I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 478: Betrayal

Chapter 478: Betrayal

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Amidst the surreal landscapes of the Quantum Realm, Peter led the way with the enchanted compass clutched tightly in his gloved hand. The compass's needle quivered and twitched, directing them through a realm where reality itself appeared to be in flux.

What started as a few minute march turned into an endless journey through a bewildering wasteland of shifting sands and odd anomaly's. Scott, encased in his Ant-Man suit, couldn't help but voice his growing doubts. "Hey, are you sure this compass of yours is working? We've been walking for ages, and there's no sign of Janet or anyone else anywhere."

Hope's voice resonated with uncertainty as well. "Scott's got a point. Maybe we should consider if we're heading in the wrong direction."

Hank grumble alongside them, his old muscles feeling the burn from the endless walking. "Yeah, and we should have brought some vehicles, this place is too big to explore on foot…"

Before Peter could explain that they were close, as the compass wouldn't be working otherwise, the group came to a sudden halt near the edge of a cliff, their gazes locked on a bizarre and unsettling sight. Down in the vast valley below them, a herd of enormous, luminous orange spider-like creatures roamed freely.

The creatures' eyes, akin to fiery embers, turned upward in eerie unison, fixing upon the intruders who had appeared on the cliff above.

Tony Stark muttered grimly, "Oh, that's not good..."

The tension in the air escalated, with both sides locked in an eerie standoff. The luminescent spiders' collective intelligence seemed to process the presence of the interlopers, and as one, they surged into action, charging toward the cliff with alarming speed.

The group snapped out of their collective shock, propelled into action by the impending threat. Tony's helmet snapped shut as he rocketed off the cliff, and the others quickly followed suit. Scott, Hope, and Hank activated their respective suits, their forms growing to colossal proportions as they descended into battle.

Genie, riding atop Scott's massive head, discreetly used his magic to summon some weaponry, raining down red laser fire from above. Peter, however, remained poised at the cliff's edge, hands tucked casually in his suit's pockets.

'I'll just wait until they're finished…' Peter thought lazily as a comfortable chair appeared behind him, which he flopped back into without a care for the war unfolding before him.

With the size and power befitting giants, the Ant-Men and the Wasp descended upon the horde of luminescent spiders. And before the herd knew it, the small prey that seemed so easy to hunt before, was now squishing them like bugs beneath their boots.

Tony's repulsor beams cut through the air, striking multiple targets at once, while Scott's enlarged fists pounded the ground, creating shockwaves that sent the creatures tumbling. Hope shrank and zipped through the air, constantly growing and shrinking in order to more quickly squish the herd of arachnids.

Hank, in his towering form, utilized his enhanced strength to deliver crushing blows, rendering the spiders little more than shattered remains. Genie stayed exactly where he was, firing off the top of Scott's head like a madman, a cigar in his mouth and a military helmet atop his head.

Peter watched the skirmish unfold with a nonchalant demeanor, his masked face betraying no sign of concern. "This is truly one of the perks of being a super-hero," he muttered to himself. After all, he gets to see other hero's in action almost all the time. And it was most definitely entertaining. Far more entertaining that any movie, show, or comic could ever be.

The battle raged on, the team's combined might proving overwhelming for the luminescent spiders. One by one, the creatures fell, their glowing forms either flattened or riddled with holes.

As the last of the arachnoid foes met their demise, the team regrouped, their suits retracting to their normal sizes. Tony's face mask flung open as he glanced around at his battle-worn surroundings. "That was... unexpected." He muttered as he eyed the dead creatures with keen interest that only a scientist could have.

Scott grinned, his Ant-Man helmet retracting to reveal a triumphant expression. "And I thought fighting regular-sized spiders was bad."

Hope shook her head, her voice laced with relief. "No, I think regular spiders are still much worse..."

Peter scoffed incredulously. "I take great offense to that!" He shouted from his seat atop the cliff.

Hank looked up at Peter and couldn't help but feel annoyed. "Is he always like this?"

"Like what?" Tony asked.

"Lazing around while others do the work and then complaining afterwards…" Hank clarifies, clearly bothered.

"Well, yeah…" Tony nodded his head absentmindedly.

"You know that I can hear you, right?" Peter said as he hopped down the cliff, landing beside the group.

Hank didn't seem to care. "So?"

"Whatever, follow me." Peter shrugged uncaringly and started walking again, compass in hand. "I think we're close…"

With the immediate threat neutralized, the team continued their journey deeper into the Quantum Realm, the compass once again guiding their way.


The city of Axia within Kang's sprawling empire buzzed with tension. Janet Van Dyne, once the hero known as the Wasp, had become the beacon of resistance against Kang the Conquerors tyrannical rule. Shortly after they had first met before his empire was even a thought, she had uncovered the truth about the man she had grown to admire, a man whose lust for power and vengeance knew no bounds.

Janet's heart raced as the sirens wailed, signaling the impending attack by Kang's formidable army. She had been preparing for this moment for years, but the surprise assault certainly caught her off guard. 'How did he find us so quickly?' She didn't have time to dwell on her shock. Her years of leadership had honed her instincts, and she immediately sprang into action.

"Everyone, to your battle stations!" Janet commanded, her voice laced with determination. She rallied her comrades, heroes and survivors alike, to defend what little freedom they had left.

The resistance fighters, armed with their unique weaponry, fanned out across Axia's streets. Blasts of energy and the roar of battlesuits echoed through the city as they confronted Kang's advancing forces. It was a desperate fight for survival, with countless of her ally's being slaughtered as the noncombat personnel were hastily evacuated to safer locations.

As the battle raged on, it became evident that Kang's army had the upper hand. Their advanced technology and overwhelming numbers pressed the resistance fighters back. Janet's heart pounded with each passing moment, knowing that their resistance was faltering.

Then, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope appeared. Janet saw an opportunity to slip away from the front lines and regroup. She didn't like leaving her comrades behind, but she couldn't be captured. The consequences would be catastrophic. Darting through the rubble-strewn streets, her agility and familiarity with the area allowed her to evade the enemy's notice as she escaped.

Just when it seemed she might get away, a familiar voice called out to her, "Janet, over here!"

She turned to see Krylar, her lover and fellow freedom fighter, beckoning her into an alley. Relief washed over her as she rushed toward him, thinking that he had come to aid her as he always does.

But as she reached him, Krylar's expression dropped from concern to… guilt? Before she could react, he raised his weapon and fired, striking Janet with a paralyzing energy blast. She crumpled to the ground, unable to move as Krylar stood over her.

"W-Why?" Janet managed to whisper, her voice filled with betrayal and disbelief.

She trusted Krylar far more than any other member of the resistance. He was there for its founding and seemed to hate Kang as much as any other freedom fighter. She couldn't help but wonder why he would do this? Hell, she even betrayed her wedding vows for him. Though technically, she hasn't seen or heard from her husband in what felt like forever, so it wasn't exactly a hard thing to do…

Krylar's eyes dated away, he couldn't look her in the eye. "Kang made me an offer," he said, the guilt written all over his face. "He promised to keep you alive in exchange for what he wants. This is a good thing, Janet. We can be together without worrying whether we'll be killed on some insignificant battlefield or starved because we couldn't find enough food to fill everyone's stomach."

Janet looked at him in disgust. "How could you do this… I've told you how manipulative he is… How could you believe him?"

Janet watched in horror as Krylar turned away from her, his allegiance now firmly with Kang. Her heart shattered as she realized the depth of his betrayal.

Moments later, Kang himself strode into the alley, flanked by his loyal guards. His sinister smile stretched across his face as he gloated, "Ah, Janet, the mighty resistance leader. It appears that your loyalty to the resistance was your downfall. Krylar here was quite eager to switch sides when he saw the benefits of serving me."

Janet seethed with anger but remained powerless, her body still paralyzed by Krylar's treacherous attack.

Kang continued his taunts, relishing in his victory. "Your little rebellion ends here, love. I have to say, it's been fun while it lasted, but everything has to come to end at some point."

As Kang's guards restrained Janet, the once-proud leader of the resistance felt a profound sense of defeat. Betrayed by someone she had loved, her comrades captured, and her most valued base in ruins, she couldn't help but wonder if there was any hope left.

"Alright, round them up!" Kang ordered and his men rushed to take all of the survivors into custody, hauling them back to his towering citadel, prisoners in their own city.

As his men worked, Kang snapped his fingers, jolting Janet onto her feet. She stood wide eyed and frozen, her body completely under his control. "Now, let's get home. After all, you have some explaining to do…"

Janet glared at him, defiance radiating from her very being. "I'll never help you again…"

"We'll see…"

A/N: 1703 words :)



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