I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 550: You’re a ******, Peter!

Chapter 550: You’re a ******, Peter!

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🚨Insert Magic GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Pertiester & Fr1day_!🏆 (A/N: 👑👑)

The night enveloped the hospital camp in a hushed stillness. MJ lay in bed, the soft glow of a nearby lamp casting a warm ambiance across the room. Her eyes flickered with a mixture of exhaustion and anticipation as she awaited Peter's return. Midnight neared, and just as the quiet darkness seemed everlasting, a golden portal materialized in the room's center.

Out stepped Peter, a smile playing on his lips as he spotted MJ waiting for him in bed. "Hey, beautiful," he greeted, his voice a gentle murmur.

MJ's expression softened into a smile as Peter jumped into bed beside her, pulling her into his comforting embrace. "Hey, you. Took you long enough. What's the story? Where've you been?"

Cuddling closer to her, Peter began recounting his journey. He described how he visited every major city, administering the cure and leaving instructions for its reproduction. The magic-infused serum, now a beacon of hope, had been spread far and wide.

MJ listened intently, absorbing the gravity of Peter's actions. "So, you've been saving the world as usual," she said, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Yeah, pretty much." Peter nodded, a sense of accomplishment gleaming in his eyes.

However, MJ raised an eyebrow. "Is that it, though? I mean, you were gone for almost two days. With your powers, I thought you'd be back sooner."

Leaning back against the headboard, Peter chuckled. "Well, there's more. I did a little cleaning along the way as well."

MJ's curiosity peaked. "What kind of cleaning?"

Peter explained, "I got rid of all the nukes. Everywhere. I figured, even after we deal with the zombies, the world might still be a chaotic mess. And the last thing we need is some maniac launching nukes, which would trigger others to launch theirs in retaliation until the world is destroyed. I just didn't want the world to trade one apocalypse for another. I mean, imagine zombies plus radiation. Not a great combo. So, I just poofed them away."

MJ's eyes widened in realization. "Wait, you got rid of every nuke?" She asked. "What did you do with them?"

Peter nodded, his expression serious. "Yeah, I just portal'd them into the nearest black hole."

"Huh," MJ mused, "I didn't even think of that."

Peter smirked. "Well, Ned watched the Walking Dead until the end and would always fill me in. Apparently, there's some nuke drama in the later seasons or spin-offs. Better safe than sorry, right?"

MJ nodded her head, "Definitely." She agreed as a contemplative look appeared on her face. "Then are we leaving tomorrow?"

Peter grinned, his eyes reflecting a playful spark. "Yeah, excited for the next universe?"

MJ nodded as she rested her head against his chest. "But there's still other characters to save, like the Greene family, who are still hiding in their farm."

Peter thinks it over for a moment before speaking. "We can always leave behind some orders for the Major. Or I can just portal them into the town before we leave. I'm sure it'll scare the hell out of them, but at least they'll be safe."

MJ seemed relieved upon hearing this. "Can you just portal them here? I'd rather be sure that they're okay than leave it for others to handle."

Peter nodded his head. "Sure, I'll drop them into town as we leave. We can let the Major deal with the aftermath as we sail off into a new universe." He said, washing away his wife's worries.


The morning sun painted the sky with hues of gold as Peter and MJ woke up and set out on their mission to locate the remaining Walking Dead characters they intended to save. Portal after portal whisked them across the United States, appearing in various locations to find these familiar faces from their memories.

Without revealing themselves or exchanging introductions, Peter and MJ simply opened portals beneath the characters' feet, depositing them safely into the town. As the unknown figures kept appearing, the Major, Joel, Tommy, Michonne, Sarah, and bewildered soldiers and civilians observed the inexplicable spectacle.

The Major, determined to get to the bottom of this, went looking for Peter, intending to report the unusual occurrences to him. However, upon reaching Peter's room, he found it empty, with a lackluster note left on the bed.

The note simply said, "Yo, you're in charge now, Major. See yah." Beside it lay a hard drive filled with useful information, which Peter compiled on his first day in this world.

The Major stared at the note in shock, wondering why Peter would leave, where he would even go, and what was the purpose of the hard drive. The sudden responsibility weighed on him as he contemplated the odd turn of events.

Meanwhile, Peter and MJ concluded their rescue mission, returning to Texas to find their Tardis-like ship unblemished in the apocalypse-riddled town, exactly where they parked it. Stepping into the ship and closing the door behind them, Peter headed towards the control panel. However, MJ interrupted him, expressing a hesitation that had been lingering.

"Maybe we should bring our friends back to our universe before moving on? I mean, I'd rather not leave people like Sarah and Michonne's son, Andre behind," she suggested. "Like you said, the world won't just go back to normal even after the zombies are gone..."

Peter shrugged, mulling over her suggestion. "Sure, but you have to explain everything to them." With a wave of his hand, portals appeared, and Joel, Tommy, Sarah, Michonne, and Andre appeared, bewildered and fearful looks on their face.

They looked around, shocked by their sudden change in surroundings. Peter offered a casual wave. "Yo, welcome aboard."

Joel, eyes wide in confusion, surveyed the ship with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "What the hell is this place?"

Peter motioned to MJ, throwing all responsibility onto her shoulders. "She'll explain."

After a long explanation, Michonne, cradling her son in her arms, studied Peter and MJ. "So you two are on a multiverse vacation…" She eyed them, shocked that they would find this hellhole as a good vacation destination.

MJ shrugged. "Well, you don't know this, but there are all sorts of stories in our world that are similar to what happened here, so it was like living a book or a show..." She reveals.

Tommy, glancing around, raised an eyebrow. "So, you're just gonna take us back to your world?" He asks, suspicion clear in his voice. "Is it safe?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah, as long as you want to go. Our world is about as safe as it gets. I can even get you each your own identities too, so you don't have to worry about that."

"I want to go!" Michonne was the first to agree. "This world isn't a safe place for a child to grow up. If I can give Andre a chance at a better life, then I'm willing to risk it."

And just like that, everyone else agreed as well, more than willing to risk a multiverse trip to another universe to escape the dangers of their original world.

As the group settled into the ship, Peter operated the controls, preparing to send them back home. Seconds later, the ship hummed to life, phasing in and out of existence before finally disappearing from this universe, leaving behind a ruined world on the brink of healing.


After dropping their rescued passengers off at the Avengers tower, where they found Tony to handle everything for them, Peter and MJ wanted to swiftly return to their vacation. But before leaving, they gathered the group to share a revelation that would impact their newfound friends greatly.

"Before we go, there's something you all need to know," Peter began, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "In our world, you're all fictional characters. Like, TV shows, comic books, and video games."

The faces of Joel, Tommy, Michonne, and Sarah mirrored bewilderment and disbelief.

MJ chimed in, unable to contain her amusement. "Yep, so feel free to look yourselves up."

Tommy scratched his head, still processing the revelation. "So, we're not real people?"

Peter turned to Tony. "Deal with this for us, will you? We're still on our honeymoon."

"Wait a minute! I'm not your-" Tony tried to argue but Peter and MJ slammed the doors to the ship closed, leaving all of the responsibility in his reluctant but capable hands.

As the ship disappeared, leaving behind the aftermath for Tony to handle, Peter couldn't help but grin. "I bet they'll have fun on Google later."

MJ chuckled, shaking her head. "I wonder if they'll play The Last of Us?"

And with that finished, the ship sailed through the fabric of realities, ready to embrace the next universe.


In the quiet village of Godric's Hollow, nestled in the picturesque West Country of England, James Potter, Lord of the ancient and noble House of Potter, cradled his newborn son, Harry, in his arms.

[Insert picture of James Potter here]

[Insert picture of baby Harry here]

The cozy living room of their small cottage resonated with warmth from the subtle flicker of the fireplace. In the kitchen, Lily Potter, his wife and Lady of the house, orchestrated a symphony of enchanted cookware, her wand creating a culinary ballet as she delved into a high-level book about sacrificial magic.

[Insert picture of Lily Potter here]

As the aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air, Lily's thoughts were far from the kitchen. Her mind delved into the intricate magic within the pages, pondering how she could harness its power to shield her precious son. The looming threat of the Dark Lord Voldemort, a malevolent force wreaking havoc across magical Britain, hung heavily over the Potters.

The reason behind the inconspicuous setting of their once opulent lives was a prophecy that marked Harry as the Chosen One. Born as the seventh month died, he was destined to be Voldemort's ultimate nemesis.

The Potters, knowing the Dark Lord would believe such an idiotic prophecy told by a drunken hag, were forced to seek refuge in the humble cottage, hoping to escape the clutches Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

As the family savored a moment of peace, the tranquility shattered. Wards surrounding the cottage flared to life, a defensive mechanism signaling an intruder. James sprang to his feet, rushing to the window. There, in the darkness, the snake-like figure of Voldemort emerged, draped in ominous black robes. Panic gripped the Potter family.

[Insert picture of Voldemort here]

"It's him. He's found us!" James exclaimed, dread etched across his face. Lily, wide-eyed, clutched her wand, her mind racing to comprehend how Voldemort had breached their secret location. Peter Pettigrew, their trusted friend and Secret Keeper, should have safeguarded them.

As the wards crumbled one by one, signaling the impending threat, James, faced with an imminent confrontation, decided to confront the dark wizard. With urgency, he pushed Harry into Lily's arms, "Take Harry and go! I'll hold him off!"

Lily hesitated, reluctant to leave her husband to face Voldemort alone, but James insisted that she had to protect Harry.

With a final, lingering gaze, Lily rushed upstairs just as the last ward was destroyed, shielding Harry from the unfolding nightmare. Meanwhile, James stayed behind, his wand drawn as he confronted the Dark Lord, who broke down his door and shot a killing curse his way. "Avada kedavra!"

Transfiguring a coffee table into a makeshift barrier to deflect the impending killing curse, James protected himself as he retaliated, magic flying back and forth, destroying their once peaceful cottage.

Upstairs, Lily found herself trapped by anti-apparition wards, her attempts to teleport to safety thwarted. The sounds of the chaotic battle downstairs growing louder and louder.

As she tried to soothe Harry's cries, Lily came to the conclusion that she was going to die, but at least she could make her death worth while. 'I haven't tested it yet, but it's not like I have a choice now…' she thought as she smiled down at her son, tears welling up in her eyes as she placed him in his crib. "Remember, Harry, Mommy and Daddy will always love you, even if we're not here to-"

Suddenly, before she could finish her heartfelt goodbye, the room lit up as a blue phone box materialized behind her. Lily, bewildered and alarmed, looked at the unexpected arrival, momentarily forgetting the imminent danger.

Before she could even react, the door to the phone box swung open and a young man stuck his head out. "Yo?"

A/N: 2096 words :) Just to be clear, Peter will not be holding back his powers anymore.



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