I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 485: Proposal

Chapter 485: Proposal

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It had been several weeks since Peter's return from the Quantum Realm, and life had settled into a comforting routine. Days were spent balancing his time between leisurely moments with his family and the exhilarating scientific pursuit of his multiverse project with Tony. The latter had made tremendous progress, thanks to the acquisition of Kang's advanced technology.

Kang's ship was dismantled on the first day of their return. Tony didn't even wait for Peter to finish with Hank and Janet's recruitment papers before he started taking the thing apart.

But their most important acquisition, the Multiverse Engine Core, couldn't be dismantled. Well, it could but who in their right mind would take such an advanced piece of technology apart? No, they quickly decided to study the core while it's intact, fearing that they could or would unknowingly damage it.

And the last of their greatest finds, Kang's suit, was swiftly delivered to Tony. And he was thrilled to have it. After all, Peter had no use for it. 'Tony's Iron Man armor is really starting to get advanced. He's definitely in the upper echelon of Iron Man's.'

But of course, almost all of their time was spent on the multiverse project. It had become their shared obsession, and with each passing day, they pushed the boundaries of their understanding further and further. After all, the tech was groundbreaking, and the possibilities were endless.

Meanwhile, Peter's family life was thriving as well. Today, he found himself on a date with MJ, a day planned entirely by her. She'd promised him a surprise, and he was more than willing to be along for the ride.

After eating dinner in France, strolling the streets of Wakanda in disguise, and watching a Kabuki play in Tokyo, MJ had used her newfound magic to transport them to a secluded beach with crystal clear waters.

"You're starting to get pretty good with that sling ring…" Peter commented as the portal snapped shut behind them.

As they strolled along the shoreline, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink, Peter couldn't help but be mesmerized by his date. Her hair fluttered in the gentle breeze, and her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint.

"You know, it's not every day I get a magical date like this," Peter remarked with a grin. "Usually, it's me that portals us all over the place."

MJ chuckled, her voice soft and sultry. "Well, I figured you deserved a night out that didn't involve solving the worlds problems. Besides, you've been glued to the couch for a couple weeks now. I was afraid that if I left you there, you'd fuse with the cushions or something."

Peter looked a bit embarrassed. "I'm not that bad… am I?" MJ just shook her head as they continued down the beach.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the beach in twilight hues, MJ brought out a small, ornate box. She looked at Peter with a twinkle in her eye as she dropped down on one knee, the box extended toward him. "Peter Parker," she began, her voice steady, "You gave me this box on our trip to Ego, and now it's my turn to give it back. Will you marry me?"

Peter's heart warmed, and he felt a surge of happiness. He'd given her a wedding ring on one of their more memorable dates, with an open invitation to ask whenever she was ready. He had no doubt in his mind that he was ready whenever she was.

Peter grinned mischievously, "Yes, a thousand time yes!" He replied, jokingly imitating the women he's seen in cr*ppy romance movies.

MJ couldn't help but laugh as Peter took the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger. "I love it…" She muttered as she moved her hand around, growing accustomed to the new presence around her finger.

And finally, MJ pulled out another box and opened it up. Unlike the last box. MJ actually bought this one herself. Inside was a male wedding band. It didn't have a diamond or any other stone, but it gleamed with a simple elegance. "Aunt May and my mom helped me pick it out." She revealed as she slipped the ring on his finger.

"It's perfect…" Peter said as he pulled her into a passionate kiss, the world around them fading into insignificance.

As the night deepened, they returned home, hand in hand, their hearts light and brimming with love. However, as they stepped out of a portal and into their bedroom, they couldn't help but notice something amiss.

Looking out the window, they were greeted by the sight of their backyard, covered in goo, with Aunt May and Grace frantically attempting to clean it up with shovels. Both of them were bewildered by the bizarre scene that had somehow unfolded in their absence.

Peter exchanged a puzzled glance with MJ, who was just as confused as he was. But before they could leave the room, the door swung open, and a goo-covered Lily walked through, freezing upon seeing her parents as if she were guilty of something.

Peter couldn't help but ask. "What did you do?"

MJ slapped him on the shoulder. "Don't say it like that!" She then turned back to Lily. "What happened?"

"Well…" Lily tried to explain.

But before she could say anything, Gwen and Miles came running in, excitement written all over their faces. "Lily! You can't keep avoiding us!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Yeah, we don't care that you're a Metahuman. Spider-Man said they're just people like the rest of us." Miles tried to comfort her.

Gwen looked at Lily with a small hint of jealousy. "I wish I was a Metahuman." She admitted as the jealousy vanished, replaced by her earlier excitement. "But it's cool having a friend who's a Metahuman too. What are your powers? You have to have super speed, right?"

Miles nodded beside her. "Yeah, you disappeared right in front of us, and then punched that octopus monster right in the face!" He was growing more excited as he continued to speak. "Do you have super strength too?"

"Octopus monster?" Peter muttered as he looked back out the window, noticing a few tentacles scattered amongst the goo in his backyard.

"I can explain…" Lily says as her friends finally realize that they weren't alone in the room.

"H-Hey, Mr. Parker…" Miles stuttered as he and Gwen realized that Lily might be in trouble, not for saving her friends, but for the huge mess in the backyard.

Finally, Lily began her explanation. "Well, you see, it all started when..."

She began to explain the unusual sequence of events, from the sudden appearance of the dimension monster to her speedy intervention to protect her friends, Miles and Gwen. Lily's words painted a vivid picture of her battle with the tentacle monster.

Once Lily had finished her explanation, Peter couldn't help but grin. "Lily, that's incredible. You've got the makings of a hero in you." He said, giving her a quick wink. After all, they couldn't reveal that she was already a hero.

MJ nodded, realizing where her fiancé was going with this. "We're so proud of you, sweetheart."

Lily's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and happiness. They may be playing it off for her friends, but she could tell that her mother really meant that. "Thanks, but that's not all. There's something else."

Curiosity piqued, Peter and MJ exchanged a glance before following Lily as she led them across the hall to her bedroom. As they entered the room, they were greeted by an unexpected sight.

Lying unconscious on Lily's bed was a girl who appeared to be around their daughter's age. She slept like a baby, covered in the same goo that had plagued their backyard.

Lily introduced her to her parents. "Mom, Dad, this is America Chavez. She's the one who came through the star-shaped portal with the monster."

Peter eyed the sleeping girl curiously. 'She's younger than the one from the movie… Is she being hunted by a Scarlett Witch? Or was she just running around the multiverse as usual?"



Within the depths of her subconscious, America found herself transported to a surreal realm, a familial yet mysterious void.

The void was a chaotic expanse filled with an array of colors and strange, twisting lines that defied all logic. It felt like a dreamscape, an otherworldly plane where the rules of reality were mere suggestions. In the midst of this bewildering landscape, America found herself running alongside an unexpected companion, Doctor Strange, but with greying hair and a ponytail.

Together, they sprinted along one of the peculiar lines that snaked through the void, their footsteps echoing softly against the abstract ground. Behind them, a relentless monster pursued them, the same monster that Lily turned into goo.

America's breath came in ragged gasps as she glanced back at their pursuer. "Did you kill it?" she panted, her eyes wide with fear.

Defender Strange, his expression grave, shook his head. "No! We'll kill it with this!"

With a determined gesture, Strange pointed toward a spinning pedestal, hovering at the center of the ethereal expanse. Resting upon the pedestal was a tome, the Book of Vishanti, its pages radiating with a potent and arcane magic.

"Okay!" America exclaimed, hoping the book held more than words and pages. Possibly an AK-47 or a rocket launcher?

Strange nodded, his eyes never leaving the pursuing tentacle monster. "We can't let it get your power. Get to the book."

However, the path to the mystical book was far from straightforward. The void's landscape defied conventional logic, and they found themselves confronted by a daunting chasm that separated them from their goal.

America's voice trembled with uncertainty. "How do we get across?"

Defender Strange hesitated for only a moment before making a fateful decision. "Jump!"

With a shared glance of determination, they leaped together, their bodies defying gravity as they soared through the void. But even in their escape, the demon was relentless, closing the gap with each passing moment.

As they reached the midpoint of their leap, Strange turned his attention to their pursuer. With a quick incantation, he cast a spell that temporarily froze the demon in its tracks, buying them precious seconds.

"It's too strong," Strange admitted, his voice strained with effort. "I can't hold it much longer!"

Desperation filled his eyes, and in a heart-wrenching twist, he made a decision that would forever change the course of their journey. He turned to America and began siphoning her powers away, a painful and gut-wrenching process.

America, bewildered and betrayed, cried out in anguish. "What are you doing?!"

Strange's voice was filled with remorse, though she could see a greedy glint in his eyes. "We can't let that thing take your power. You can't control it. But I can."

Tears welled in America's eyes as she struggled against the sudden loss of her powers. "But you said we were friends!"

Strange nodded, the weight of his choice bearing down on him. "I know. But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifice is worth far more than your life."

But before he could complete the process, a sudden twist of fate intervened. The pursuing monster, unfrozen and filled with newfound rage, lunged at Strange, impaling him through the chest with a savage strike. The sorcerer cried out in agony as his body was torn apart.

America, her heart filled with grief and determination, watched as the monster stormed over and wrapped a slimy tentacle around her, binding her in its grasp.

"Ahhhhh!" With a fearful and defiant scream, America opened a star-shaped portal, a manifestation of her unique powers. Strange saw her actions and fired bolts of magic to release the monsters grip on her, his last act before falling to the floor, lifeless.

Free to escape, America rushed toward the portal, leaping through it as fast as she could. The monster, driven by relentless fury, pursued her, its giant form disappearing into the starry abyss.

A/N: 2017 words :)



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