancient One's life is at stake, and it's up to me to protect her."

MJ squeezed his hand gently, her eyes reflecting her worry. "What are the odds that you win?"

Peter thought for a moment, then spoke with a mixture of confidence and caution. "Before I had the Eye of Agamotto, I'd say around 20%. But now, with this artifact and my own abilities, I'd put it at around 90%. Maybe even higher, but I don't want to be overconfident."

MJ sighed, leaning in to rest her head on his shoulder. "Peter, promise me something… Promise that you'll come back."

Peter wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. "I promise. I'll do everything in my power to come back to you, Lily, and everyone else."

A playful glint entered MJ's eyes, and she lightly slapped Peter's chest. "Good, because if you don't, I'll find a way to resurrect you just so I can kill you myself. After all, I'm a sorceress now."

Peter chuckled, a warmth spreading through his chest. "Deal. And when I'm a Spider-Zombie-Man, we can see if my family jewels are still working~"

MJ smirked, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his lips. "Not happening." She pulled back and stuck her tongue out at him. "I refuse to let any zombie bits near me, so you better not die…"

Before the mood could grow somber, Peter lightened it with a grin. "Don't worry, I don't plan on it. I plan to be here, annoying you until the end of time."

MJ rolled her eyes, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Great, just what I always wanted."

As the night stretched on, Peter continued to familiarize himself with the Eye of Agamotto and mentally prepare himself for the confrontation ahead. The Eye pulsed with energy, as if sensing the weight of the task at hand. In the midst of his focus, MJ's presence provided him with a sense of comfort and strength.



Soon enough, In the quiet sanctity of his and MJ's room, Peter finished his meticulous preparations. The Eye of Agamotto hung around his neck, its mystical power resonating with the spell he was about to cast. A spell that would hopefully be his trump card against his dimensional god-like enemy.

Using golden Eldritch energy, Peter drew intricate spell circles in the air, each one filled with a complex arrangement of runes and ancient writing. MJ watched in rapt attention and curiosity, awed by the advanced spell playing out before her. It was a spell he had devised himself, a potent mixture of his magic knowledge that he wouldn't have been able to accomplish without the Eye of Agamotto's power over time itself.

With a final flourish, Peter's hands stilled, his energy infused into the spell circles that now hung suspended before him. The golden light of the Eldritch energy pulsed with an otherworldly glow, casting dancing shadows across the room. This spell was the linchpin of his plan, and without it, his odds of winning fall right back down to 20%.

'Thankfully, the spell was a success, or else I'd be screwed…' Peter thought in relief.

Turning away from his work, Peter faced MJ, who stood nearby with a mixture of concern and determination. Their eyes met, and he gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be back before you know it, MJ. I promise."

MJ's gaze was filled with emotion, her worry etched on her face. She stepped closer to him, her voice soft and filled with a mixture of love and urgency. "Peter, be careful. And come back to me. Lily and I need you."

Peter nodded, his expression serious as he drew her into a warm embrace. "You know I will."

Their lips met in a final, tender kiss, a bittersweet reminder of the bond they shared. Then, reluctantly, they pulled apart, their fingers lingering before letting go. With one last lingering look, Peter turned and opened a portal with a flick of his wrist. The portal shimmered before him, leading to the ominous expanse of the Dark Dimension.

As he stepped through the portal, Peter glanced back at MJ, who stood with tears in her eyes. With a determined nod, he disappeared from her sight, the portal snapping shut behind him.


Inside the Dark Dimension, the vast expanse stretched out before him, a void illuminated by eerie colored gases that danced in the distance. The air was thick with an ominous energy, a palpable sense of foreboding that sent shivers down Peter's spine. The very nature of the dimension seemed to twist and churn with an unnatural quality, as if reality itself was fluid and malleable.

In this surreal environment, the portal behind Peter closed with a soft whoosh, leaving him alone within the bleak expanse. He stood still for a moment, adjusting to the overwhelming atmosphere around him. It was then that he sensed movement in the distance.

From the shadows emerged the mindless ones, pitch-black humanoid wraith's that swarmed toward him like a ravenous horde of starving, wild dogs. Their forms were twisted and grotesque, their eyes vacant and empty as they scrambled forward with an insatiable hunger and rage. But just as they drew close, a deep, rumbling voice echoed through the dimension, its words reverberating in Peter's ears.

"What do we have here…"

The voice was all-encompassing, filling the very fabric of the Dark Dimension itself. It carried an air of authority, a commanding presence that sent even the mindless ones scrambling in the opposite direction, their pursuit halted by its mere utterance.

Peter stood his ground, his senses heightened as he gazed into the darkness ahead. 'Here we go…'

Suddenly, the very fabric of reality seemed to ripple and distort. A presence, immense and otherworldly, made itself known. Dormammu, the ancient and formidable ruler of this dimension, materialized before him, his figure casting a shadow that stretched across the void.

Dormammu's form was colossal, towering above Peter like a giant among bugs. His sheer size was overwhelming, his body easily capable of containing entire worlds within its grasp. Yet, his form held an almost ethereal quality, as if his very being existed on the threshold between the material and the immaterial.

Translucent and ghostly, Dormammu's body seemed to be a shifting tapestry of dimensions, as though one could peer through his form and glimpse the myriad layers of existence that he embodied. His figure was shrouded in an eerie, purple gaseous light, an ominous aura that radiated from every inch of his being. This spectral luminescence danced and swirled around him, casting eerie shadows that danced across the expanse of the Dark Dimension.

Within the heart of the gaseous shroud, Dormammu's eyes and mouth glowed with the same ethereal purple hue, their radiance an unsettling contrast to the abyssal darkness around him. However, the ominous glow was not confined to a single color. Along his surroundings, other gaseous hues pulsed and shifted, creating a surreal and nightmarish rainbow that seemed to defy all logic.

Dormammu's head was distinct from the rest of his form, an anchor in the chaos of his being. It resembled a aged skull, but one that had been carved with countless linear lines that ran from top to bottom, giving it an intricate and mesmerizing appearance.

[Insert picture of Dormammu here]

As Dormammu's presence loomed before Peter, a feeling of insignificance washed over him. He stood like a solitary figure against the backdrop of an ancient cosmic force, his determination his only shield against the overwhelming might that confronted him.

"Yo." Peter waved casually.

A/N: 1800 words :)



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