I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 481: Clash with Kang (2/2)

Chapter 481: Clash with Kang (2/2)

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Without wasting a single second, Peter jumped out of the window behind Kang, landing right beside the fallen conquerer. "You still alive?"

"Hey! Wait!" Genie yelled as he left. "We're still stuck!" He yelled as everyone turned to him, confused as to why he could speak and they couldn't. Did Kang forget to mute him as he did them?

Coughing out a mouthful of blood, Kang glared up at Peter as he used his suit to teleport a few meters away. The city crackled with tension as Peter and Kang faced off. The air seemed to vibrate with impending conflict, and everyone in the area held their breath, hoping for their emperors defeat as they cleared away from the two combatants.

With a flicker of movement, Kang lunged forward, his armor-clad fist aiming for Peter's face. But Peter, his senses heightened by years of heroism, effortlessly sidestepped the attack, the punch whooshing past him. Kang's fist collided with the reinforced wall behind Peter, leaving a deep dent in its wake.

Peter wasted no time. In a fluid motion, he spun around and delivered a powerful kick to Kang's back, sending the conqueror staggering forward. Kang, recovering quickly, unleashed a barrage of blue energy blasts from his palms, each one aimed at Peter's rapidly moving form.

Spider-Man's agility was on full display as he gracefully evaded the deadly energy beams. He somersaulted through the air, cartwheeling and twisting to avoid the attacks with uncanny precision. Each blast left scorch marks and craters in the ground and nearby buildings, but none of them found their mark.

With a confident smirk hidden beneath his mask, Peter shot a web line at Kang's feet, yanking him off balance and causing him to crash to the ground. Before Kang could recover, Peter was on him, pinning him to the floor with his enhanced strength.

Kang struggled beneath Spider-Man's grip, his armor whirring as he attempted to break free. But Peter's grip was unyielding, and he held Kang in place effortlessly.

"Is that the best you've got?" Peter taunted, his voice a muffled echo behind his mask. "Because I was expecting a lot more from a guy who could wage wars in entire universes… This is actually kind of sad…"

Kang's response was a defiant sneer, and with a sudden surge of energy, he unleashed a shockwave from his armor, sending Peter hurtling backward. The force of the blast shattered nearby windows and left Peter skidding across the floor.

But Peter quickly regained his composure, his body twisting gracefully as he landed on all fours like a spider. With a determined glint in his eyes, he launched himself at Kang once more.

This time, Peter was relentless. He unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, each strike precise and calculated. Kang, despite his armor's formidable defenses, struggled to keep up with Spider-Man's blinding speed. Unlike Kang, who had to rely on his armor to fight, Peter's natural reflexes and strength seemed to dwarf his entirely.

Peter's fists struck Kang's armor with resounding impacts, denting the once-impenetrable surface and sending shockwaves throughout his body. The air crackled with energy as the two combatants clashed, their movements a blur of motion. Peter's spider-sense guided him, allowing him to anticipate Kang's every move and evade his counterattacks effortlessly.

Kang, realizing he was outmatched in physical combat, attempted to teleport away. But Peter was one step ahead. With a flick of his wrist, he shot a web line at Kang's ankle, which he imbued with a hint of Eldritch energy, preventing his escape. Instantly, Kang's teleportation device malfunctioned, leaving him completely vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, Peter used his superhuman strength to lift Kang off the ground, holding him in a chokehold. Kang struggled, his armor's servos whining in protest, but he couldn't break free from Spider-Man's vice-like grip.

"Where do you think you're going?" Peter asked tauntingly, his voice cold and determined. "You can't leave yet… We're just getting started."

Kang's eyes widened with desperation as he realized the futility of his situation. He needed a way out, a bargaining chip. With a flicker of his hand, he activated a holographic interface within his armor, bringing up a live video feed of Tony Stark, Genie, Scott, Hope, and Hank, who were restrained nearby.

"Let me go, Spider-Man, or your friends will suffer," Kang threatened, his voice strained.

Peter's mask concealed his expression, but his resolve remained unshaken. He knew Kang was ruthless, but he couldn't allow himself to be blackmailed. With a calm, almost detached demeanor, he raised his free hand and snapped his fingers.

The Reality Stone responded to his will. Time and space seemed to warp around him as he manipulated reality itself. In an instant, Tony, Genie, Scott, Hope, and Hank vanished from their sight, leaving only a bewildered Kang in Spider-Man's grasp.

"What did you do?" Kang demanded, panic in his voice.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," Peter replied casually, as if discussing the weather.

Kang's face contorted with rage, but before he could react, Peter released him and took a step back. Kang stumbled forward, disoriented and furious. As he turned to face Spider-Man, blood seeped from the corner of his mouth, evidence of the earlier blows he had suffered.

With a swift and fluid motion, Peter closed the distance between them, his leg snapping up to deliver a devastating kick to Kang's stomach. The force of the blow sent Kang hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby support pillar with bone-jarring force.

"Ugh!" Kang grunted in pain as the pillar collapsed beside him, his armor sparking and falling to pieces as blood oozed from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and other wounds that he endured during the battle.

With Kang lying battered and broken on the ground, his armor in shambles, and his defiant spirit now diminished, Peter stood over his fallen adversary, contemplating the next steps with his masked visage betraying nothing.

Kang, though gravely injured, was not one to yield easily. He wheezed and coughed, his voice strained as he spoke. "You may have won this battle, Spider-Man, but you can never truly defeat me. I am eternal, and my legacy will endure."

Peter's expression beneath the mask remained stoic as he considered Kang's words. He couldn't deny the conqueror's resilience and tenacity. Kang's knowledge, particularly about the Council of Kangs, was too valuable to be lost in the heat of battle.

With a solemn determination, Peter reached a decision. He had an idea that would ensure Kang's knowledge wouldn't fall into the wrong hands, and at the same time, he would put an end to Kang's reign of cruelty and bloodshed once and for all.

"Your legacy will endure, Kang," Peter agreed, his voice a low, measured tone. "But not in the way you imagine."

Kang, weakened and bewildered, could do little more than watch as Peter raised his hand, the red glow of the reality stone shining with an eerie light. The power of the mystic arts surged through him, intertwining with the Reality Stone's might. Peter's actions were deliberate, calculated, as he waved his hands, drawing a golden a cluster of golden spell circles along the air.

Kang's eyes widened with dawning realization as he felt a strange sensation. It was as if an invisible force was tugging at his very essence, pulling him away from his battered physical form. Panic welled up within him as he understood the gravity of the situation.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Kang stammered, his voice trembling.

Peter's grip on Kang's astral form tightened, the mystic energy flowing through him with an otherworldly glow. He uttered an incantation under his breath, a whispered invocation that resonated with ancient power.

The crumbling city around them seemed to hum with energy as Peter's actions reached their climax. With a final surge of mystic force, he separated Kang's astral form from his broken body. Kang's spectral self floated before him, a faint, ghostly echo of the conqueror's former self.

Kang's anger and confusion were palpable as he gazed upon his own ethereal form. He attempted to resist, to fight back against Peter's sorcerous grasp, but it was futile. Peter's mastery of the mystic arts was absolute.

With a determined flick of his wrist, Peter summoned a small, intricately carved crystal from a hidden pocket within his suit. The crystal seemed to shimmer with an inner light, as if it held a world of its own within its confines.

Kang's astral form was drawn inexorably toward the crystal, his struggles growing more desperate by the moment. He pleaded, he threatened, he cursed, but it was all in vain. With a final, ethereal wail of despair, Kang's essence was sealed within the crystal.

Peter held the crystal in his gloved hand, examining it with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Kang's voice echoed faintly from within, a constant reminder of the conqueror's presence. But Kang was trapped, his knowledge and power now at Peter's mercy.

"You'll be my prisoner from now on, Kang," Peter declared, his voice casual. "But look at the bright side, your knowledge of the Council of Kangs will remain with me, and I'll use it to destroy the Council just as you want. Isn't that great?"

With that, Peter pocketed the crystal as Kang screamed from within, its soft glow concealed from the world. The battle was over, but the consequences of their clash would resonate through the multiverse.

Peter thought to himself. 'I wonder if the Council of Kang's know he's been defeated? They were able to figure it out in the movie… Meh, whatever…'

The area was filled with an eerie silence, the tension dissipating as the dust settled. Peter eyed Kang's lifeless body for a moment before snapping his fingers, causing all his armor to disappear. 'I'll give that to Tony later…'

Without a care for anything else, Peter conjured a ball of fire in the palm of his hand, which he tossed over. In a matter of seconds the conquerors body was ignited in wild flames. And in a matter of minutes, it was completely turned to ash.

"Now, let the looting begin!"

A/N: 1708 words :)



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