I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 495: Vs. Scarlett Witch 2/2

Chapter 495: Vs. Scarlett Witch 2/2

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A/N: Is this chapter up? There's some sort of bug going on so I had to try uploading again.

Instantly, the lush orchard transformed into a battlefield as Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, her powers enhanced by the malevolent influence of the Darkhold, unleashed a torrent of crimson energy toward the group. The shockwave sent Peter, Tom, Anthony, and Tony flying in different directions.

Tony was the first to regain his composure, activating his Iron Man suit equipped with Kang the Conqueror's technology, which quickly formed along his body. Reacting swiftly, he formed a protective energy barrier around himself as Wanda's red energy bolts slammed against it. The barrier held, but Tony could feel the strain on his suit's systems.

"Jarvis…" Tony called. "How are the upgrades holding up? Any problems?"

"No sir." Jarvis replied. "The psionic energy converter seems to be working well. Though more tests are required to truly test it all."

Peter found himself momentarily tangled in a web of psychic energy since he was the closest to her outburst. Wanda's psionic abilities proved formidable as they encased him in a pulsating red cocoon. With a quick thought, Peter managed to summon golden flames. Suddenly, a burst of fiery Phoenix energy surrounded him, melting his way to freedom.

"That wasn't very nice…" Peter muttered as he landed perfectly on his feet, swatting away anymore attacks with the back of his hand. "We were having a nice conversation, and you just blew up on me. Is that how a mother should act?"

Wanda flinched, growing more aggressive with ever whisper of the Darkhold. "Shut up!"

Meanwhile, Tom swung into action, his agility and web-slinging skills put to the test. He darted through the trees, avoiding Wanda's energy blasts and conjured projectiles with acrobatic finesse. Tom's suit, enhanced by Anthony Stark, allowed him to adapt to Wanda's unpredictable attacks as four mechanical spider legs appeared in his back.

Anthony Stark, not to be outdone, deployed his state-of-the-art Iron Man suit's weaponry. Blasts of repulsor energy shot from his palms and chest, colliding with Wanda's red-hued psionic attacks. With his suit activated, he flew at high-speeds to avoid taking damage, the sky illuminated by bursts of energy.

Wanda, her eyes glowing with dark determination, was a formidable adversary. She levitated above the chaos, her gaze locked onto Peter, who had just broken free from her psychic snare. She directed her energy toward him, sending a barrage of red bolts streaking through the air.

Peter either swatted them away or chose to simply evade the relentless assault. First and foremost, he needed to protect his allies and find the right opening to take her down. His thoughts raced as he considered his next move. The Darkhold's influence made Wanda's attacks erratic and random, which made it even harder for him to predict.

"Tony," Peter shouted, his voice carrying over the battlefield as he rushed toward Wanda, who kept teleporting away, never allowing him to get too close. "We need to find a way to either knock her out or destroy the Darkhold!"

As Peter chased after Wanda, who did nothing but teleport or fly away whilst firing at them from a distance, he began to realize that this would be a bit of a challenging battle without his infinity stones. After all, his precious stones might as well be paperweights in this universe.

Tony acknowledged him with a nod as he continued his long range duel with Wanda, attempting to analyze her movement patterns as he used Kang's tech to teleport across the orchard, following her as he tested his new suits abilities.

Meanwhile, Tom swung in close to provide support, but that might not have been a good idea. "Hey! Over here!"

Seeing him, Wanda smirked as she vanished from sight. Tom had no idea what happened. Suddenly, he felt his spider senses blaring before he was hit with a telekinetically powered punch, which sent him flying across the orchard.

"Tom!" Anthony yelled in worry as he fired a barrage of missiles at Wanda, creating fiery explosions to obscured her vision. But once again, Wanda simply teleported behind him, unleashing a similar attack that Tom just felt, which sent him flying as well, a large dent in the back of his armor.

"Hello there~" Wanda's eyes went wide as she heard a voice over her shoulder. Before she could even think to teleport away, Peter's super powered fist connected with the back of her head, sending her flying across the sky as blood leaked from her ears and nose.

Wanda, slightly hurt, unleashed a wave of psychic energy that rippled outward as she recovered, sending shockwaves through the air. Peter, sensing the danger, conjured a protective barrier of Phoenix flames his allies and their opponent. The wave of energy crashed against the barrier but failed to breach it.

The battlefield had become a chaotic dance of power, with energies clashing and the air crackling with tension. The Darkhold continued to fuel Wanda's strength, making her a relentless force to contend with. Peter's concern grew as he saw his allies struggling to keep up with her.

Only Tony seemed to hold his own, which was no doubt thanks to Kang's tech. As for Tom end Anthony, well, they weren't looking too good. Both of them weren't necessary equipped to fight a battle against the Scarlett Witch, who stands among the strongest MCU villains. Peter and Tony had to constantly protect them, which left them little room to counterattack against Wanda's nonstop bombardment.

Suddenly, with a surge of frustration, Peter made a bold decision. He opened a portal behind Tom and Anthony, who were engaged in a coordinated assault against Wanda. Without warning, he grabbed both of them and shoved them through the portal. "Hey?!/What are you-?!"

"You two are dead weight!" Peter exclaimed, his irritation evident. "Get lost!"

As the portal closed behind them, Peter turned back to face Wanda, a determined grin spreading across his face. "Now, Tony, it's just you and me. Time to show her what we can do."

Tony Stark, his upgraded Iron Man suit gleaming, gave a wry smile. "Finally, some quality time with my bestie."

Peter and Tony faced Wanda, the Scarlet Witch, who stood at the pinnacle of her power, fueled by the Darkhold's malevolent influence.

Wanda, her eyes glowing with an eerie crimson light, unleashed a barrage of psionic energy projectiles at the two heroes. With precision honed through countless battles, Peter and Tony moved in perfect synchronization. Peter, with his enhanced reflexes, deftly evaded the incoming energy bolts, while Tony's advanced Iron Man suit allowed him to either deflect and absorb the attacks, or simply teleport away.

Tony was the first to retaliate with a swift laser blast aimed at Wanda, who countered with a conjured barrier of psychic energy. The shining beam collided with the barrier, creating a dazzling explosion that momentarily obscured their vision.

Seizing the opportunity, Peter leaped into action and snaked through the smoke. Flicking his wrist forward, a shot of webbing, which he infused with Eldritch energy, ensnared Wanda's legs, momentarily immobilizing her and sealing her teleportation. Peter then unleashed a powerful burst of fiery Phoenix energy, which climbed up the glowing webs, enveloping her in searing flames.

Wanda cried out in pain, her form flickering as the flames surrounded her. But her resolve was unbroken, and with a tremendous effort, she tore free from the webbing. Her red energy expelling the flames, as she retaliated with a telekinetic shockwave that sent Peter and Tony hurtling backward.

As they regained their footing, Peter shot a web-line toward Tony, swinging them both back into the fray. "Tony, shake and bake?" He asked, knowing Tony would know what he meant.

Tony nodded, his helmet's visor displaying tactical data. "Agreed. Let's show her a little magic of our own."

Wanda, hovering above the battlefield, unleashed a telekinetic wave that sent debris hurtling toward them. Peter and Tony synchronized their movements, Peter using his agility to evade the incoming objects while Tony used his suit's short range teleportation.

With a swift hand gesture, Tony initiated a hard-light holographic projection, creating multiple duplicates of himself and Peter. The solid illusions scattered in different directions, confusing Wanda as she struggled to pinpoint the real targets.

Peter used a bit of Eldritch energy to summon an invisible shield, protecting himself and Tony from Wanda's continued barrage as the rushed forward, blending in with their clones. Tony, flying among the illusions, fired repulsor beams. And he wasn't the only one. Each illusionary Tony fired as well, forcing Wanda to defend herself on multiple fronts.

Wanda's powers were stretched thin as she tried to ward off the relentless assault. Her attacks became more erratic, and her crimson aura flickered intermittently.

Seeing an opening, Peter and Tony launched their coordinated counterattack. Peter shot a reinforced web cocoon around Wanda, entrapping her within its sticky embrace. Simultaneously, Tony unleashed a powerful hard-light hologram that struck the cocoon with tremendous force, reinforcing it in a sphere of energy.

Wanda struggled to break free, her powers surging in a desperate attempt to escape. But it was too late. Peter and Tony's synchronization was flawless, as they bother appeared beside her, fists wound back. Without missing a beat, Tony struck firsts, smashing his mechanical fist into her face, and launching her upwards, where Peter could be seen waiting patiently.

"Night night~" Peter smirked as he spun, his fist colliding with Wand's nose, which shattered with a sickening crack.

The combined assault overwhelmed Wanda, as her head snapped back before her body followed along after, smashing into the ground below. Instantly, the cocoon of web and hard-light shattered upon impact, creating a huge crater in the ground. Peter and Tony landed gracefully, their eyes locked on the fallen Scarlet Witch.

Wanda groaned, her strength depleted as she slowly fell unconscious. Peter moved closer, his gaze filled with empathy. "It's over, Wanda. But don't worry, I'll still keep my side of the deal."

Tony approached as well, clapping Peter on the shoulder. "That was a good test run for my suit. I have so many ideas for upgrades now..."

But the mission wasn't over yet. Peter extended his hand, palm outstretched, as a swirling vortex of fiery Phoenix energy appeared. Laying beside Wanda's sleeping and battered form was the malevolent Darkhold that had caused all of this.

With a determined expression, Peter tossed the flame onto the book. The ancient tome shrieked in agony as it ignited, its pages curling and burning to ash. The fiery vortex consumed the book entirely, leaving nothing but a smoldering pile of ashes.

The air crackled with the residual energy of the Darkhold's destruction, and Wanda, now free from its influence, unconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

'Now I just have to destroy the castle and I'm done…' Peter thought as a golden portal opened up behind him.

"What's going on here?"

A/N: 1818 words :)



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