I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 499: Dead Bird

Chapter 499: Dead Bird

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In the dimly lit, abandoned building they had chosen, Peter and Tony got to work. Peter waved his hands, conjuring golden spell circles in the air. With a deep focus, he began to transform the building around them. The cracked walls were transfigured to a pristine condition, the old, battered floor turned into polished marble, and the crumbling ceiling regained its sturdiness.

But Peter didn't stop there. With the building up to a livable standard, he then placed some runes along the walls, which would make any passerby's ignore the place.

"Nice job," Tony commented as he watched the room transform. "You know, we could make a fortune flipping houses…"

Peter grinned and replied, "That would be a good idea if I wasn't already a billionaire, and you weren't a trillionair." With a flick of his fingers, he conjured some comfortable furniture, making sure the space wasn't just an empty room.

While Peter continued renovating their temporary residence, Tony delved into the ship, his hands moving deftly as he started taking apart and inspecting the fried remains of the control panel. It was a meticulous process, but Tony was determined to get to the bottom of what had gone wrong.

After a while, Tony emerged from the ship, holding the single motherboard in his hand. He looked at Peter with a mix of frustration and relief. "I think I found the culprit. This motherboard was cracked, which triggered a cascade of complications and landed us here."

Peter let out a sigh of relief, rubbing his temples. "At least it wasn't the multiverse engine core. If that had been damaged, I might have actually cried."

Tony nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we got off relatively easy this time."

With a plan in mind, Peter turned to Tony. "I'll go get some supplies and food while you start on the repairs."

Tony, who had been itching to explore Gotham City, whined, "Why do I have to stay here and handle the repairs? We built this ship together, so you know how it works. Actually, now that I think about it, you probably know it better than I do…"

Peter fixed Tony with a dead look and a raised eyebrow. "It's simple, I know you better than you know yourself and I don't trust you not to cause trouble out there. Gotham isn't the friendliest place, and you're too excited. Just stay here, work on the ship, and I'll be back as soon as I can." He said matter of factly. "Besides, I'm just going to get supplies. We can both head out together when I get back."

Tony grunted but didn't protest further as Peter left the building. Watching Peter's back as he departed, Tony muttered under his breath, "Aren't I supposed to be the mature one here? So why is he the one acting like he's the adult?" He knew he had his responsibilities, but that didn't stop him from longing to explore this new and mysterious DC universe.

As Peter disappeared into the dark streets of Gotham, Tony sighed and turned his attention back to the ship. There was work to be done, and he was determined to get their means of transportation back in working order.


As Peter walked through the dark streets of Gotham, the looming clouds overhead blocked out the sun's light, giving the city an eerie atmosphere. The pollution was thick in the air, and Peter couldn't help but wonder if it wasn't just smog but a curse that shrouded the city in perpetual gloom.

Making his way through the crowded streets, Peter did his best to blend in with the people of Gotham. He had to purchase supplies and food the old-fashioned way because he knew that items he conjured would disappear after a certain amount of time.

Even conjured food was only worth snacking on, as it held zero calories or nutrition. So if they didn't want to starve to death, then they had to go shopping.

Suddenly, the sounds of car wheels screeching to a halt follows by sharp cracks of gunfire pierced the air, echoing from around the corner. Peter's instincts kicked in, and he strolled toward the source of the commotion. As he turned the corner, he found a gruesome scene unfolding before his eyes.

There, in front of him, was the Penguin, a grotesque figure with a rotund body, dressed in a tuxedo, and sporting a monocle. He waddled back and forth in front of a line of captives, men, women, and children alike, all forced to their knees, with guns aimed at their backs. "You all should've just kept your mouths shut, shouldn't ya?"

One of the hostages, a young girl about the same age as Peter's own daughter, bravely spoke up, "I... I don't even know who you are!"

Penguin leaned in close to the girl, his bladed umbrella poking dangerously close to her tiny neck. "Oh, my dear, innocence doesn't save anyone here. You might not have talked to the Bat, but your dear old dad did, didn't you?" Penguin hissed as he turned his head.

The man beside her, who was indeed her father, began to beg for his daughter's life, "Please, punish me, not her. She's innocent, she doesn't deserve any of this!" He pleading with Penguin.

Penguin's cruel laughter filled the air as he grabbed the girl by her hair, ready to carry out a ruthless execution in front of her father.

Peter, unable to stand by and watch any longer, was about to step out and intervene. But just at that moment, a handful of pellets hit the ground, releasing a thick cloud of smoke that engulfed the area.

As if on queue, the captives climbed to their feet and ran for their lives. And in their place, two figures descended from the buildings above, their presence masked by the smokescreen. The smoke choked Penguin and his henchmen, causing chaos as they struggled to see and breath.

Emerging from the mist were Robin, a young acrobat in a red and green costume with a yellow cape, and Batgirl, clad in a sleek black suit with a bat insignia, her bright red hair flowing in the wind.

One by one, Penguins men were rendered unconscious, collapsing to the ground as the two sidekicks made quick work of them.

"It's the Bat! Shoot! Shoot! God damn it!" Penguin, thinking it was the Batman himself, ordered his men to open fire. Instantly, countless bullets sprayed randomly through the smoke-filled air. Many shots missed, whilst other ended in friendly fire, wounded or even killing one another.

In the chaos, a stray bullet found its mark and struck Robin in the leg. Batgirl quickly came to his aid, holding his wound to stop the bleeding.

By this point, the smoke was starting to clear, and Penguin stood tall, alongside two remaining lackeys. His smirk revealed his overwhelming relief that it was Batman's minions, and not the Dark Knight himself. "Where's you're daddy? Did he send you two idiots out all lone?"

As he taunted the fallen heroes, Peter calmly walked over and set down his groceries, drawing the attention of everyone present.

Robin and Batgirl, spotting a civilian making a very dumb and dangerous decision, exclaimed. "Run! Quickly! Get out of here!" But before they could react further, Penguin motioned for his men to kill Peter, believing him to be just another bystander.

The henchmen, who were aiming at Robin and Batgirl, turned their guns at Peter, and as they opened fire, Peter simply disappeared before their very eyes. The gunmen fired round after round, but Peter was nowhere to be found.

Amid grunts and groans, Penguin turned and found his two remaining henchmen falling to the ground, incapacitated. Their guns dropped to the pavement, Peter standing behind them, his hands casually in his pockets.

Peter, with a playful yet slightly exasperated expression, glanced at his groceries, which had been riddled with bullet holes. "Great, just great... That cost 89 dollars and 30 minutes of my life, which means it actually cost around a million dollars altogether." He turned to Penguin, an annoyed look on his face. "You're their boss right? Pay up… The bank of Spider-Man takes cash deposits only."

Penguin, furious at the audacity of this nobody, cocked his umbrella, which turned out to be a concealed firearm, and opened fire on Peter, thinking he had the upper hand.

With a wave of his hand, Peter summoned a golden barrier made of Eldritch energy, which halted the bullets in their tracks. As the smoke from the gunfire began to clear, and all of the bullets clattered to the ground, Peter remained completely unharmed.

Penguin's ammunition ran dry, and Peter waved the barrier away, but not before using his telekinesis to levitate the used bullets into the air. With a mischievous grin, Peter told Penguin, "I think you dropped this."

He then flicked his wrist forward, sending them flying back at Penguin.

Robin and Batgirl watched in shock and horror as Penguin was riddled with bullets and fell to the ground, bloody and lifeless. His grotesque figure lay motionless in a pool of his own blood.

"You… You killed him!" Robin exclaimed in shock.

"W-Why?" Batgirl asked, just as shocked as her fellow sidekick.

"Why? Are you dumb?" Peter asked, a single eyebrow raised. "He just tried to execute men, woman, and children in the middle of the street like some crazed warlord. If you two didn't show up, then he would have slit that little girls throat."

"But no one was hurt!" Batgirl rose to her feet, stood protectively in front of Robin, who was still wounded. "You didn't have to kill him. He was out of ammo. All you had to do was capture him!"

"Right… so you are dumb." Peter spoke matter of factly. "First, I don't know about you, but I hold zero sympathy for child killers, even if it's only attempted. And second, I have a right to self defense. That fat f*ck unloaded a full magazine on me, so I defended myself. End of story." He shrugged uncaringly as he turned to collect his surviving groceries.

"But-" Batgirl tried to form a rebuttal but a sudden transmission through her and Robins comms stopped her.

"This is a priority call to all Justice League members and affiliates. I need as many of you as we can spare in Metropolis. Lois Lane is missing." Peter's ears perked up as he heard the grizzled voice of Batman.

A/N: 1757 words :)



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