I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 449: Graduation & Awakening

Chapter 449: Graduation & Awakening

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The days after his trip to Wakanda flowed by in a leisurely haze, which was great for lazing around. Time, a rare commodity in Peter's hectic life, now seemed to stretch, allowing him the luxury of being a couch potato at home with his family. It was a welcome change, a chance to catch his breath and relish the moments of normalcy he so often craved.

With Lily's laughter echoing through the halls, and the faint scent of a home cooked meal drifting from the kitchen, Peter couldn't help but smile. He had learned to cherish these simple moments, each one a reminder of the life he was fighting to protect.

As the school year came to an end, a new chapter awaited Peter and his loved ones. He was finally done with high school, though he barely ever showed up to begin with. After a few tests, Peter graduated with perfect grades, making him the dream student for any college acceptance board.

The graduation party at Ned's house had been a lively affair, celebrating their achievements and marking the end of an era. But now, as they sat in Peter's living room, basking in the afterglow of the festivities, a more serious conversation lay before them.

"So, guys," Peter began, leaning back on the couch, "are you both thinking about college?"

The question hung in the air for a moment before MJ spoke up, her thoughtful gaze fixed on the ceiling. "I've thought about it, but I don't think I'll be going. High School was already hectic enough with my job as Silk and being a mother, so I'd rather just skip the whole college thing."

Ned nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring MJ's. "Yeah, same here. Between being Black Noir and keeping my game up to date, I've got my hands pretty full."

A couple years after Peter released Candy Crush, which filled his and his loved one's bank accounts with easy pay-to-win money, Ned released his own game, which became fairly popular on steam. The last time Peter checked, it had around 70 thousand concurrent players.

Peter chuckled, understanding their reasoning all too well. "I guess being superheroes and having a stable source of income does that to you. I mean, why go to college when we have the money and resources to learn anything we want?"

MJ's lips twitched into a wry smile. "Yeah, that's one way to put it. Besides, the Avengers paycheck is nothing to scoff at. And speaking of which, I had a chat with my mom about my decision."

Peter raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "And what did she say?"

Although Peter loves Grace, she can be a bit of a hard a*s, especially when it comes to Lily and her daughters safety. Though he knew that she was only looking out for them, like a mother or grandmother should.

MJ's smile turned mischievous. "Well, my mom was surprisingly okay with it, which was odd since she always wanted me to go to college. As for my dad, well, he's not around enough to notice, at least not for a while."

"I'm sure he'll be happy when he finds out." Peter smirked mischievously. "And Ned, what about your family?"

Ned leaned back, a satisfied grin on his face. "Oh, they're thrilled. Paid off the mortgage, bought them new cars... they're basically living the dream. On the same day that I told them about my lack of college plans, I happened to also book them a vacation to Hawaii, so they didn't even have time to complain. They had a flight to catch."

Peter couldn't help but smile at his friend's ingenious plan. "Well, I'm glad everyone's on board with your decisions. As for me, I've had time to think, and I've decided not to go to college either."

"Yeah, I expected that..." MJ nodded, knowing that even if her boyfriend went to college, he wouldn't attend classes, just like high school.

Peter leaned back into his seat. "My reasoning is the same as you guys. Considering my responsibilities as Spider-Man, a father, and an Avengers Councilman, not to mention my ongoing projects, college just doesn't make sense. And I don't think it ever will…"

MJ chimed in, her voice soft but supportive. "Did you talk to May yet?.

Peter nodded. "Yeah, she wasn't happy at first. Apparently, she promised my parents to send me to college, like them."

Ned leaned forward in interest. "I didn't know that your parents went to college?"

MJ's interest was piqued as well. "Yeah... Now that I think about it, we don't know anything about your birth parents."

Peter shrugged. "Truthfully, I don't know much about them either. May doesn't talk about them and I never really cared to ask."

Ned and MJ both give him incredulous looks. "You never once thought about your parents? Their likes, dislikes, appearance?" MJ asks.

Ned cocks his head to the side as he watches Peter shake his head uncaringly. "Do you even know how they died?"

Peter nods his head. "They were flying somewhere and the plane crashed. Everyone on the plane died on impact."

"Dude…" Ned practically jumped out of his seat. "You do know that you're a superhero, right?"

"Yeah… why?" Peter asks in confusion.

Ned rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on… That's the most main character backstory that I've ever heard!" He exclaimed. "You do understand that they were probably killed off by some evil CEO or something, right? I mean, you said it yourself. They went to college. They were probably scientists or something…"

Peter sighed at his friends overactive imagination. "That's highly unlikely…"

But after a moment of thought. 'You know what, I'll look into it. Maybe he's rights…' After all, he is a superhero, so it's possible.


The realm of Asgard was bathed in the ethereal glow of the Bifrost, its colors dancing across the golden spires and lush landscapes. Under the wise and benevolent rule of King Thor, the kingdom thrived, its people basking in an era of prosperity. Yet, amidst the splendor, there was a sense of anticipation, a feeling that something monumental was about to unfold.

Within the heart of the royal palace, the grand chamber known as the Hall of Kings held an aura of reverence. The regal tapestries depicted the history of Asgard, its battles and triumphs, weaving a narrative that spanned countless generations. And now, in this momentous time, the hall's attention was directed toward a large, ornate bed adorned with shimmering fabrics and drapes.

Atop the bed lay a figure, the form of a man with an air of regality about him. Odin, the Allfather, had been in a deep slumber, his consciousness temporarily relinquished to Odin's Sleep, a period of rest and rejuvenation that occurred cyclically, allowing him to maintain his divine powers and keep Asgard safe.

And finally, the time of his awakening has come, after years of sleep. Opening his eye for the first time since Loki was banished to Earth, Odin stretched his tired body before leaving his bed and strolling out of the room, intent on informing his family of his awakening.

In the grand throne room of Asgard, Thor stood beside Jane Foster, who leaned into his chest, enjoying their reunion. She had just arrived from Earth, where she continued to live her life as a scientist. Though most of her time is spent with Thor in Asgard.

Before the couple could get too intimate, suddenly, the large doors behind them swung open. Turning to yell at whoever interrupted his reunion with the woman he loved, Thor found his father standing there, looking healthy and well rested. "Father…" he muttered in shock, his voice carrying a mixture of respect and anticipation.

As if on cue, Thor knelt before Odin, a bow of reverence that acknowledged the Allfather's authority. "Welcome back, Father." Although he was King, the Allfather is still the Allfather. Odin deserved respect.

Odin's gaze shifted to Jane, who had no idea what to do at the moment, his scrutiny piercing and intense. Jane, feeling the weight of his gaze upon her, did her best to stand her ground, her chin raised defiantly even as a sense of unease prickled at her skin.

"Who is this midgardian girl?" Odin's voice rumbled like distant thunder, his tone demanding an answer.

Thor rose, placing a reassuring hand on Jane's shoulder. "Father, this is Jane Foster. She is a scientist, a healer, and a woman of great courage. And... she is dear to me."

Odin's gaze held Jane's for a long moment, as if peering into the depths of her very soul. She resisted the urge to squirm under his scrutiny, her gaze unwavering and resolute. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Odin nodded, a flicker of approval in his eyes.

"I see. Welcome to Asgard, Jane Foster. It is not every day that a midgardian catches the eye of an Asgardian prince," Odin said, his voice carrying air of surprise.

Jane inclined her head respectfully, her unease beginning to cool down as she sensed Odin's acceptance. "Thank you. It is an honor to be here, your majesty… sir?" She some awkwardly, unsure how to address the Allfather.

Thor smiled proudly, his hand still resting on Jane's shoulder. "Father, I would ask for your blessing upon my courtship with Jane. Her heart is as noble and her intentions are pure. I assure you."

Odin's expression softened, a trace of paternal affection touching his features. "Love knows no bounds, my son. If your heart has found its match in this mortal woman, then who am I to stand in your way?"

A sense of relief washed over Jane, and she offered a genuine smile to Odin. "Thank you, Odin."

Thor stepped closer to his father, his gaze earnest. "You honor me, Father." He said as he pulled his father into a hug. "It's good to have you back…"

Odin returned the hug awkwardly, unused to such shows of affection. "It's good to be back."

As Thor released his father, Odin's gaze swept over the hall, looking for something. "Thor, where's your mother?"

Suddenly, a voice could be heard over Odins shoulder. "I'm here, my love."

Whipping around as a smile adorned his face, Odin rushed up to his beautiful wife. "I'm sorry to have left you for so long. I know how my Odin sleep can weigh on you." He says as he brings her into an affectionate hug.

"Ugh, this is disgusting…" Thor muttered as he witnessed his father get a little handsy with his mother.

Pulling away from his wife for a moment, Odin peered around the room, a sad look appearing on his face. "Now, all we need is Loki to return and everything will be as it was…"


Hel, also known as Helheim, one of the Nine Realms, serves as the realm of the dead, filled with nothing but wandering souls and the stink of decay. A dark, cold, snd desolate place, shrouded in a mist of perpetual twilight.

Hela Odinsdottir paced the confines of her prison, sending nearby souls running with just a glance, her fowl mood spreading across her prison in waves. The entire realm of death was etched with magic to contain her immense power, trapping her completely.

[Insert picture of Hela here]

Her raven-black hair cascaded over her shoulders as she muttered to herself, her voice carrying a mix of frustration and determination. "Why won't that old fool just die already…" Her emerald eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the flames of her anger.

After her frustration simmered to a low boil, Hela came to a decision. "I can't wait for that one eyed fossil to die anymore. I'll break out of this prison myself… no matter the cost!" She declared, releasing her power at an output far greater than she'll be able to withstand for long.

"I REFUSE to be trapped any longer!" She shouted as the realm around her began to shake violently.

A/N: 2007 words :)



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