I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 574: Castration

Chapter 574: Castration

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🚨Insert Jesus GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: A hero must rise to dethrone BenBagMan's reign! It's gone on long enough! Rise brothers and sisters! Take the throne!👑)

Peter and MJ stepped out of their ship, finding themselves in an unexpected location, a boardroom with sleek and modern design. However, the sight that greeted them was far from the usual business meeting ambiance. A blood-soaked blonde woman in superhero attire knelt on the floor, her eyes fixed on the remains of the infamous Deep.

"Hey there," Peter greeted, a friendly smile on his face. "Uhh... What's with the blood? You on your period or something?"

MJ rolled her eyes before slapping her husband across the back of the head for his bad joke. "Sorry about him," she apologized to Starlight, a worried look on her face. "Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere, are you?"

Starlight, still processing the abrupt turn of events, continued staring at the remnants of the Deep. Her eyes shifted to Peter and MJ, who stood directly on top of the gruesome scene. She opened her mouth to respond but seemed unable to form coherent words.

"Oh, crap. What the hell is this!?" MJ remarked, glancing at the blood pooling beneath their shoes, staining her soles.

"Ugh, seriously?" Peter grimaced, quickly moving away from the blood. With a nonchalant wave of his hand, he and MJ's shoes were cleaned, the blood vanishing in an instant. Starlight, now breaking out of her stunned state, watched in disbelief as they performed this seemingly magical act.

"Did you guys... do that?" she finally managed to ask, her voice tinged with a mix of shock and curiosity.

Peter looked nervously between Starlight and the remains surrounding his ship. "Yeah, we have some tricks up our sleeves…" He nodded, gesturing to the gruesome scene. "We did this didn't we?"

Starlight nodded dumbly, confirming their suspicions that their arrival inadvertently led to the Deep's demise. As the reality sank in, MJ began to profusely apologize. "Oh my god… We're so sorry. We didn't know…" she said, her sincere remorse evident in her eyes.

However, Starlight, still processing the bizarre situation, suddenly snapped out of her shock. She looked at Peter and MJ with a mix of gratitude and relief. "Thank you. You... you have no idea what you just saved me from."

Confused by her sudden change in demeanor, Peter scratched his head. "Saved you? What? Was this guy about to kill you or something?" He asked, his and MJ's apologetic demeanor melting away. After all, if he was a bad guy, then they didn't really care.

Starlight, realizing the misunderstanding, clarified, "No, he wasn't trying to kill me. You saved me from... something else... I was about to do something that I would have regretted for the rest of my life."

As she expressed her gratitude, Peter and MJ exchanged puzzled glances. But before they could delve deeper into the conversation, the sound of blaring alarms all throughout the building disrupted the moment. And seconds after the alarmed started, the boardroom doors burst open, revealing a squad of heavily armed security personnel who swiftly surrounded the trio.

Peter sighed. "Guess we're not getting a warm welcome…"

"Get on the ground, now!" Each security guard yelled, one after another, their guns trained on Peter and MJ.

Starlight, realizing the potential danger, stepped forward, attempting to de-escalate the situation. "Hey, wait! They aren't intruders. At least, I don't think they are. This is all just misunderstanding," she explained, her hands raised in a gesture of non-aggression. However, the guards, fueled by their training and the urgency of the situation, paid little heed to her words.

"We don't take orders from you, Ma'am, so please step out of the way." one of the guards said dismissively, his attention turning back to Peter and MJ.

Peter glanced at MJ, a bemused expression on his face. "Are they serious?" he muttered under his breath.

Refusing to comply with the order, Peter and MJ casually stood their ground. Starlight, growing increasingly frustrated, attempted to intervene. "Hold on, this is all just a crazy accident. Let me explain. They saved me..." She went on to give a brief explanation of what the Deep was doing to her, which shocked Peter and MJ, who now realized why she was thanking them earlier.

But the guards, entrenched in their protocol, remained unyielding. Ignoring Starlight's pleas, they intensified their demands, the tension in the room escalating with each passing moment.

"Enough of this," Starlight snapped, her patience wearing thin. "I said, they're not the threat here. You need to listen."

As the guards continued to ignore her, Starlight huffed in frustration before turning to Peter and MJ. "Look, I know this is messed up, but they're not backing down. Just do what they say for now."

Of course, Peter and MJ wouldn't be doing that, as right now, they were having a telepathic conversation with one another.

'Is this another fictional world or not? Because it's not very familiar to me…' MJ asked Peter.

'Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the show that I've been trying to get you to watch with me for the last month.' Peter responded, recalling all of the times he nagged MJ to watch it with him.

'Huh? Now I regret not watching it… What was it again? The guys?' She asks, her voice laced with regret.

'The Boys, but that was close enough.' Peter corrects her before explaining, 'Just know that almost every hero in this world is a horrible person.'

'Starlight seems nice…?' She said, almost asking if that was actually the case.

'Yeah, she's a part of the very few who aren't pieces of human trash.' Peter responded in agreement.

In the midst of the standoff, Starlight, desperate to get to the bottom of the situation, asked a crucial question. "How did you even know about this? They just arrived, and I doubt that they triggered any alarms."

One of the guards, stern and unyielding, responded, "Translucent called it in. He said intruders broke in, and killed the Deep. That's all we need to know. Now step aside…"

Starlight's eyes widened at the revelation. In the chaos of the moment, she realized that another so-called hero, whom she once looked up to, Translucent, the invisible man, had witnessed the Deep's actions against her and opted not to intervene whatsoever. She was sexually assaulted and nearly r*ped, yet he did nothing until the Deep was killed.

"Screw this!" Starlight exclaimed, her fury rising. "Translucent, show yourself right now!"

Her demand echoed through the room, but there was no sign of the invisible hero. Anguish and betrayal filled Starlight as she grasped the reality that another hero had betrayed her trust and expectations in the most reprehensible way. She began to wonder whether joining the seven was actually a good idea…

In an outburst of anger, Starlight screamed at the invisible Translucent, "What a coward! No wonder your power is invisibility, you don't even have the courage to show yourself! I was almost r*ped by the fish b@stard and you were just going to stand there like some voyeuristic cuckold!" She didn't know if he was actually in the room anymore, but her words needed to be said, so she simply let them flow.

Unable to bear witness to this any longer, MJ took matters into her own hands. With a wave of her hand, she summoned a whip made of Eldritch energy, lassoing it tightly around Translucent's invisible form, who was slowly making his way out of the room. Yanking him across over to Starlight, she forced him to materialize, revealing his shameful, naked presence at her feet.

[Insert picture of Translucent here]

The guards, agitated by the unexpected turn of events, prepared to open fire. However, Peter intervened, snapping his fingers and putting them all into a deep and peaceful slumber. The room fell silent as the guards collapsed, unconscious, their weapons clattering to the floor beside them.

With Translucent at her feet and the guards peacefully slumbering, Starlight turned her attention to her unlikely saviors. The shock of their otherworldly powers lingered in her wide-eyed gaze. It was as if Peter and MJ wielded magic, yet the disbelief remained etched in her mind.

As Translucent found himself captured and exposed, he retaliated with a barrage of threats, "Let me go! Once Homelander hears about this you'll all be screwed!"

Annoyed by the arrogant villain's voice, MJ decided to take matters into her own hands. She sent a surge of electricity through the Eldritch whip, causing translucent to scream and twitch in pain. His confident demeanor shattered by the sudden shock.

With Translucent incapacitated, Peter turned to Starlight, an inquisitive expression on his face. "What do you want to do with this creep?" he asked.

Starlight, still processing the surreal situation, nervously questioned, "What do you mean?"

Peter explained their options, "We can let him go, give him a beating, maim him, or even kill him, if you want. We'll help you no matter what choice you make…"

Starlight, faced with the gravity of the decision, froze. The prospect of taking a life weighed heavily on her, and the ethical dilemma left her paralyzed.

Translucent, seizing the opportunity, laughed defiantly. "You stupid, f•cking a•sholes. I'm invincible! You stupid motherf•ckers. I'm f•cking Translucent! I'm indestructible. It's only a matter of time before someone finds us. And when they do, you're f•cking dead!"

Annoyed by the foul language and taking Translucent's words as a challenge, Peter turned to Starlight with a dangerous smile creeping its way onto his face. "I can kill him for you, if you want?" He offered. The sinister suggestion put a momentary chill in the air, even worrying the seemingly invincible Translucent.

Shaking her head vehemently, Starlight refused to resort to killing. However, Translucent, still under the illusion of invincibility, remained confident that his durability would protect him either way.

Respecting her choice, Peter nodded, but MJ had a different perspective. Her disdain for creepy, perverted stalkers fueled her actions. With a swift motion, MJ pointed her free hand between Translucent's legs, firing a focused beam of Eldritch energy.

"Aaaargghh!" The villain's scream echoed in the room as the destructive force disintegrated his family jewels, bypassing his invincibility with ease.

Translucent writhed in pain, a mixture of shock and agony etched on his face. The illusion of invincibility shattered along with his most vulnerable and precious parts. MJ's expression remained stoic, her disdain evident as she delivered a decisive blow against the voyeuristic villain.

Starlight, witnessing the punishment, couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. While she had refrained from taking a life, the torment inflicted upon Translucent brought a certain satisfaction. The line between justice and revenge blurred in that fleeting moment of retribution.

A/N: 1788 words :)



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