I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 463: Maximoff Twins

Chapter 463: Maximoff Twins

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After settling the Valkyrie into their new homes and officially recruiting them into the Avengers, Peter relished the chance to spend some quality time with his loved ones. He had been away from them for nearly two weeks, and the sight of MJ, Lily, May, Grace, and even the shining, bald head of the Ancient One filled his heart with warmth.

They had dinner together, sharing stories of their days apart, with Lily's enthusiastic chatter adding an extra layer of liveliness to the gathering. The newest addition to their little family, the Ancient One, seemed to genuinely smile a lot more than she used to, especially during times like these.

Ever since she moved in, it was like a switch was flipped. She went from a wise and omniscient leader with the weight of the world on her shoulders, to a sort of Grandma to Lily, a close friend to May and Grace, and a third mother figure to MJ and Peter.

As the evening wore on, Peter couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro. He had seen them briefly during his last visit to Xavier's school, and something about them had piqued his interest.

Leaving his family to relax, he retreated to his room and began to research the siblings. His investigation revealed a tragic past that mirrored their portrayal in the movies. Survivors of the Novi Grad Bombings in Sokovia, orphans who had lost their parents at a young age.

However, Peter soon discovered a crucial difference. Unlike the cinematic version of their story, where Tony Stark's weapons were responsible for the tragic death of their parents, the real world events showed that they were orphans long before the bombings. Neither knew who their parents were from the very beginning.

This only strengthened Peter's hunch that Magneto, their father in the comics, might also hold that role in this world. 'But does Erik know?'

Peter's thoughts swirled as he wondered whether Magneto was hiding from his children, or perhaps, he simply didn't know they existed, which was definitely a possibility. After all, Erik has grown softer in his time as an Avenger, so Peter couldn't imagine him intentionally abandoning his children.

Another question appeared in Peter's mind. 'Do they still hate Tony?' Although they still went through a horrible experience in Novi Grad, they didn't lose their parents. 'Maybe I can smooth things over before they try to do something they'll regret…'

Dressed in his Spider-Man suit, Peter was about to leave for Xavier's school to investigate further when he was stopped in his tracks by a familiar voice calling out, "Daddy! Where are you going?"

Turning, he saw Lily standing before him in her own Spider-Suit, the mask concealing her face but her excitement evident in her body language.

"What do you want?" Peter asked, knowing the 'Daddy's' only come out when she's scared or wants something. And she certainly wasn't scared. "Why are you in your suit?"

Lily's smile faltered for just a second before a beaming smile that could be seen even beneath her mask returned, "Because I'm coming with you, Daddy!"

'… I really can't say no, can I?' Peter let out a sigh and bent down to her level. "Alright, you can come along, but remember to keep your mask on at all times and don't reveal your identity. We'll just be visiting Xavier's school."

Lily nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Let's go, dad!"

'And the Daddy's disappear as soon as she gets what she wants… When did my daughter become so manipulative?' Peter shook his head and quickly sent a text to MJ, informing her that Lily would be accompanying him to Xavier's school to keep her from worrying.

With preparations in order, Peter opened a portal, and the father-daughter duo stepped through. They arrived at the peaceful surroundings of Xavier's school, greeted by the sight of metahuman children playing in the front yard.

Lily watched with wide-eyed wonder as children with various mutations showcased their unique abilities. She was itching to join them, her fingers fidgeting under her gloves.

Seeing her excitement, Peter patted her head affectionately. "Go ahead, kiddo. Join in the fun, but remember, no revealing your identity."

Lily gave a nod of understanding, her young heart filled with excitement as she bounded off toward a group of children her age. Each of them possessed different mutations, and she was eager to learn about them and make new friends. Peter noticed X-23, Kitty Pride, and a few other recognizable faces in the crowd she was joining.

With Lily occupied, Peter used the reality stone to make himself invisible and entered the mansion, searching for Wanda and Pietro's bedroom. He needed answers about their connection to Magneto, so he wanted to swipe some DNA and test it with Eriks. Maybe steal a few hairs from a brush?

Strolling through the mansion unnoticed, It wasn't long before Peter spotted Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, rushing frantically through the mansion, her eyes wild with worry.

"Have you seen Pietro?" Wanda asked each person she encountered, her voice quivering with anxiety.

Peter stayed in the shadows, observing her. He followed her for a few moments, watching her frantic search lead her back to her room.

When Wanda entered her room and closed the door, the walls seemed to reverberate with the intensity of her emotions as she collapsed to the floor, crying her eyes out. As the tears streamed down her face, her body began to glow in a faint red color, her powers growing stronger and more chaotic with each passing second.

'This isn't good…' Peter knew he couldn't afford to wait any longer. He released his invisibility in the center of her room.

The room was a whirlwind of crimson energy, swirling chaotically as Wanda's powers spiraled out of control. Knowing the destructive potential of her magic, Peter acted swiftly. He summoned the power Reality Stone, its iridescent glow cutting through the chaos. With a focused thought, he contained her unruly powers, sealing them Temporarily.

Wanda's eyes widened as she felt her magic being brought under control. Her tears continued to fall, but the room around her began to stabilize. When she finally looked up, she saw Spider-Man standing over her.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked with genuine concern, crouching down beside her. "What happened?"

Wanda wiped away her tears with the back of her hand and nodded. "I... I don't know what happened. My brother, he ran off, and I couldn't stop him."

Peter frowned, realizing that this situation might be more dire than he had initially thought. "Where did he go?"

Wanda hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the ground as she battled with her conflicting emotions. Finally, she made a decision and looked up at Peter.

"He... he went to kill Tony Stark," she admitted, her voice trembling. "I didn't want to tell on him, but I'm afraid of what he might do. I just want him back here, safe at the school, where we can be a family again."

Sadly, Peter wasn't surprised. "I see…"

The consequences of such an act would be catastrophic for Pietro, and Wanda seemed to realize that. Tony Stark is a beloved public figure, and an attack on him would make his killer public enemy number one. And that's exactly what Wanda doesn't want to happen. She may hate Tony Stark and America just as much as any Sokovian, but it just wasn't worth it.

"I'll find him," Peter assured Wanda. "But you need to stay here and keep your powers in check. I'll do my best to bring your brother back safely."

Wanda nodded, putting her full trust in Peter. If there was anyone who could bring her brother back and fix this situation, it would be Spider-Man.


Meanwhile, Wanda's wayward brother, Pietro, moved like a blur through the darkening streets of New York City, his silver hair and red clothing a streak against the night. He had one singular goal in mind… to reach the Avengers Tower and confront the man he blamed for his and his sisters suffering, Tony Stark.

As he approached the towering structure, Pietro's eyes scanned the imposing building. He had heard tales of its security systems and defenses, but he was confident in his own abilities. With his enhanced speed and reflexes, he believed he could bypass any obstacle.

Slowing down just enough to take in the situation, Pietro assessed the main entrance. Two security guards stood vigilant, watching over the automated check points inside the grand lobby. A sly grin crossed his face as he realized he could easily pass through the checkpoints and outpace the guards senses.

Without hesitation, Pietro dashed forward at a speed that rendered him nearly invisible to the naked eye. He darted past the guards, who only registered a gust of wind before their alarms began blaring. Confused and disoriented, they exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of what had just occurred.

Inside the tower, alarms echoed through the sleek, modern corridors. Security personnel rushed to the lobby, attempting to assess the breach. Their screens displayed blurred images of a figure in red and silver streaking past.

"What the hell was that?" one of the guards exclaimed.

"I don't know," his partner replied, still trying to make sense of what had just happened. "But it was fast… faster than anything I've ever seen."

Pietro, meanwhile, had already ascended several floors, his heart pounding with anticipation. He was closer to his goal than ever before, driven by a burning desire for revenge.

A/N: 1608 words :)



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