I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 508: Rising Kill Count

Chapter 508: Rising Kill Count

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Minutes before the Jokers death, Peter stood firm, blocking the path of Lex Luthor and Bizarro. His stance was confident, a subtle smirk beneath his mask.

Lex Luthor eyed Peter cautiously, his high-tech suit glistening in the city's dimly lit streets. "You pack quite the punch, don't you?" He asked as Bizarro fumed beside him, upset at being b*tch slapped into a building only moments ago. "I'm Lex Luthor, and who might you be?"

"Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." Peter answered with the usual line.

Before Lex could continue the conversation, Bizarro, his brutish form still recovering from the impact with the building, growled with rage. His monstrous fists clenched, and his eyes locked onto Peter. "Bizarro crush puny spider!"

Peter couldn't help but chuckle. "You know, I've already killed three villains since I've arrived in this universe, and I'm trying to get my kill count even higher. So why don't we do what the guy with a few missing chromosomes wants and skip the talking, huh?."

With lightning speed, Peter disappeared and and reappeared beside Bizarro, slapping him for a second time, knowing full well that it would enrage the big idiot even further.

While Bizarro launched backwards for a second time, Peter didn't waste a single second and lunged at Lex, who activated his suit's defenses just in time. A shimmering force field erupted around him, deflecting Peter's initial strike. Lex grinned, his confidence unwavering. "Impressive, but it's not going to be that easy."

Peter wasn't discouraged. He unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each one faster and more precise than the last. And surprisingly, Lex's suit held up against the assault, but it was clear that Peter was pushing the limits of its defensive capabilities.

Just as Lex's shields were about to break, Bizarro charged toward Peter with a roar. His fists were like wrecking balls, but Peter's agility gave him the upper hand. He dodged, weaved, and countered with precise strikes that left Bizarro reeling.

"Is that all you've got?" Peter taunted as he somersaulted over Bizarro, landing a powerful kick to the back of the brute's head. Bizarro stumbled forward, crashing into a nearby car with a deafening impact.

Peter returned his attention to Lex, who was waiting for his force field to recharge. With a grin, Peter intensified his assault. "You know, I'm actually impressed by this tech of yours. It's too bad that it's about to take a serious beating."

Lex grunted in frustration, realizing that his suit's defenses were were shattered and gone. In a last-ditch effort before Peter could land the next punch, he fired energy beams from his palms, forcing Peter to leap out of the way. The beams collided with a building, causing it to crumble in a shower of debris.

As Peter avoided the blast, Bizarro returned to the fight, his fury unabated. He launched a massive punch at Peter, who managed to evade it at the last second. The shockwave from Bizarro's punch shattered the ground beneath them.

"So close… yet so far…" Peter taunted, striking Bizarro's exposed neck with a well-aimed punch. The brute staggered, disoriented. "You might need some brain exercises to help you come up with a better plan than just screaming and rushing forward..."

Lex, realizing they were losing ground, tried to retreat and leave behind his lesser brained partner, but Peter wasn't about to let either of them go. He webbed Lex's legs and yanked, slamming the bald genius into the street below. "Now, where do you think you're going? We only just met and your trying to leave..."

Before Peter could finish dealing with Lex, Bizarro regained his footing. He roared in frustration, his fists crackling with energy. With a mighty leap, he launched himself at Peter, who was still focused on Lex.

The impact sent Peter crashing into the side of a building, causing a shower of bricks and dust. "Alright, big guy, you got me that time. I'll give you that," Peter grunted, as he stood ups md dusted himself off.

Bizarro raised his massive fists for a finishing blow. But just as he was about to strike, Peter tapped into his mastery of mystic arts. He conjured a portal, causing Bizarro's fists to pass harmlessly through it. The behemoth stumbled forward, disoriented.

As Bizarro struggled to regain his balance, Peter emerged from another portal behind him. With a powerful punch, he sent Bizarro flying through the air. The brute crashed through several buildings, leaving destruction in his wake.

Turning back to Lex, Peter found the billionaire still sprawled out on the groined, trapped by his webbing. "Now, Lex, where were we again?" Peter said with a grin. He was confident that Lex wouldn't be causing trouble anytime soon.

But just as Peter was about to interrogate Lex further, Bizarro returned to the battle, his eyes filled with fury. "Bizarro not done yet!"

Peter sighed. "Guess I'll have to finish you first." With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a handful of Phoenix flames, which he tossed at Bizarro. And Bizarro, being the nearly Indestructible idiot that he is, didn't even bother dodging. "Well, Rest In Peace, I guess."

In an instant, the flames engulfed Bizarro, who howled in agony as he burned, his roars turning into pained screams as he began to flail in the air.

"I think this makes four DC villains now," Peter commented as he watched Bizarro's agonizing demise. The flames consumed the brute until there was nothing left but ashes, which blew away in the wind.

With Bizarro defeated, Peter returned to Lex, who was now trembling with fear. "So, you ready to die? Because I'm serious about my kill count…"

Lex froze up in fright. "I…I…" He wasn't used to such ruthlessness from the 'good guys'. After all, his arch enemy is Superman, who may be a god-like alien, but at the end of the day he's always gone easy on his enemies. If Superman were to come after you, then the most you had to worry about was a few bumps and bruised, not to mention the trip to jail.

Death was never a possibility until today.

Peter extended his hand, lifting Lex into the air with a single thought. "Well, this has been fun but I have other bad guys to kill and a whole Justice League to change, so let's make this quick, shall we?" Walking over with a casual gait, he opened his hand and conjured a sharp axe. With a swift, fluid motion, Peter decapitated Lex Luthor. His head rolled on the ground, and his body fell lifeless. "That makes 5..."

With Lex's demise, the battle was over. Peter stood amid the destruction, his body a bit sore from they hit he too from Bizarro, but victorious nonetheless.

As he gazed at the carnage around him, Peter couldn't help but look towards a nearby building, where he found Superman watching him. Scanning the area beside him, he smirked as he witnessed the dead body of Joker, the clowns neck snapped sideways.

'Im surprised he had the balls to actually do it…' Peter thought, his eyes locked onto the lifeless body of the Joker. Nearby, the headless form of Lex Luthor lay still. The streets were a scene of chaos and destruction, and there was a somber air lingering in the aftermath.

Landing beside Superman, Peter nodded his head in approval. "Good work." He said as he walked over and ripped the kryptonite off of Clark's chest, storing it in his necklace alongside his other stones. 'I'll keep that for my collection.'

"Uhh, thanks…" Superman looked at Peter, a mixture of admiration and uncertainty in his eyes. "Where did you put it?"

Peter lied, his voice calm and resolute. "I destroyed it. It's a cleaning spell that just vanished things. Don't worry, it's gone for good."

Superman seemed to calm, believing Peter completely. "Thank you. That stuff is like poison to me. You have no idea how much of a hassle it is dealing with it."

As the two heroes conversed, Peter conjured another Phoenix flame, tossing it onto the Joker's body. He watched as the flames began to slowly consume the clown. Superman raised an eyebrow, clearly disapproving of the act. "Burning the body, that's... it feels disrespectful to the dead."

Peter didn't waver. "In our line of work, it's the safest option for guys like him. You never know what they're capable of, or who's willing to help them. They always seem to find a way back, like cockroaches. Burning the body ensures they can't return, or at least cuts down the possibility that they will."

Superman pondered this for a moment, the weight of Peter's words sinking in. He realized the truth in what Peter was saying, even if it went against his principles. "I may not like it, but I can't deny your logic. We can't risk the Joker returning."

Just as the flames consumed the Joker's remains, a dark figure silently descended from the shadows of the nearby building. Batman, his stoic expression hidden beneath the cowl, surveyed the scene with a disapproving eye. He noticed Lex Luthor's headless corpse as well as the illuminated Joker, and it was clear he wasn't pleased.

"So, you made your choice, huh?" Batman eyed Superman in disappointment, his words striking directly into his friends soul. He had come to inform them that the threat against the Justice league had been taken care of, but that was instantly forgotten after seeing the dead bodies.

"…yeah," Superman replied weakly. Although he believed that Joker's death was for the best, he still didn't take pleasure in doing it, nor did he like his friends disappointed stare.

Peter turned to face Batman, ignoring his judgmental glare. "I know you don't agree with their deaths, and that's a dumb yet respectable position to hold, but have you ever considered that you could be wrong? I mean, I kill scumbags in my universe all the time and the world hasn't come to an end. It's still the same as it was before. Just safer and more peaceful for people to live in."

Batman didn't respond, his eyes never leaving Superman. "…"

Superman spoke, trying to ease the tension. "Bruce, I'm sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations, but I truthfully believe that this was for the greater good. And I hope you'll see that one day…"

Batman shook his head, his expression remaining stern. "I doubt I ever will..." He said as he turned around and stepped off of the building, disappearing into the night.

A/N: 1771 words :)



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