I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 471: United Nations

Chapter 471: United Nations

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(A/N: Sorry for the odd glitch yesterday, IDK what went wrong. I think it's because I updated my app right after I scheduled the chapter. And that somehow bugged it out so I had to delete and reupload the chapter. It was not like that beforehand, I would have noticed when I scheduled the upload. Anyway, hopefully it doesn't happen again…)

A day after the tense meeting in Wakanda, Peter found himself standing at a podium in the grand assembly hall of the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The President of the United States had helped arrange this emergency meeting, and Wakanda had specifically requested Peter's presence to address the assembly. As Spider-Man, he was a beloved figure worldwide, and his voice held immense weight.

As he walked up to the podium, the room fell into a hushed anticipation. The representatives from every corner of the globe, each bearing their country's flag, watched with eager eyes. When Peter reached the podium, the room erupted in applause, a gesture of respect and admiration for the hero they had all come to love.

Peter waited for the clapping to subside, a humble smile hidden under his mask. "Yo," he began as usual, his voice projecting clearly through the hall. "It's been a while since I've been here."

He started his speech by addressing a topic that had been plaguing the world for years, pollution. "Alright, let's get this started so we can all go home... We've gathered here today to discuss a crisis that transcends borders, a crisis that affects every living being on this planet, pollution. We've witnessed the devastating effects of global warming, the destruction of our oceans, the decimation of our forests, and the ever-increasing extinction rates of countless species, both on land and in the sea."

Many in the audience exchanged knowing glances. Environmental issues were nothing new, and they had heard countless speeches on the subject. But Peter knew that they would see the urgency soon enough.

"Before we get into the heart of the matter, let me pose a question," Peter continued. "What if I told you that our actions, our negligence, have inadvertently created an enemy, one that we never intended to provoke?"

A few eyebrows raised, and some leaned forward in their seats, intrigued.

Peter paused for dramatic effect before dropping the bombshell. "Hidden beneath the depths of our oceans lies an advanced civilization known as Talokan, similar to the legends of Atlantis, led by their king, Namor."

Gasps of astonishment filled the room. The idea of another hidden nation, akin to Wakanda, was almost inconceivable.

'Now you're listening, huh?' Peter smirks under his mask. "And this nation is not happy with us. In fact, they're growing quite aggressive about the whole situation."

One of the UN members leaned into a microphone, his voice tinged with excitement, "Are you saying that a hidden nation is threatening war against us?"

Peter nodded solemnly. "Yes, precisely. Talokan has grievances against the surface world, many of which are tied to the very issues we've discussed today. They've issued an ultimatum to Wakanda, asking them to ally themselves with Talokan and against us." Instantly, all eyes turned to the Wakandan Royal family, who stood behind Peter.

Peter continues. "Of course, Wakanda immediately came to me with this and we've come to an decision. Instead of a war, which we all know will have no real winner, we can all take action on our part to rectify these problems. Obviously, we can't fix everything in a single day, but we can work towards it in a meaningful way. And if we fail to do so, Talokan seems more than happy to wage war over our actions."

The room was silent for a moment before it erupted into a flurry of questions, confusion, and outrage. Voices clamored to be heard as representatives demanded explanations and solutions.

Peter held up a hand, urging for calm. Then, he continued, "But before anyone entertains the thought of war, I want to make something very clear. Talokan is not to be underestimated. They possess technology and military might that rivals even Wakanda. Your odds of victory without help are close to zero. and of course, the Avengers could handle them easily, but we refuse to fight a war that can be avoided with simple actions."

On queue, T'Challa stepped forward beside Peter, his regal presence commanding attention. "Wakanda, too, refuses to engage in a war that can be avoided. We believe that there's a peaceful solution to this crisis."

The room was filled with a cacophony of shouts, arguments, and protests. It seemed like chaos was about to reign until Peter, growing impatient, snapped his fingers with a touch of magic. The shockwave of sound reverberated, causing everyone to groan in discomfort as they covered their ears.

When the room fell silent, Peter spoke again, his tone firm. "I understand your concerns, your fears, and your frustrations. But let me assure you, the Avengers are more than willing to step in if necessary. However, we strongly urge that steps be taken to appease Talokan before it comes to that. We need to address the pollution and environmental issues that have driven them to this point."

Once the revelation of Talokan's ultimatum and the impending threat to the world had sunk in, the assembly at the United Nations was abuzz with discussions and questions. Representatives from various countries voiced their concerns and confusion, but it was the impassioned plea from the representative of Burundi, a small and impoverished nation, that drew Peter's attention.

The Burundian representative stood with a somber expression, his voice carrying the weight of his nation's struggles. "How can nations like mine, impoverished and struggling to meet the basic needs of our people, be expected to address these complex issues of pollution and environmental degradation? We lack the resources, manpower, and funds required for such massive undertakings."

His words resonated with many others in the room. Nods of agreement rippled through the crowd. Not every country had the financial means, skilled workers, or technological capabilities to tackle environmental problems on a global scale.

Peter, anticipating this concern, motioned for T'Challa to step up and address the assembly once more. As Peter moved to the side, the Black Panther took his place at the podium, his regal presence commanding attention.

T'Challa began, "I understand the concerns raised by many representatives here. Not every nation has the resources to combat these pressing issues. However, I stand before you on behalf of Wakanda, the richest, most developed, and technologically advanced nation on the planet..."

His words sparked interest and curiosity among the representatives. Some leaned forward, eager to hear more, while others, who had long held the status of the richest or most advanced nations, grumbled in annoyance.

T'Challa continued, "Wakanda believes it is our responsibility to assist in this situation. We are more than willing to provide financial aid and resources to any nation that needs it, with the condition that these resources are allocated specifically for addressing the environmental problems discussed today."

The announcement seemed to split the room into two distinct reactions. Many representatives looked pleased, imagining the potential benefits of such aid for their countries. Others, whose nations had previously held the spotlight as economic powerhouses, now found themselves overshadowed by Wakanda's generosity.

T'Challa didn't stop there. He went on to explain that Wakanda had already developed groundbreaking inventions to combat pollution and environmental degradation. He briefly outlined some of these inventions, including advanced air and water purification systems, sustainable energy solutions, and innovative waste recycling technologies.

The crowd fell into a stunned silence. It was one thing to hear speeches and warnings about environmental problems, but it was an entirely different matter to learn that there were actual solutions, and Wakanda had them all.

Stepping back from the podium, T'Challa allowed Peter to take his place once more. The atmosphere in the room had shifted. The representatives, once filled with uncertainty and apprehension, were now eager to listen to what Spider-Man had to say.

Peter's gaze swept across the assembly, his expression serious and unwavering. "Listen up," he began, his voice carrying an undertone of determination, "Wakanda's offer is not just a generous gesture, it's a lifeline for our planet. But let me make something clear. This must happen, and it must happen with integrity."

His words hung heavy in the air as he continued, "Any nation that misappropriates the funding, resources, and technology provided by Wakanda will face severe consequences. We will not tolerate corruption or misuse of these resources when the fate of our world hangs in the balance."

A palpable tension filled the room as Peter's warning sank in. The representatives exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Then, a representative from the United States stood up, his voice filled with conviction. "I believe I speak for everyone when I say that we are more than willing to accept Wakanda's assistance. Not only does it hold the promise of preventing a devastating war, but it also provides us with the means to address the critical issues plaguing our planet. And on top of everything, Wakanda is generously footing the bill. Could it get any better?"

The room burst into applause, a collective expression of gratitude and relief. It seemed like things were moving in the right direction…

And now they needed to come up with a game plan for these nations to follow. Then finally, they'd have to convince Namor not to go to war.

Peter suddenly got a bad feeling. 'Why do I feel like he'll want to fight either way?'


In the grand chamber of Talokan, Namor, the King of the undersea nation, had been deep in thought as he contemplated the coming war with the surface world. The room was filled with generals and advisors, each awaiting his next command.

Just then, a messenger entered the chamber, swimming gracefully to the throne where Namor sat. With a bow of respect, the messenger began to convey the latest news. "Your Majesty, urgent information has arrived from the surface world..."

Namor's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Speak."

A/N: 1650 words :)



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