I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 474: Bothersome Djinn

Chapter 474: Bothersome Djinn

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Hours after the battle that had unfolded in the throne room of Talokan, a slightly bruised and battered Namor, King of Talokan, stood before the United Nations. It was an unprecedented moment in history as he addressed the assembly of world leaders, and Peter stood quietly behind him, casting a watchful presence that seemed to suggest Namor's appearance was not entirely voluntary.

Namor cleared his throat, his regal attire now impeccably repaired, though traces of recent combat were still evident on his face, which was bruised and cut in few places. "Ladies and gentlemen of the United Nations, representatives of the surface nations, and esteemed guests," he began, his deep voice carrying authority. "I stand before you today not as a conqueror, but as a seeker of unity and understanding."

A hushed murmur swept through the assembly as they beheld the imposing figure of Namor, the King of Talokan. It was a shocking sight, one that many had thought they would never witness. After all, just the other day they were told that this man was planning to start a war with them. Yet here he is, seeking 'unity and understanding'.

Namor continued, "For too long, the oceans and the surface world have been divided by fear and mistrust, which falls mainly on our part. But today, I come with an offer of peace and cooperation. The time has come to bridge the gap between our worlds and work together for the betterment of all."

Peter, standing just behind Namor, had a knack for influencing the situation without uttering a word. His mere presence suggested that Namor had been brought here against his will, and it was clear that the King of Talokan was not in the position to refuse.

Namor's speech was well rehearsed, emphasizing the need for collaboration on environmental efforts. He commended the many surface nations for their newfound dedication to preserving the planet, echoing his words of unity. It was a speech that appealed to the very heart of the United Nations' mission, and the delegates listened intently, knowing all the while that Spider-Man was behind this.

"As Talokan joins the United Nations, we pledge to work hand in hand with all nations, to share our knowledge and resources, and to protect the oceans that are our shared heritage," Namor concluded, his words met with resounding applause.

Peter smiled under his mask and clapped Namor on the shoulder. "Nicely done."

Namor, who was forced to say these things, couldn't help but force a smile onto his face. He may not have written those words, but they were his now and he would have to follow them. Though the small bit about the oceans being everyone's 'shared heritage' definitely left a bad taste in his mouth. After all, he is the king of the ocean. The idea of sharing never really came to mind until now.

And with that, the UN meeting came to an end, and it was official, Talokan was now a member of the United Nations, alongside Wakanda. The world had witnessed an extraordinary shift in the balance of power, as two extremely advanced hidden nations joined the global community, bringing with them the promise of collaboration and progress.

The following day, the world was in shock as information about Talokan flooded the airwaves, television stations, and the internet. The hidden nation had been unveiled to the world, and its advanced technology and unique culture were the subject of intense scrutiny and fascination.

News broadcasts featured images of Talokan's breathtaking underwater city, its majestic architecture, and its people who had remained hidden for centuries. The world watched in awe as they learned about the advanced technology and sustainable practices that had allowed Talokan to thrive beneath the ocean's depths.

But that wasn't all… Rumors began to circulate, fueled by pictures of Namor's bruised and battered form from the UN meeting. Some broadcasters speculated about the events that had unfolded, suggesting that Spider-Man had been instrumental in convincing Namor to seek peace.

As the world grappled with the revelation of Talokan's existence, one thing became clear… the balance of power on Earth had shifted once more, and the potential for a new era of cooperation and discovery had dawned.


A day had passed since Hank and Hope's experiment in the Avengers Tower had once again ended in disappointment. The failed attempts to breach the Quantum Realm had left Hank feeling a gnawing sense of frustration, a feeling that had become all too familiar over the years. But this time, he knew he had to do something different, something he had been avoiding for a long time.

With a determined resolve, Hank made his way to the hall outside of Tony Stark's workshop. Hope was visiting Scott at the moment, which gives him just enough time to beg Stark for help. 'Ugh… I feel a headache coming on already…' Just the thought of it gave him a migraine.

When he arrived outside Tony's lab, Hank paced back and forth, his thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of doubt and determination. He had never liked Tony's Father, mainly because the man couldn't keep his eyes and sometimes his hands off of his beautiful wife.

And although Tony hasn't necessarily done anything to him, Hank still doesn't like him, considering him a reckless playboy who had little respect for the scientific community. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and his wife's fate hung in the balance. He just couldn't waste anymore time.

After several minutes of internal debate, Hank finally stepped up to the door leading to Tony's lab. He hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering over the buzzer that would announce his presence. Inwardly, he cursed himself for needing to seek help from the son of the man he had despised for so long.

Before Hank could make up his mind, the door unexpectedly slid open on its own. Inside, he found Tony Stark waiting for him, an amused look on his face. "Are you coming in? Or were you planning to pace outside my workshop for another 10 minutes?" Tony had been informed by Jarvis of Hank's peculiar behavior outside the lab, and he couldn't resist the opportunity to tease the old scientist.

Tony's smirk only deepened as he watched Hank's discomfort. He knew that Hank had come here for a reason, and the fact that he had swallowed his pride and sought help from Tony was a source of great amusement for the billionaire.

Hank gritted his teeth, fully aware of the smug expression on Tony's face. He had no choice but to proceed with his request, no matter how much it grated on him. "Stark, I need your help."

Tony's grin faded slightly as he saw the seriousness in Hank's eyes. He leaned against a workbench, folding his arms across his chest. "Alright, Pym, I'm listening. What's got you so desperate that you had to come crawling to me?"

Hank took a deep breath to steady himself before explaining his predicament. He recounted the decades-long search for his wife, Janet van Dyne, and the repeated failures to access the Quantum Realm where she was believed to be trapped. He spoke of the recent experiment with Hope and the frustration of being so close yet so far from reaching his goal.

Tony listened attentively, his amusement replaced by a growing sense of empathy and interest. He had a keen interest in the Quantum Realm, and the opportunity to explore its mysteries was too enticing to pass up. He thought for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I'll help you," Tony said, surprising both Hank and himself with his willingness. "But there's a condition. I'm coming with you on this mission. I want to see what's inside the Quantum Realm for myself."

Hank hesitated, torn between his reluctance to involve Tony and his desperation to rescue Janet. After a moment, he begrudgingly agreed. "Fine, Stark. You can come along. But don't expect me to hold your hand or be your babysitter."

Tony smirked once more, a hint of genuine amusement in his eyes. "Deal. Now let's get to work!" He said as he grabbed some supplies and followed Hank down to his and his daughters lab.


Returning home a day after his victorious battle with Namor, Peter stepped through the front door, ready to return to his lazy life. 'I'm going to do nothing but eat, sleep, and watch TV…!'

But he barely had time to take a breath before he found himself under attack from an unexpected assailant. A small figure, barely reaching his waist, lunged at him with all the ferocity an 11-year-old could muster.

Instantly, Peter's reflexes kicked in, and he sidestepped the incoming assault with ease, watching with amusement as his daughter, Lily, flew past him in a blur of motion. Her attempts to drop-kick him were valiant but ultimately futile.

Getting a good look at her, Peter couldn't help but burst into laughter as Lily scramble to her feet, her eyes narrowing in determination. The day before he had left to confront Namor, Lily had unknowingly started a war. She stomped on Peter's stomach to wake him up, and in return, he had used some mischievous magic to turn her hair bright green.

Of course, she hadn't noticed until her friends had brought it to her attention. But that was half way through the school day, and up until then she was wondering why everyone was looking at her funny.

Lily pointed accusingly at her still-green hair and declared, "You'll pay for this!"

Peter smirked, his playful side fully awakened. "Bring it on."

What followed was a fierce battle that erupted throughout the house. Lily darted and weaved, launching attacks at her father with all the speed and agility her spider powers granted her. However, Peter, with years of experience and his own enhanced abilities, effortlessly dodged every strike. It was clear that he was holding back, but even at her best, Lily couldn't land a hit on her father.

After a long battle of what appeared to be super-powered tag, Peter stood over a panting and collapsed Lily. He knelt down beside her, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why didn't you just turn your hair back to normal?"

Lily, still catching her breath, glared up at her father. "I tried… but it just kept turning green again. I even had to go to school with green hair for a second day because you didn't come back until now."

Peter chuckled and waved his hand, instantly restoring Lily's hair to its natural color. "There, all better?"

Lily scoffed, but she couldn't hide her smile as she took her father's hand and got up from the floor. As she did, she angled her leg and delivered a super-powered kick to his stomach.

Peter, who could have easily dodged the kick, let it land, wincing playfully as he held his abdomen. Lily might have been small, but her strength was impressive for her age. He grinned and said, "Yeah, that's better."

With a beautiful smile and a skip in her step, Lily ran off, her earlier frustration now replaced with joy. As she disappeared into another room, Peter turned to find MJ leaning against the kitchen doorframe, an amused look on her face.

MJ raised an eyebrow and said with a smirk, "I told you she'd be mad when she found out about her hair."

Peter shrugged, his expression untroubled. "Meh, she seems alright to me."

Later that night, Peter lounged on the couch, living his lazy man's dream, flipping through Netflix without much enthusiasm. He had earned a break after stopping what could have been World War 3, and he intended to enjoy every moment of it.

However, his leisurely evening was abruptly interrupted when a distinctive blue figure appeared beside him. It was Genie, the magical being that currently resides in his penthouse back at the Tower.

"Hey there, compadre," Genie greeted as a sombrero appeared on his head.

Peter turned his head lazily and nodded. "What's up, Genie?"

Genie was appalled by Peter's low-energy response and floated closer. "You, my friend, seem in dire need of some excitement. I'm bored, and you know what happens when I'm bored."

Peter sighed, not eager to have his peaceful evening disrupted. "Fine, Genie. What do you want to do?"

Genie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "How about a little adventure? You and me, taking on the world, just like old times. What do you say?"

Annoyed and unwilling to entertain the idea, Peter came up with his own idea. "Alright, Genie, you win. I'll take you on the next mission I go on. Just promise me you'll be quiet until then."

Genie clapped each of their hands together dramatically, agreeing with boundless excitement. "Deal!"

And just as Peter and Genie were about to settle in for a quiet night of Netflix and Chill, minus the innuendo, Peter's phone suddenly went off. He sighed and reached for it, only to see that it was a call from Tony. And he even had a few missed calls from Hank Pym…

Instantly, Peter could tell that his night would soon be ruined. 'Why… I just want to be lazy… Is a few days on the couch really to much to ask?'

Turning to Genie, who wore an evil smirk, Peter suddenly realized that his blue friend knew this would happen. "You motherf*cker!"

A/N: 2246 words :)



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