I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 538: Happy Birthday to Me!

Chapter 538: Happy Birthday to Me!

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After finalizing their agreement in Major Lewis's office, Peter and the Major stepped out into the hospital hallway, greeted by the sight of two guards. Even now, the soldiers looked at Peter in a mix of awe and respect, the image of him battling hundreds of zombies alone and winning fresh in their minds. As they were about to discuss the next steps, an officer hurriedly approached them.

"Sir, there's a commotion outside," the officer reported, saluting Major Lewis. "One of the patients just woke up, and he's trying to leave against the doctors orders. The hospital staff are having a hard time convincing him to stay for further recovery."

Peter, a knowing smile playing on his lips, instantly realized who the patient was. Without waiting for the Major's response, he turned to the officer. "Lead the way."

Following the officer through the bustling hospital, they arrived at the scene of the commotion. Rick Grimes, still weak from his time in a coma, was making his way toward the hospital gate. Two doctors and four nurses surrounded him, attempting to restrain him and convince him to stay.

As Peter approached, his presence immediately causing a hushed silence among the civilians and soldiers outside, recognizing him as the war god that saved them earlier in the day.

The head doctor, unaware of Peter's arrival, spoke, "Mr. Grimes, you really should stay and recover. Your body needs time to heal, especially after something as serious as a gunshot wound and a coma," the head doctor insisted.

Rick, determined and slightly frustrated, met the doctors gaze. "I appreciate what you've done here, but I can't afford to stay. I have a family out there, and they need me. I won't sit around while they could be in danger."

Peter, understanding Rick's urgency, stepped forward. "Doc, just let him go. You can't force treatment on those who don't want it."

Reluctantly, the doctors and nurses released Rick, knowing they couldn't force him to stay. The head doctor, with a sigh, addressed Rick, "Fine, you can go. But promise me you'll clean the wound and change the bandage frequently. We can't have you getting an infection out there. You also need to eat nutrient rich foods and exercise to regain some muscle mass after spending over a week in bed."

Rick nodded appreciatively, and as he started to walk toward the hospital gate, Peter quickly made his way to his group's cars. He cleared out Michonne's car, gathering an extra police radio, a pistol, a box of ammo, and some food and water. Starting the car up, he drove up to the gate just as Rick was about to step outside.

Peter pulled up next to Rick, rolling down the window. "Hey, need a ride? It's safer to drive than walk," he said as he hopped out of the drivers seat.

"I can't…" Rick tried to refuse, but Peter wouldn't let him.

"It's fine. Just take it. I have two other cars anyway. And this is the sh*tty one of the three." He said as he motioned to the passenger seat, where all of the supplies he gathered for Rick sat. "Those should help you get a good head start on your search."

"Thank you…" Rick didn't know what to say. He knew that the car and supplies must be worth a lot, especially during an apocalypse, so he felt bad for taking it all. Nonetheless, he accepted Peter's generosity and hopped in the drivers seat.

Before Rick could drive off, Peter spoke. "Listen, bring your family back here when you find them. I'm planning to clear this town of the infected and turn it into a safe haven for survivors. Use the radio to call us if you need help. It's already on the right frequency. And most of all, be careful with that gun, the sound will attract any infected in the area and they'll swarm the hell out of you."

Rick hesitated for a moment, grateful for the unexpected help. "Thank you, again," he said, sincerely. "I'll find my family and bring them back here. You've done a lot for us."

With a nod, Peter watched as Rick drove off, determined to reunite with his family. As the car disappeared into the distance, Peter walked back into the hospital grounds, his mind swirling with plans for the future.

'He seems to be the same as the show…' Peter thought, as he delved into his mind while they chatted earlier, just as he did with Michonne. 'He'll make a good subordinate, like the Major…'

Back inside the gated hospital, Peter found his group standing there, wondering why he just gave away their car, especially Michonne, as it was her car to begin with.

With a determined glint in his eye, Peter spoke, "All of you need to get ready to head out. We're going on a supply run in one hour. Gather what you need and meet at the cars."

The group glanced between one another, before turning to Sarah and Andre, the children of the group. They didn't mind following Peter on a supply run, especially after seeing his display of power against the zombies earlier, but…

"What about the kids?" Joel voiced everyone's thoughts.

Peter looked thoughtful for a moment. "You're right, now that we have a base, it's not very smart to bring children out there-"

"What?!" Sarah exclaimed, annoyance clear in her voice. "I want to help too! I'm not a child. You can't just leave me behind. I don't even know these people…"

Peter sighed alongside her father, who knew this would be a hard pill for her to swallow.

Finally, Joel stepped in front of her, a reluctant, yet serious, look on his face. "Listen, Sarah, you've always been mature for your age. Hell, you've been cooking and taking care of me ever since you were six years old, but you're only thirteen. Yeah, you're not as young as Andre, but you're still a child and this is dangerous stuff we're planning on doing." He pauses for a moment and looks her in the eye. "I don't want to lose you, Baby Girl…"

Suddenly, tears began to well up in Sarah's eyes as she dove forward, wrapping her father into a tight hug. "I don't want to lose you either, Daddy…"

Peter and MJ smiled at the heartwarming moment. "You won't lose him." Peter said, breaking the two from their hug. "I'll make sure nothing happens to your father while he's gone."

Sarah wanted for refute his words. After all, the world was a dangerous place right now and one person couldn't guarantee her fathers safety. But then, she remembered Peter decimating the zombie horde earlier. Like a one man army, he stood off against hundreds of infected and came out victorious.

Sarah stared straight into Peter's eyes. "Fine, but if anything happens to him or my uncle Tommy…" She trailed off, a dangerous look appearing in her young eyes.

Peter smirked. "Yes, yes, you'll make my life a living hell, kill me, feed me to some wild dogs… I get it."

Sarah nodded her head matter of factly. "As long as you understand."

Joel and Tommy couldn't help but smile as the watched Sarah do her best to threaten Peter. Their hearts warmed as they knew she was just worried for them.

Before everyone could rush off to prepare, Joel spoke. "She does have a point about not knowing anyone here. Maybe one of us should stay behind as well…"

After a moment of silence, Michonne stepped forward. "I'll stay behind." She said, her son cuddled safe in her arms. "Andre needs a bit more attention and care, so I should probably stay and make sure he's fed and changed properly."

"Alright, then that settles it." Peter says, clapping hands to draw everyone's attention. "Michonne will stay to look after the kids while the rest of us head out to gather supplies."


After everyone had gathered their gear and prepared for the supply run, they returned to the cars to find Peter waiting for them. The car that was once filled with supplies was now completely empty, while the other car was jam-packed with everything. Even the drivers seat was filled with supplies, making it impossible to drive for the time being.

Curious looks were exchanged among the group, prompting Peter to address the unspoken question. "We'll be taking one car this time," he explained. "I've got plans to pick up a few eighteen-wheeler trucks on the way, which you'll each be driving."

Nodding in understanding, the group marveled at the foresight Peter displayed in his preparations. As they settled into the car, armed to the teeth with assault rifles and pistols, MJ occupied the passenger seat while Joel and Tommy took their positions in the back.

Peter maneuvered the car to the hospital gate, where Major Lewis awaited. Rolling down his window, Peter reminded the Major to stay on the agreed radio frequency. "I'll contact you once we've secured the first warehouse," he assured.

The Major nodded assuredly. "Once you give the word, I'll send my men over to help load and transport everything back here," He affirmed confidently.

With the plan in place, the gate opened, and Peter drove the group out of the city.

As they left, Joel couldn't help but ask, "so, do you have some sort of deal going on with that guy?"

"Yeah, he agreed to…" Peter explained everything that he and Major spoke about earlier.

A couple hours later, after finding two eighteen-wheelers along the way, which were currently being driven by Joel and Tommy, the group pulled up to a large, secluded warehouse along the highway outside of town. Thanks to some paperwork at a supermarket near the hospital, they were able to easily find the addresses to five separate food distribution centers, and this was the closest one to town.

"Huh, look at that on the roof…" Joel muttered over the radio as they surveyed the area.

Just as they feared, the warehouse was swarming with Zombies outside, but the building seemed to be locked tight. But that wasn't what caught Joel's attention. On the roof of the building was a large piece of cardboard, which seems to be taped in place. It read, 'Help! People trapped inside!'

"If I were them, I wouldn't be advertising my whereabouts…" Tommy criticized.

But he was right. After all, they had a warehouse full of food in there, so they could survive for a pretty long time. It was fairly dumb to call for help, as anyone that saves them would be staking a claim to their food, and that's if they're kind people. Others would probably just shoot them and take everything.

Seconds later, Peter's voice appeared on the radio. "Well, they probably still think the police or the military is going to come and save them."

Parking the vehicles at a safe distance and getting out, Peter observed the surroundings. "Alright, same as before. You guys find an elevated position, where the zombies can't reach, and I'll keep them busy down below while you pick them off from above." he instructed, his hand resting on the handle of Michonne's sword.

"What about the people inside?" Joel asks warily.

Peter shrugged. "We save them and then recruit them. If they don't want to join us, which is unlikely to happen, then we'll send them on their way with a hefty amount of supplies."

"And if they're hostile?" Tommy asks.

"Then they die…"

A/N: 1926 words :) 🚨I've started the story that comes after this one is finished. The first two chapters are now out on Patreòn and will remain exclusively on there until the last chapter of this story. It's a Star War/Marvel crossover called I'm Star-Lord. Pretty much, a guy transmigrates as Peter Quill, is saved from an evil Yondu and taken into the Jedi order. Of course, he won't stay a jedi forever as Star-Lord doesn't fit the mold of a chaste space monk. I will be updating it sporadically on patreòn in order to build chapters for when it's finally released here on Webnovel. 🚨



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