I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 577: Flash At Home

Chapter 577: Flash At Home

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🚨Insert Cooking GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: Will he ever fall?👑)

Sitting at an outdoor table of a quaint restaurant a few blocks away from their hotel, Peter finished explaining the twisted universe they found themselves in, world where heroes were corrupt and downright villainous. "So, yeah, they're all basically just a*sholes or psychos."

MJ listened intently, her eyes reflecting a mix of disbelief and concern. Just as Peter concluded his recap, MJ furrowed her brows and asked, "Should we have left Starlight alone? I mean, if the heroes here are practically villains, it might not be safe for her to be alone in the hotel."

Peter casually shrugged, sipping his drink. "She'll be alright. We've got our little butler watching over her. Besides, she needs some rest after everything that went down."

Before MJ could press further, a sudden strong gust of wind blew by as a blue blur shot down the road. "Huh? What's that?" MJ muttered as she squinted, faintly catching sight of the blur.

And just as that wind appeared, suddenly, a fist hurtling toward Peter's face. However, with a casual movement, Peter effortlessly raised his hand, catching the punch mid-air. Turning his head to the side, Peter saw A-Train, the speedster hero staring at him in shock. After all, catching a punch from the fastest man alive was no small feat.

As the impact of the caught punch resonated through the area, shattering some nearby windows, bystanders on the street and in nearby shops turned their attention to the commotion. Excitement rippled through the crowd at the sight of a famous hero in the flesh.

Murmurs spread, speculating on whether the man holding A-Train's fist was a criminal or perhaps a new, powerful hero. Many people pulled out their phones and began to record the exciting scene before them, hoping to post it on social media or simply watch it again later.

A-Train, attempting to pull his fist free, struggled against Peter's vice-like grip. "Let go… ugh!" The bones in A-Train's hand creaked and cracked under the pressure, eliciting a pained grunt from the speedster. Peter maintained the hold, unyielding as the hero's attempts to free himself proved futile.

In the midst of the unfolding scene, Peter broke the silence. "You know, it's considered rude to interrupt a couple during a romantic meal." A sly grin played on Peter's face as he glanced at MJ, who sat beside him, watching the confrontation with a glare directed at A-Train.

After all, Peter gave her a brief explanation about each character, and A-Train was certainly among the corrupt heroes in this world. His lack of control over his speed led to him killing an innocent woman, which has probably already happened at this point.

'Sorry Hughie, but I don't think we made it in time to save your girlfriend…' Peter thought sadly.

Peter frowned as he recalled the scene in the show where A-Train ran by faster than the eye could see and crashed into Robin, practically disintegrating her upon impact. All that was left were her hands, which Hughie held tightly in shock, the love of his life disappearing before his very eyes.

'But maybe I can help you get some revenge…' Peter thought, wondering if he should just kill A-Train now or wait until Hughie is around and let him do it.

A-Train winced in pain, realizing the consequences of his failed attack. The onlookers continued to gawk at the spectacle, capturing the moment on their smartphones. The atmosphere shifted from excitement to anticipation, wondering how this unexpected encounter would unfold.

"Do you know how to speak or what?" Peter asked, still waiting for the speedster to reply.

A-Train, still frozen in shock, struggled to form coherent words as Peter decided it was time for a reality check. With a swift, determined movement, Peter pulled A-Train closer, the speedster's eyes widening in realization. The onlookers, now a captive audience to an unexpected showdown, held their breaths in anticipation.

"Here, snap out of it," Peter muttered, a smirk playing out on his lips. With a resolute swipe, he wound his hand back, delivering a resounding backhanded pimp slap across A-Train's face.

The sharp crack echoed through the street as the speedster went hurtling backward, crashing into a parked car with a deafening thud. The car groaned under the impact, metal bending and warping as A-Train completely totaled it.

Blood dripped from A-Train's nose and mouth, a vivid contrast against his costume. The speedster lay on the pavement, disoriented and shaken from the unexpected retaliation. The crowd gasped collectively, torn between shock and morbid fascination, their phones capturing every moment of the escalating confrontation, some even live streaming it.

Peter, unfazed by the spectacle, rose from his seat and approached the fallen hero with measured steps. He looked down at A-Train, who struggled to rise, disoriented and dazed. "You heroes really need to learn some manners," Peter remarked, his tone carrying a mix of disdain and disappointment.

As A-Train attempted to regain his composure and pick himself up off the grand, Peter simply raised his foot and rested it on the back of his head, harshly forcing him back down onto the pavement. The spectators, a mix of awe and fear etched across their faces, took a collective step back, creating a makeshift perimeter around the unfolding chaos.

A-Train, now flat on the ground, struggled against Peter's boot, a mixture of humiliation and anger in his eyes. "Get the f*ck off of me!" he finally managed to snarl, his voice shaky.

Peter grinned, adding some weight onto his foot, grinding A-Trains face into the road. "And why would I listen to you?" he asked, emphasizing each word with a little extra weight on his foot.

"Aaaarrgghhh!" A-Train screamed as his skull began to creak under the weight and his face began to bleed, shredded from the rough pavement below.

As A-Train struggled in futility, Peter's attention suddenly shifted to sky above as a commanding voice echoed throughout the area. "Release him!"


Billy Butcher, a rugged man with a perpetual scowl etched onto his weathered face, leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Hughie, whose disheveled appearance mirrored the grief and anger within him. The dimly lit shop served as a backdrop for Billy's intense persuasion, emphasizing the urgency of their clandestine mission.

[Insert picture of Billy Butcher here]

[Insert picture of Hughie here]

"Listen, Hughie, mate, it's not that hard. I just need you to plant a bug in Vought Tower for me. The sooner, the better," Billy urged, his voice a gruff whisper. "We can't let these f*cking supes keep doing whatever the hell they please… Don't you want help me take down the man that killed Robin?"

Hughie, lost in his thoughts of revenge against A-Train, suddenly jumped as his phone started beeping like crazy. The sudden influx of notifications interrupted Billy's impassioned plea, as Hughie pulled out his phone to see what's going on.

Annoyed by the interruption, Billy shot Hughie a sharp glare. "What the hell are you doing? This is serious business!" He growled, a mix of frustration and impatience evident in his tone.

Ignoring Billy's scolding, Hughie's eyes widened as he saw videos and live streams flood his social media accounts, showing A-Train, his most hated enemy, being manhandled and beaten by an unknown man. The videos captured every brutal moment, from the caught punch to the humiliating beatdown that followed.

"What's going on?" Billy demanded, his curiosity piqued. He peered over Hughie's shoulder, catching glimpses of the unfolding chaos on the screen.

"I-It's A-Trains… He's…" Hughie exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and satisfaction in his voice.

Billy, despite his tough exterior, couldn't help but feel a spark of intrigue. His eyes widened as he couldn't recognize the man who was stomping A-Train's face into the road. "Who's that guy?"

"No idea," Hughie replied, a devilish grin playing on his lips. "But it's about time someone knocked that f*cker dow a peg."

Billy, torn between the urgency of their mission and the unexpected turn of events, weighed his options. "Bugger it," he muttered, reaching for his own phone. "Show me the videos."

As Billy and Hughie huddled over the screen, their focus shifted from Vought Tower to the street brawl involving A-Train. The videos showcased the unknown assailant's ruthless display of power, leaving both men in a state of disbelief.

"Is this happening right now?" Billy asked.

Hughie nodded, opening a livestream for him to see. "Yeah, I think so."

"I know where this is. Let's go," Billy declared, his mind racing as he rushed out of the store and into his car, followed by Hughie, who needed to see A-Trains demise in person.


Meanwhile, back at Peter and MJ's hotel, Queen Maeve entered with a purpose, her presence drawing bewildered glances from the reception workers. Unfazed by their surprise, she displayed pictures of Starlight and inquired if anyone had seen her. The workers, recovering from their initial shock, quickly nodded their heads and gave her the room number.

Taking the elevator to the designated floor, Maeve located Starlight's room and decisively kicked the door open. The sight inside halted her momentarily—an emotionally exhausted Starlight, tears staining her face as she slept. A pang of guilt struck Maeve as she observed the aftermath of the turmoil Starlight had endured.

Gazing at the slumbering hero, Maeve grappled with remorse, realizing she could have done more to protect her from the callous nature of The Seven. Each member, herself included, had proven to be far from virtuous, and Maeve acknowledged her failure to shield Starlight from the harsh realities of their group.

'I'll look after her this time… I won't let this happen again…' She swore to herself.

As Maeve moved to wake Starlight, an unexpected intrusion disrupted the solemn moment. A sudden popping sound echoed, and an unusual short, grey skinned, and large eyed figure materialized before her very eyes. Maeve's eyes widened in disbelief, completely caught off guard.

"Master said no one is to interrupt Lady Star's sleep!" The odd creature spoke, shocking Maeve even more than she already was.

Before she could react, Dobby snapped his fingers with an eerie precision. And suddenly, a forceful energy propelled Maeve out of the room at breakneck speed, her body hurtling through the air before crashing into the hallway wall with a loud bang.

"Ugh!" Maeve grunted in pain. "What the hell was that…"

Looking up at the room, she saw the little being staring at her as the door slammed shut, sealing her off from the room and leaving her bewildered in the hallway.

A/N: 1783 words :)



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