I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 522: Change of Heart

Chapter 522: Change of Heart

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Batman had always believed in his strict code of justice, adhering to a path of order and discipline in his mission to rid Gotham City of crime. He had become a symbol of fear to criminals, a relentless force against corruption, and a guardian of the night. Yet recently, his unwavering beliefs were beginning to crumble more and more.

As he spent a couple days observing and investigating the new world around him, Bruce couldn't help but be both impressed and shocked. Peter's claims about the state of his world were substantiated with evidence he couldn't ignore.

The crime rate was abysmally low, leaving only the truly deranged and desperate to even bother trying anymore. And even then, criminals were almost always thwarted by some sort of hero, vigilante or otherwise. And, most surprisingly, the world was at peace.

What struck Batman the most was how prosperous this world had become. It was the complete opposite of the grim and crime-ridden Gotham he was used to. 'Is this even possible back home?' He wondered.

Even things like global warming were being taken seriously, the oceans were undergoing a mass cleaning, and governments were uniting to fight world hunger, poverty, homelessness, and other societal problems. It was a world on the path to healing and prosperity.

As Batman studied the proof before his eyes, his ironclad beliefs began to unravel. He questioned himself, how could he have been so wrong for so long? His single-minded pursuit of justice through intimidation and fear had only perpetuated a never-ending cycle of violence and chaos in Gotham. And now, he was faced with irrefutable evidence that there was a better way.

Muttering to himself, Batman couldn't help but voice his internal turmoil. "How could I be so wrong all this time? How could I have failed so miserably?"

But that wasn't all…

Not only did Batman investigate the good that the Avengers had done, but he also dug into the darker aspects of their methods. He has found tons of evidence of problematic individuals vanishing left and right. He noticed the suspicious disappearances and all sorts of other activities that surprisingly couldn't be linked back to the Avengers.

"It's definitely them though…" Batman muttered as he put everything together, connecting all of the seen and unseen dots.

However, as he scrutinized their approach more deeply, he found himself compelled to admire their way of doing things. It was swift and efficient. The removal of irredeemable threats, while unorthodox, led to a safer world for all, just as Peter said it would.

In this new universe, Batman was confronted with a reality that challenged his core principles. He realized that his relentless pursuit of a certain type of justice and inability to kill had blinded him to the possibility of a better world through unity, cooperation, and ruthless, yet hidden, action.

As he continued to observe and reflect on the mountain of proof before him, Bruce couldn't escape the realization that change was not only possible but essential for the greater good. For once, Batman decided that he was wrong and was willing to embrace a new way of fighting for justice, one that aligned with the lessons he had learned in this astonishing universe.

He would join Superman in changing the League, and hopefully, this change would be for the greater good.

Although investigating the world around him helped come to this decision, Batman also found all sorts of forums online, debating the same argument that he and Superman had been going through recently. And he would be lying if he said they weren't helpful in his decision making.

'I have to thank Ned for sending me these links…' Bruce thought as he leaned back in his computer chair.

But one wiki page that he found managed to put the fear of god into him. 'What the hell is the Batman who laughs?!'

On that day as he read through that horror filled wiki page, Bruce swore to himself that he would do anything and everything he could to stop that from happening to him.

Thankfully, the Joker was dead so it wasn't likely to happen… right?

As Batman grappled with the profound shift in his beliefs, as well as the horrors of a laughing Joker-ish version of himself, he found himself at a crossroads, facing the most challenging question of his life… Was he ready to take a life? It was a question that had haunted him for years, a question he had avoided confronting throughout his crime-fighting career.

Unfortunately, joining Superman in changing the League as well as his approach to crime-fighting meant embracing a world that required ruthless action, and it seemed impossible to even consider.

Unable to come to a definitive answer, Batman left the apartment he was provided in the Avengers tower to clear his head. Bruce just needed to escape the confines of his thoughts for a while.

Walking through the hallways, his mind whirling with uncertainty, Bruce stumbled upon a balcony. He stepped outside and leaned against the railing, gazing down at the brightly lit city below. The sky was clear, and the city's bustle seemed so distant from his chaotic thoughts.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a voice suddenly spoke over his shoulder, breaking the silence, "A penny for your thoughts?"

Startled, Bruce whipped his body around, shocked that someone had managed to sneak up on him, a feat he had become an expert at. His eyes met those of a man leaning against the wall across from him… Nick Fury.

"Who are you?" Bruce asked, his instincts and unease on high alert.

Nick Fury regarded Bruce with a cool, assessing look. "Nick Fury… I've never seen you around here before. You a new recruit?"

Bruce shook his head. "No, I'm just visiting. Spider-Man gave me and a friend an apartment to stay in."

Suddenly, Fury's temperament changed as a cold smile graced his face. "That little sh*t is back, huh?"

Fury was happy to hear that Peter was back but it wasn't for any sort of loving reason. No, Fury thirsted for revenge. For two months he was forced to do all of Peter's paperwork, while the man himself was nowhere to found.

"Uhh, yeah…" Bruce nodded, confused by the mix of hostility and glee he felt from Fury.

Fury filed away his revenge for later as he eyed Bruce. "So, what's got you so troubled?"

Bruce found himself hesitant to share his internal struggles, but he couldn't help but respond with another question, a heavy one that weighed on his conscience, "Have you ever killed someone before? What does it feel like? Is it... hard?"

Fury raised a brow, understanding the gravity of the conversation. 'This sh*t got real, real fast…'

Fury sighed, knowing that this was a topic that couldn't be taken lightly. "Killing," he began, his voice tinged with experience, "is easier than you might realize, especially when it comes to normal people. A few pokes of a knife, a bullet to the heart, the brain, or other vital areas, and most people die quite quickly, without much fanfare. And once you've crossed that line, the initial sickening feeling that accompanies it slowly dissipates. It becomes easier with every kill."

Bruce absorbed Fury's words, understanding that they held a truth he had avoided acknowledging. The concept of taking a life was harrowing, but Fury's words painted a stark reality that was hard to ignore.

However, Bruce was not convinced, and his brow furrowed as he replied, "I understand what you're saying, but I don't know if I could ever do it. Even with the knowledge that it might be necessary, I can't see myself killing or being a part of killing. I'm just not built that way."

Fury nodded, respecting Bruce's resolve, yet also recognizing that his perspective was a deeply ingrained one. Killing was a moral crossroads that not everyone could navigate. "For some, it's not an easy thing to stomach. It's not for everyone, and it takes a special kind of resolve to make that initial choice. Some people just don't have it…"

A bit less conflicted than before, Bruce thanked Fury for the conversation, realizing that even though he had decided to join Superman in taking another path, he didn't know if he could take the crucial step on that path, which was taking a life. With those thoughts swirling in his mind, he turned to leave the balcony and make his way back to his room.

Fury watched him go, understanding that the encounter had been a crucial one for the mysterious man. But once he was gone, thoughts of revenged swiftly took hold. 'I need to prepare all of Peter's work for him…' a dark smile spread across Fury's lips as he concocted a plan to throw all of his work onto his future son-in-law. After all, it's been a while since he visited his granddaughter…

As Fury was about to turn and head off with thoughts of revenge brewing in his mind, a sudden and deafening alarm pierced through the quiet building. The blaring sirens and flashing lights surprised him and jolted Bruce, who barely made it more than 20 steps away, to return with a confused look on his face.

Bruce rushed back to Fury, concern etching his features. He asked urgently, "What's going on?"

Fury's stern expression mirrored Bruce's worry, and he quickly tried to access information. "I don't know. Let me check." He reached for a device on his belt.

But before he could, a calm and digitized voice resonated through the area, and Bruce and Fury both turned their attention to it. It was Jarvis.

"Mr. Fury, Mr. Wayne, I have detected an incoming fleet of ships entering the solar system," Jarvis stated matter-of-factly.

The news sent a chill down both of their spines. It was not just some random incident… it was a threat of planetary magnitude.

Simultaneously, all across the globe, Avengers members' phones began to sound, alerting them to the impending danger. The messages contained the same dire warning, an alien fleet was approaching Earth.

Back in Queens New York, Peter stirred from his sleep beside MJ, who groaned in annoyance and buried her head in the pillows, disoriented by the blaring alert from his phone. "Motherf*cker…" he cursed under his breath, and quickly checked the message from Jarvis. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he read about the incoming alien fleet. "They couldn't have waited until the morning?"

A/N: 1771 words :)



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