I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 585: The Death of a Tyrant

Chapter 585: The Death of a Tyrant

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🚨Insert Doctor/Patient/Hospital GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: The King rises again! 👑)

Becca's eyes widened, a mix of confusion and disbelief etching across her face. "What do you mean, Homelander dead? That's impossible," she stammered, glancing between Peter and her husband.

Peter simply gave her a wry smile. "I know it's hard to believe, so I'll just show you," he replied, opening a portal with a flourish of his hand. A golden vortex appeared, and out tumbled Homelander, crashing onto the coffee table between Becca and the others, shattering it into pieces.

Homelander lay there, a battered and bloodied mess, leaking crimson onto Becca's pristine wooden floors. The shocking sight left Becca frozen in place, her breath caught in her throat. She never thought she'd see the day when the seemingly invincible Homelander would fall so dramatically.

The fallen hero groggily woke, the fall stirring him from his sleep, a low groan escaping his lips as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. His eyes darted around, and when they focused on Peter, MJ, and Starlight, his face contorted with rage. "You b*stards! What the hell is this? Let me go!" he roared, struggling against the magical restraints, which Peter placed on him before they left.

Peter, maintaining his calm demeanor, looked down at the restrained Homelander, disrespectfully resting his dirty boot on his head. "Sorry, but you're not going anywhere," he said with a casual shrug. "But don't worry, you'll be dead soon."

Homelander continued to curse and thrash, but the magical bindings held him firmly in place. Becca, still in shock, found her voice. "How did you do this? What's happening?" she demanded, her eyes darting between Peter and her fallen assailant.

Peter explained, "If you're talking about the portal, that's just a little magic trick I picked up back home." He gestured towards Homelander. "But If you were talking about this nitwit, he attended a meeting where an attempt was taken on my and my lovely wife's lives, so we beat the sh*t out of him."

Becca, despite the chaos around her, couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction at seeing Homelander restrained. "But... how? He's Homelander. He's invincible," she muttered, still struggling to accept the surreal turn of events.

Homelander, regaining some awareness, glared at Peter, letting out a snorting laugh. "You think you can kill me!? You dumb nobody piece of sh*t. I'm a god! Do you even comprehend that?! You couldn't-" he seethed, but before he could continue, MJ lashed out with a stomp of her boot, sending him right back to sleep.

"He's so loud that my ears were starting to ring..." She complained, wiping her boot off on a clean portion of Homelanders clothes.

Ignoring Homelander's unconscious form, Peter turned to Becca. "So, as I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, Homelander will be dead within the next few hours."

Becca hesitated, her gaze flickering between her unconscious r*pist, and everyone else. "W-Why are you telling me this? If you can kill him than just do it. Why do I have to know?" She asked, torn between the emotions swirling within her.

Peter nodded, understanding her dilemma. "Well, I have a nice plan for his death and I thought you'd enjoy watching or possibly taking part in his last moments? But if you aren't interested, then..." With a snap of his fingers, creating another portal, which swallowed up Homelander, dropping him back in the abandoned factory.

As Homelander disappeared, Becca watched as an odd feeling of anxiety grew within her. Although she didn't like Homelander in her house, she also wanted to make sure that he was really gone for good.

Peter stood to his feet alongside MJ, a reassuring smile on his face. "We'll be on our way then..."

Becca, still processing the whirlwind of emotions, jumped out of her seat and grabbed Peter by the arm. "Wait!" She said exclaimed as Peter turned to her, a curious brow raised. "You're right… I… I want to at least see it to make sure that he's really gone…"

Peter nodded, a knowing smirk on his face. "Actually, I was going to offer you the honors of killing him yourself, if you want?"

""WHAT?!"" Both Becca and Billy yelled simultaneously.

Becca's eyes widened in disbelief at Peter's unexpected offer. The idea of delivering justice to the man who had caused her so much pain was both tempting and terrifying. As she grappled with conflicting emotions, Billy, standing beside her, couldn't let her go through with it.

"Bloody hell, Becca! You can't seriously be considering this!" Billy pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. "Let me handle it. You've never killed someone before, and I'd much rather keep it that way..."

Becca hesitated, torn between the desire for revenge and the plea of her husband. Peter watched the emotional exchange with a bemused expression, giving Becca the space to make her decision.

"I... I just want to make sure he's gone for good," Becca finally admitted, her voice trembling. "But maybe Billy's right. Someone else should do it…"

Peter chuckled, closing the portal behind him. "No pressure. If you change your mind, the option's still open."

While Becca and Billy grappled with their emotions, Peter took out his laptop from his storage necklace once again. Without a word, he began sifting through the stolen data and evidence from Vought, compiling it before posting it all online. An email to various news companies followed, ensuring that the damning evidence would reach the public eye in the shortest amount of time possible.

At first, the information gained traction in random forums, but it didn't stay that way for long. Almost an hour later, the news began to spread like wildfire. Social media buzzed with discussions, and news channels on TV started covering the unfolding scandal. The biggest revelation, however, was two fold.

First, Homelander's numerous discretions and crimes that Vought had consistently covered up. The public's reaction was a mixture of shock and outrage. Homelander, once perceived as a god-like benevolent hero, now faced the harsh scrutiny of a society discovering the extent of his dark deeds.

And second, the true source of every Vought employed superheroes superpowers was revealed for all to see. Ever since the first superhero appeared, everyone believed that their powers were a gift from god. In more intellectual circles, even the idea of some sort of advanced human evolution was thrown around, but no one would have guessed the truth.

And that truth was Compound V, a superhero creating serum, which was secretly and illegally injected into newborn babies all over the world. The news spread like a storm, amplifying the impact of the revelations.

In the midst of the chaos, Becca and Billy watched the unfolding events on the television screen. Billy's initial concern for Becca's safety now mingled with a glimmer of satisfaction as the truth about Vought and Homelander was exposed for the world to see.

"Did they really do all of that?" Becca asked.

"Yeah, and now that the cat's out of the bag, the stage is set for our little execution…" Peter, with a mischievous grin, opened a portal and deposited Homelander back into the room before waking him with a swift kick to the face.

"Ughh…" Homelander groaned, struggling to rise, disoriented from all of the abuse he's endured. Peter raised the volume of the TV, ensuring Homelander could hear the news anchor detailing his numerous crimes.

The news anchor's voice echoed through the room, recounting each atrocity Homelander had committed. Peter reveled in the moment, enjoying the sight of Homelander's perfect image crumbling before him. With a taunting smirk, Peter addressed the fallen hero, "Seems like your reputation is in shambles. Guess you're not so godly after all."

Homelander's eyes burned with rage as he cursed and berated Peter, desperate to break free from the magical restraints. His attempts were futile, leaving him trapped and vulnerable. Peter, summoning a sword made of Eldritch energy, held it out towards Becca, offering her the chance to end Homelander herself.

"Here's your golden opportunity," Peter teased, his voice echoing through the tense room. "Are you sure you don't want to be the one to do it?"

Becca stared at the glimmering blade, fear etched across her face. Her hand trembled as it hovered near the weapon, torn between the desire for justice and the horror of taking a life.

"You can be the one that makes him pay for everything he's done to you…" Peter sounded like the devil as he urged her to commit murder.

A moment of hesitation lingered, and then Becca pulled her hand away, shaking her head. "No, I'm sorry… I can't…" She couldn't bring herself to do it. The burden of vengeance was too heavy for her to bear.

However, Billy, her husband, stepped forward, determination in his eyes. He reached for the sword, accepting the responsibility that Becca couldn't bear with a smile on his face. "Hey there, Motherf*cker. Remember me?"

"?!" Homelander, realizing the impending threat, struggled with renewed vigor, his eyes filled with defiance. But sadly, not even his eyes could fire their lasers. He was completely powerless.

Peter, with a nod of approval, handed the sword to Billy. The room fell silent as everyone's attention focused on the impending act. Homelander, still restrained and helpless, tried to speak, but Billy wasn't interested in hearing his words.

With a swift and determined swing, Billy brought down the sword. The blade cut through Homelander's neck effortlessly, severing his head in an instant. The room was filled with a momentary silence before the reality of the act sunk in.

Blood sprayed across the floor as Homelander's body slumped, the once mighty hero reduced to a lifeless corpse. Becca, despite her fear, felt a strange mix of relief and sorrow. Billy, holding the sword stained with Homelander's blood, gazed at the fallen foe with a sense of closure.

Peter, MJ, and Starlight observed the scene in silence. The news anchor's voice on the television continued to narrate the downfall of Homelander, unaware that the hero they spoke of was now dead.

As the reality of the moment settled, Becca found herself realizing that her son was asleep upstairs. "Uhh… we really need to clean this up before Ryan wakes up…"

A/N: 1716 words :)



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