I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 581: Reverse Trap Card

Chapter 581: Reverse Trap Card

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In the luxurious confines of Vought Tower, Madelyn Stillwell, the poised and cunning Vice President of Hero Management, found herself in a precarious situation. She stood before Homelander, the seemingly invincible superhero with a temperament as volatile as the sun, doing her best to quell his simmering rage.

Yesterday's altercation with Peter, a man who had audaciously crippled A-Train, had riled Homelander to his very core.

Madelyn, however, was no stranger to handling the fragile ego of the world's most powerful hero. With a soft smile and soothing words, she approached Homelander, pulling him into her arms and treating him like a child. "My dear, you know how important this meeting is to me. Can't you please pull it together and be peaceful? I'll make it worth your while." She says, reaching down to rub the bulge in his pants.

Homelander scowled, his icy gaze fixed on Madelyn. "That guy disrespected me in front of everyone. He needs to be taught a lesson. I should just kill him and be done with it."

Madelyn sighed, a calculated expression of concern on her face. "Darling, violence won't solve everything. What better way to get revenge than to become his boss and work him like a horse for the rest of his life? Besides, we need to fill the open positions that the Deep and A-Train have opened up. Imagine the power he could bring to The Seven..."

Homelander's fists clenched, clearly torn between his desire for revenge and Madelyn's persuasive ways. "He's a threat, Madelyn. I don't want him anywhere near The Seven."

Madelyn, with a smile on her face, leaned upwards and placed a chaste kiss on Homelanders lips. "I understand, my dear. But what if we turn this situation to our advantage? Instead of making an enemy, let's make him an ally. He has abilities we can utilize, and we'll keep a close eye on him, ensuring he remains under our control."

Homelander, ever the egoist, hesitated. The idea of having Peter as an underling intrigued him, but the notion of someone challenging his authority irked him to no end. Madelyn seized the opportunity, her voice a honeyed whisper. "Homelander, you're the leader. That won't ever change. And if he ever steps out of line, you have my permission to teach him a lesson..."

After a moment of contemplation, Homelander reluctantly nodded. "Fine, I'll play along. But if he steps out of line, I won't hesitate to deal with him. Besides, he doesn't strike me as the sort that would accept your proposal anyway."

Suddenly, Madelyn smiled, showing her teeth like a predator. "And I have contingency's planned for that as well."

Just to be safe, as Peter and MJ haven't exactly shown that they can be trusted, Madelyn has a small army on standby. Including, many snipers, who have already taken positions across nearby buildings, waiting to kill their guests should they become a bit too unruly.

Of course, this can be considered extreme overkill. After all, Madelyn has the strongest superhero in the world at her side, but it's always best to be prepared.

Just as their agreement settled, a secretary timidly entered the room, ignoring the compromising position she found her bosses in. "I apologize for the interruption, but your guests have arrived for the meeting."

Homelander's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. Madelyn, however, maintained her composure. "Perfect timing. Let's welcome them with open arms, Homelander. Together, we'll shape a new future for The Seven."

As they left the room, Madelyn couldn't help but smile. She had successfully manipulated Homelander, just as she always has. The intricate game of power and manipulation continued, with Vought orchestrating the pieces on the chessboard of heroes.


The grandeur of Vought Tower loomed before Peter, MJ, and Starlight as they stepped inside and were immediately escorted through its sleek corridors. Despite the awe-inspiring surroundings, Peter and MJ were anything but impressed.

This place may have created a very impressive serum to create superheroes, which they would definitely be stealing, but other than that, the technology and even the architecture was far behind their world by at least a hundred years, maybe more.

As they made their way up the elevator, Starlight's discomfort was palpable. The memories of her traumatic encounter with The Deep lingered, casting a shadow over the once exciting prospect of working with Vought.

The very first time she stepped into this building, Starlight could barely contain her excitement. This was the place that she was always dreaming of ever since she was a child. Yet, sadly, reality is usually a stark contrast to what we build up in our heads.

Just as Starlight began to breath heavily, in the verge of hyperventilating, MJ rested a comforting hand on her shoulder and said, "It's okay, we're here and we won't let anything happen to you."

Peter gave her a warm smile as well. "Yeah just relax. No one can touch you with us around. Just do whatever you want, and we'll support you."

With that said, Starlight began to call down as her former confidence began to slowly return. "Thanks…"

Upon entering the meeting room, Peter's eyes locked onto Homelander, who sat with an air of restrained hostility. Madelyn Stillwell, the orchestrator of Vought's intricate schemes, greeted them with a smile that barely concealed her calculated intentions. "Welcome, I'm Madelyn Stillwell. Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss."

The air was charged with tension as they took their places at the polished conference table. Starlight, normally vibrant and confident, seemed subdued, her gaze avoiding the imposing figure of Homelander, as she didn't know if he was corrupt as well. After all, two member of his team turned out to be sexual predators, which didn't bode well for his reputation, in her eyes at least.

Madelyn, ever the manipulator, seized the opportunity to address Starlight directly. "Starlight, I must apologize for the unfortunate incident with The Deep. He's no longer with us, and we've taken steps to ensure such behavior is eradicated from The Seven. We value your contributions and were hoping you'd consider returning to your duties."

"Well, he's only not with you because he's dead…" Starlight's suddenly spoke, her eyes flickering with defiance. "Don't make it sound like you fired him."

"Yes, you're right and I apologize…" Madelyn said, expertly hiding her annoyance with Starlights attitude. Though her next words struck a nerve. "But we'd really appreciate your return. With A-Train no longer suitable for duty and the Deep gone, Translucent will be the only one returning. We need all the heroes we can get, especially with recent setbacks." She says as her eyes glance over and Peter and MJ.

The mention of Translucent ignited a fire within Starlight. She remembered his presence during The Deep's despicable actions and refused to tolerate his return. As Madelyn paused for Starlight's response, the room held its breath.

"I won't work with Translucent," Starlight declared, her voice unwavering. "I refuse to be associated with someone like that. If you want me back, he has to go."

Madelyn's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. "Starlight, we understand your concerns, but Translucent is a valuable asset to The Seven. We can't simply let him go."

Starlight leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Madelyn. "Then consider this my condition. If Translucent returns, I won't."

A silence settled in the room, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Madelyn, assessing the situation, realized she was facing a formidable opponent in Starlight's unwavering principles.

Homelander, admiring the newest member of his teams backbone, maintained an impassive expression. Of course, if this was him who she was talking to with such disrespect, then things would be completely different.

As for Translucent, Homelander couldn't care less. In fact, he never thought that Translucent should've been a member of the seven in the first place. Although his invisibility and strong defense is useful, there's always been better applicants waiting for just the smallest chance to join the Seven.

Madelyn, after a calculated pause, nodded. "Very well, Starlight. We'll take your condition into consideration. Let's proceed with the matters at hand." She says as she turns back to Peter and MJ. "You've been causing me nothing but problems lately…"

Peter simply shrugged at Madelyn's remark. "Well, I always aim to please." MJ, beside him, smirked in agreement. "I'm Peter, by the way. And this is my wife, MJ. I don't think we've introduced ourselves yet."

Undeterred by the couples nonchalant behavior, Madelyn continued, her eyes gleaming with ambition. "Peter, MJ, although you've committed many crimes, including murder, assault, and malicious castration, we as Vought can overlook your transgressions and even make them go away. After all, you've proven yourselves to be quite exceptional. We could use your talents in The Seven. Which is why I'm prepared to offer you both lucrative contracts with substantial payments." She pauses for a moment before smirking confidently. "How would you two like to join the Seven?"

As Madelyn laid out her enticing offer, Peter's amusement grew. His giggling bubbled up until it couldn't be controlled anymore, causing him to burst into a fit of laughter. It wasn't a mocking laughter, but rather genuine amusement at the audacity of the proposal.

"What's so funny?" Madelyn asked, a hint of irritation seeping into her composed demeanor.

Peter, wiping away a tear of laughter, grinned at her. "You really think we'd join The Seven? Work under you and Homelander? Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'd rather maliciously castrate myself..."

"That can be arranged…" Homelander suddenly spoke, his eyes beginning to glow in a red light. Just as he was beginning to like the idea of Peter becoming his lackeys and his beautiful wife working under him, they had to go and ruin it…

Madelyn's facade cracked for a moment, revealing her frustration, but she quickly regained her composure. "Why refuse? Think about the possibilities, the influence, the power-"

Peter interrupted her, still chuckling. "We've got all the power we need, thanks. Plus, we don't tend to work with the bad guys."

Madelyn's attempts at persuasion faltered in the face of Peter's irreverent laughter. She couldn't fathom why anyone would reject such an opportunity. The allure of The Seven seemed to have lost its magic on this peculiar duo.

Undeterred by their rejection, Madelyn chose a different tactic. "I see… well, if you refuse to solve things peacefully…" She says as she reaches under the table and hits a small button.

Instantly, the sound of gunfire filled the air, as every sniper she prepared fired in unison, half of the bullets aimed at Peter, while the other half went for MJ.

Peter, his smirk unwavering, merely snapped his fingers as Madelyn pressed the button. The room froze, everyone expecting Peter to dive out of the way or conjure some protective shield, but instead, he just sat there calmly alongside his wife.

Moments later, the bullets arrived, but they didn't follow the expected trajectory. Instead, the bullets, originally aimed at him and MJ, changed course like tiny homing missiles, tearing through the air with deadly precision.

To everyone's shock, the bullets completely missed their intended targets, and instead, they found their mark in Madelyn Stillwell. The once cunning orchestrator of Vought's schemes was now at the receiving end of her own meticulously planned attack.

In an instant, Madelyn's composed expression twisted into one of agony as the bullets tore through her body, spraying blood across the room. The sound of the impacts echoed, punctuated by Madelyn's gasp of pain. Her body slumped in the chair, lifeless eyes staring into the void.

A/N: 1954 words :)



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