I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 457: Ragnarok (2/2)

Chapter 457: Ragnarok (2/2)

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Amidst the chaos, a new figure appeared, dressed in a spider-themed suit stood between Hela and her prey. Hela's eyes narrowed as she regarded this odd newcomer, their full-face mask obscuring any sign of recognition.

"Yo," Peter's voice rang out, as casual as ever. "That's a nice little stone you've got there… Mind if I see it for a second?"

"And who might you be?" Hela drawled, her voice dripping with condescension. She turned to Odin with a raised eyebrow. "Father, where did you find this... clown?"

(A/N: I wrote condensation like three times before finally getting the word condescension right… Am I dumb? Wait… don't answer that.)

Odin's smile remained serene as he replied, "This is Spider-Man, a friend of Asgard."

Hela's laughter echoed through the air. "Spider-Man? Which child came up with such a ridiculous title?"

Peter couldn't help but chuckle alongside Hela's laughter, earning a perplexed look from the goddess.

"Well, you know what they say, simplicity is key," Peter shrugged nonchalantly.

Ignoring Hela's glare, Peter held out his hand expectantly. "So, how about you hand over that pretty Soul Stone you've got there? And if you do, then I'd be kind and spare your life. After all, you were so kind to deliver it to me."

Hela's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Kind? Oh, I have a feeling you're in for a disappointment."

With a swift movement, Hela held up the Soul Stone, channeling its energy and radiating with newfound power. Peter's eyes narrowed, and before anyone could react, he kicked off the ground, disappearing in a blur and reappearing beside Hela. His fist connected with her stomach, sending her soaring backwards to crash into the outer wall of Asgard. The impact created an explosion of dust and rubble.

As Hela struggled to remove the rubble, which collapsed on top of her, her army undead Valkyrie rushed forward, ready to defend their queen. Turning to Odin and Brunnhilde, Peter pointed toward the incoming forces. "You two handle them. I'll take care of Hela."

Odin hesitated, "She's my daughter. So she's my responsibility-"

Even Brunnhilde looked reluctant to follow Peter's order. "…"

"Just go." Peter shooed them off as a surge of red energy appeared in his hand. "I'm the only person here with an infinity stone to combat the soul stone. If you continue to fight her, the likelihood of her taking control of your soul is rather high."

Surprised to see the Reality Stone in Peter's possession, both Odin and Brunnhilde reluctantly agree and rush off to engage the Valkyrie, leaving Peter to face Hela head-on.

Hela rose from the rubble, glaring at Peter with a dangerous intensity. But before she knew it, Peter was beside her once again, his movements were a blur of agility and precision. Seeing his attack coming this time around, Hela forms two black swords in her grasp and slash at his appearing figure.

Peter ducked and weaved, dodging Hela's strikes with ease, and countering with a swift kick that sent her tumbling backwards. Each punch Peter delivered was calculated, each kick precise. He moved with a grace that displayed his strength, his spider-like reflexes and senses making it impossible for her to land a single hit.

As time went on, Hela's attacks became more frenzied as she tried to catch Peter's elusive figure, but his agility allowed him to dance around her with ease. He exploited her openings, landing blows that sent shockwaves through her body. Blood trickled from Hela's lip as she spat in frustration, her rage fueling her attacks.

Summoning her magic, Hela sent countless shards of obsidian blades flying toward Peter. But sadly for her, he just walked right through it, allowing the blades to phase through him. She watched in shock as Peter walked out of her attack, completely unscathed. And with a flick of his wrist, he shot webbing that wrapped around Hela's arms, pulling her off balance. Seizing the opportunity, he lunged forward, his fists striking with the force of a 1000 speeding trains.

Hela launched backwards, her breath uneven. She attempted to conjure her energy, but Peter moved too quickly, his fists a blur as they landed precise blows. Each hit seemed to weaken Hela further, and her desperation was palpable.

Realizing that she was severely losing ground, Hela's eyes gleamed with a sinister light as she summoned the power of the Soul Stone. She attempted to manipulate Peter's soul, but to her surprise, it had no effect. Confusion marred her features as her power faltered.

In an instant, the Peter she had been fighting vanished in a burst of red fog, revealing that it had been a clone created by the Reality Stone all along. Hela's eyes widened in realization, but before she could react, the real Peter appeared sitting on a piece of rubble, casually munching on a bag of potato chips.

"Hey there," Peter gave a relaxed greeting, waving at Hela. "Ready to hand over the Soul Stone yet?"

Hela's expression contorted in a mixture of rage and disbelief. With a furious cry, she charged toward Peter, her attacks growing more reckless and desperate. But Peter's movements were a blur, his reflexes and strength making it seem as though he was everywhere at once. And he was, thanks to the Reality Stone.

Since she has the soul stone, which Peter knew was capable of influencing the soul or essence of a person, he decided to remain hidden and fight using the Reality Stone. Whether it be an attack or manipulation of his soul, Peter just didn't want to risk it, which is why he decided to make clones of himself and stay out of sight. But now it was finally time to step in. After all, Hela was weakened, shaken, and battered.

Peter smirked. 'It's time to add another stone to my collection!'

Folding his bag of chips and placing it to the side for later, Peter and his mirage of reality clones deflected Hela's strikes with ease, countering with powerful blows that sent her reeling. Blood stained her lips, and her aura of confidence was shattered. With a final, powerful strike to the face, Peter sent Hela crashing to the ground, her grip on the Soul Stone weakening.

Breathing heavily, Hela struggled to her feet, her body battered and broken. She stared at Peter with a mix of rage and defeat, the Soul Stone slipping from her grasp. As it hit the ground, Peter strolled over, reached down, and snatched it up.

Hela's eyes narrowed as she looked up at Peter. "You think you've won?"

Peter smirked, a glint of triumph in his eyes. "Of course I have, and it's been a pleasure doing business with you." He said as he twirled the amber stone between his fingers.

With the Soul Stone securely in Peter's grasp, he felt its pulsating power resonate through him. 'Power, Time, Reality, Space, and now the Soul Stone. I have all but one. All that's left now is the Mind Stone…' He smirked under his mask, though sounds of the continuing war surrounding Asgard interrupted the moment. 'They're still fighting? Is the Soul Stone powering the Valkyrie?'

His fingers tightened around the amber gem, and in a decisive moment, he called upon its might. The energy surged within him, and as he directed it outward, a shockwave of golden light spread across the battlefield. Instantly, the Undead Valkyrie, Hela's once formidable army, collapsed into heaps of bones, dust, and rusted armor and weaponry, their forms disintegrating into nothingness. The peace they had been robbed of was finally returned.

Across the battlefield, the scene unfolded like a surreal dream. Thor's eyes widened, his expression shifting from disbelief to awe. Odin's stern demeanor softened as he gazed upon the fading enemies, his relief palpable. Frigga's heartwarming smile conveyed her maternal condolences, and Brunnhilde's tense stance relaxed, a mixture of relief and gratitude settling upon her. And lastly, the Hulk roared triumphantly, the sound echoing like a declaration of victory.

Hela watched with an unbridled rage as her once indomitable forces crumbled away. The very power she had wielded to amass an army of the dead was now the force that brought them to their end. She gritted her teeth, her fists clenched as she witnessed her enemies celebrating across the battlefield. The taste of defeat was bitter on her tongue, a reality she could scarcely comprehend.

Amidst the jubilation, Odin and Brunnhilde approached Peter. Brunnhilde walked with purpose, her eyes locked onto Hela, her intention clear. She unsheathed her sword, the metal gleaming in the sunlight. Her steps were determined, and her heart pounded with the desire for vengeance. But before her blade could strike true, Odin's spear intervened, clashing with the last Valkyries sword and blocking the path of the sword, preserving his daughter's life.

The tension between Brunnhilde and Odin hung in the air, their conflicting desires palpable. Brunnhilde's glare could have burned holes through stone, while Odin's expression was a mix of sadness and resolution. He spoke, his voice heavy with both regret and determination. "Hela has committed countless atrocities, especially against the Valkyrie, and I share some of the blame for that and countless others. But, she's still my daughter. I ask that you please spare her."

Brunnhilde scoffed. "Step aside!"

As Brunnhilde stood ready to strike again, Peter stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. With a swift movement, he reached out and grabbed Brunnhilde's wrist, halting her impending attack. His voice carried with it an air of authority as he addressed the tense situation. "I have an idea that might satisfy both sides," he declared, his gaze flickering between Hela and Brunnhilde.

Odin's gaze shifted to Peter, his eyes reflecting curiosity and hope. He nodded, a silent agreement to hear out the young man's proposal. Brunnhilde huffed, her irritation apparent, but she sheathed her sword, her stance softening slightly. She regarded Peter with a mixture of skepticism and anticipation, her eyes demanding that his solution be worth considering.

With the Soul Stone pulsating ominously in his grasp, as well as the others in his possession, Peter turned his attention to Hela, his gaze unsettling for the evil princess. A sly smirk curled at the corner of his lips as an amusing idea came to mind.

Hela frowned as a chill burst down her spine. She couldn't see Peter's face, nor did she know what he was thinking, but she could sense the impending doom that his gaze carried. Whatever he had planned, she knew it wouldn't be good.

But before that, Peter turned to Brunnhilde. "Before we get to Hela's punishment, which I assure you will be quite satisfying, I have a quick question for you."

Brunnhilde raised a curious eyebrow. "What?"

Peter held up the Soul Stone. "If I told you that I might be able to revive the Valkyrie, what would you say?"

A/N: 1822 words :)



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