Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 552 Slaughtered

After the Sect Master died, Mira and Rhydian began their slaughter. Young or old, strong or weak, rich or poor, it didn't matter. If it moved, it died.

Rhydian was strong enough to take on just about anyone in the Nascent Soul Realm and could even kill those in the Soul Transformation Realm. Her breakthrough into Rank 7 elevated her strength and powers by a large margin while simultaneously increasing her mental faculties as well.

With her bloodline, which was superior to ancient Dragons and Phoenixes, she could tear through enemies like butter as long as their defenses were tough enough to deflect her wings and claws. This was especially so against those who cultivate Unorthodox cultivation techniques.

She didn't even need to use her Qi, as most of Rhydian's strength came from her body.

Mira, on the other hand, only saw red. Her goal, other than killing, was to make the scene as bloody and gruesome as possible. Their deaths meant nothing if the people who came to investigate after they left didn't throw up in disgust!

Thus, she killed and killed and killed some more!

The cries of her enemies were her symphony which lit the rage in her heart ablaze!




Occasionally, she was swarmed by people, but it wasn't anything her scythe couldn't hack apart.

However, after a while, she did find it tedious to keep hunting them down one by one like rabbits, so she began using her elemental powers.

'Paragon Wings!'

'100 Glacial Warriors!'

'Elemental Missiles!'

'Scythe Intent! Marital Intent!'

Frost-Fire Qi Threads!'

Anything that could maximize the efficiency at which she killed she used. She even tried coming up with new abilities on the spot, such as the Frost-Fire Qi Threads, which were essentially just threads of Qi but made of ice and fire.

However, what made Mira a genuinely fearsome opponent, was that she didn't care about putting up a defense. No, it's more accurate to say she didn't need to! Any damage she took would heal almost instantly as she was always absorbing vitality from those she killed.

Nobody wanted to fight a near-immortal enemy who didn't care about her own life, but at the same time, they couldn't escape from her.

So, the Crimson Slayer Sect disciples had to make a choice. They either run and get cut down by Rhydian or one of Mira's techniques. Or they turn and fight, hoping to cut off her head.

One might think that the latter had the most potential for survival, but both options were incredibly risky. While Mira didn't need to care about her health, they did! They couldn't fight like a suicidal person, or else they'd get chopped up!

However, running was also certain death, mainly because of Rhydian, but Mira's techniques also played a part in this as well.

There was nothing they could do once Rhydian set her eyes on them. So, the only solution was to try and escape without alerting her. But how could hiding from a Golden-Empyrean Winged-Wolf be so easy?

Thus, the perfect duo successfully trapped an entire, even with their weaker cultivations, because of the fear they brought, their strength, and their ability to synchronize with one another's attacks.

Meanwhile, there were a few that lost their minds and went completely crazy!



These people charged at Mira, ignited their cores, and blew themselves up. Unfortunately for them, not only was Mira's armor sufficient to block such a suicidal attack, but even if she did get hurt, her wounds would heal instantly.

After a few hours, Mira and Rhydian had completely wiped out the entire Sect! A Sect with a Mortal Shedding Realm elder and tens of thousands of disciples was wiped out by a Rank 7 beast and a Core Formation Realm woman!

Due to all the deaths, Mira's cultivation reached the peak of the Core Formation Realm. In fact, with how many people she killed and absorbed, it should've been enough to push her into the Nascent Soul Realm, but something prevented her from doing so. It wasn't just her instincts that told her to wait; she physically couldn't raise her Realm even if she tried.

Thus, she put that behind her and just used the rest of the Qi she absorbed to consolidate her foundation and ensure there weren't any flaws.

She was also almost able to fully replenish her blood essence.

All she had left to do was plunder the loot and deal with the people in the human 'breeding farms'.

"Rhydian, go collect all their Spatial Rings and search for all the treasures in the Sect. I'll go deal with the last of the people."

Rhydian nodded her head and flew off while Mira walked to a large village-like area. She wanted to go there because rather than Spirit Stones and other treasures, these farms were the foundation of the Unorthodox Faction. If she can destroy enough of them, she'll be able to deal a blow to the entire Faction!

In this village were people in the thousands, no maybe somewhere in the hundreds of thousands, all squeezed together. They all had hazy looks in their eyes as if they had no control over their actions, and it showed as, despite all the commotion, they were fucking each other like wild animals. Hell, there were even small children, as low as the age of 5, joining in on the sex.

Even Mira, who has seen many messed up things throughout her life, couldn't help but feel disgusted.

'How much corruption and how many generations does it take for people to end up like this?' Mira thought, repulsed, 'If it's like this, these people are better off dead.'

Not one to hesitate once she's made a decision, Mira activated her Death Dominion technique, engulfing all the people. Almost instantly, their bodies were devoured by the darkness that enveloped them, leaving nothing behind. No bones, no ashes, nothing. It was as if they never existed in the first place.

"My blood essence is finally full again!" Mira smiled, not something someone who had just killed thousands of innocent people should be doing, but she didn't care.

To Mira, death was so normal to her that it was like breathing. The people she killed couldn't even be classified as numbers anymore.

It might sound cruel and unjust that she could kill innocent people without blinking an eye, but she's grown indifferent to it all.

'Rather, isn't death a good thing, especially for these people? If I were in their shoes, I'd prefer death over whatever the fuck that was. No more pain or suffering, just peace.' Mira thought. She wasn't trying to justify her actions, as that was how she truly felt.

"Whatever. I should just go see if there are any more places like this." Mira shook her head and left the area, but before she left, the hairs on her back rose, causing her to look up.

Although she didn't see anything, she was sure people were there and knew exactly who they were.

"Sigh… That troublesome duo needs to learn how to stay out of other people's business." She mumbled, and her eyes went cold.

Her black tail flailed around a bit, itching for its next target, but before anything could happen, the gazes disappeared.

"Next time, I won't be so polite, even if I have to kill myself in the process!" She said in a voice which should be just loud enough for them to hear her, then left the area.


"Next time, I won't be so polite, even if I have to kill myself in the process!"

Master Izaria and Ryuu paled in fright when Mira said that and hurriedly left the area.

"You see what you did, Little Ryuu?! Why are you simping over a crazy woman like that?! Did you see the look in her eyes and how she ripped those men apart like sheets of paper!?"

Ryuu was speechless at his Master's words as he wasn't the one who wanted to spy on Mira, but he kept quiet, knowing it was useless.

"There's a saying that you should never stick your dick in crazy, and by god, I think that woman is way beyond crazy! If you stick your dick in her, you might just turn into a eunuch, or worse, she might make a woman out of you!" Izaria warned, but Ryuu just stared at her with dead eyes.

"Sigh… Master… how many times do I have to tell you. I have no intention of getting into a relationship with her. Maybe I'd court her if she were more feminine and submissive, but…"

"Phew! Thank god you aren't a complete masochist, Little Ryuu!"

"I'm not a masochist in the first place!!" Ryuu tried to defend himself, but Izaria had already lost interest.

"Ahem! Anyways, why did you stop me from preventing Mira from killing all of those innocent people?! I… I-I know that what the Crimson Slayer Sect had done was horrible, but isn't she too cruel not to even try to save them?!" Ryuu shouted, still shaken from that scene.

Izaria wasn't much better as she, too, felt bile rise up from her stomach, but she managed to control herself.

"What did I just say, Little Ryuu? I told you not to stick your dick in crazy! Do you really want to meddle in that crazy bitch's business?! I sure don't! If you want to go get sucked into that black tail, be my guest, but don't drag me down with you! Plus, she was just putting them out of their misery. If they had lived, they would've just been nutrients for other disciples. They could hardly be considered people anyways, as their brains were rewired to only think about sex."

Ryuu was once again horrified as he failed to consider all of that and was thankful that his master prevented him from doing something stupid.

"Well, would you like to stay and observe some more, Little Ryuu? I know she's sensitive to gazes, but I'm confident I can hide us from her. So, if you want, just-"

Ryuu cut her off, "...No. We shouldn't bother her anymore. Although I want to get closer to her and ease her pain… as a friend, of course. This isn't the way to do it."

"Then?" Izaria asked expectantly.

"Let's divert some of the attention from her by doing exactly what she's doing, but to a different Sect!"

"Hahahaha! Good! Good! I knew I didn't raise you wrong! Let's go cause some chaos!! HAHAHAHA!!"

Master Izaria wrapped them both in Qi, and they disappeared, leaving nothing behind but her manic laughter.

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