Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 557 Meeting Aryan, The Yin-Yang Sect's Prime Disciple

Finally, after a week of running around the mountains, looking for water, Mira completed the Water Body Transformation Technique and brought her water affinity up to a similar level as her ice.

Stepping out of a dried ditch that used to be a lake, Mira's nude body was out for the world to see, yet she looked slightly different than she did a week ago. Now, instead of bulging muscles, her skin was softer, much more supple, and she looked leaner rather than bulky.

However, that didn't diminish her strength.

Mira circulated Qi through her meridians and body and found that it went from her core to wherever she wanted it to go almost instantaneously. No impediments restricted the flow, allowing her to use her Qi more efficiently.

Another benefit of the technique was that the quality of her Qi increased.

'Let's test out the results of my training!' Mira's eyes glowed as she felt the need to kill something, and just as that feeling came, she sensed something approaching.

'Oh?' Mira raised an eyebrow, 'That doesn't feel like a beast. Could it be… humans? Why are they all the way out here?' She wondered but didn't care that much.

Before she could take out a robe and put it on, a group of 7, four men and three women, flew into the valley, seeing her body on full display.

"*Whistle!* Hot damn, isn't she a beauty! Look, she's even prepared herself for us!" One of the men whistled as he scanned Mira's body up and down. The other six did the same, including the women. Mira was just too sexy not to look at.

Mira's eyes went cold, and without hesitation, she created seven water tentacles at her feet and attacked each of them with one.

They opened their eyes in shock as Mira's attack was too fast for them to react to, and they only had enough time to put up a weak defense. All except for the man in the front, who narrowed his eyes and coated himself in Qi.

Just before the tentacles were about to hit them, they suddenly changed into ice blades, cutting through their bodies like butter on a hot summer's day.


The six of them didn't even have a chance to scream as the ice blades ripped them to shreds. It only took a fraction of a second for them to go from normal, living humans to a pool of blood and flesh.

By the time she finished, Mira had slipped into a robe and was no longer nude. She raised an eyebrow at the man that was still alive as she figured her attack just then would be enough to kill them all.

'Hmm… Doesn't that emblem look familiar?' Her eyes lowered to the white and black yin-yang emblem on his robes, and something clicked in her mind. 'So, they're from the Yin-Yang Sect? What's he doing all the way out here, and why does it seem like he's here for me?'

Mira began to feel irritation and anger rise up in her heart, as she really didn't want to be disturbed right now. Especially not by some sex-crazed maniac.

"You're Mira, right?" The remaining man stepped up and asked. Mira raised her head to look the guy in the face and had to admit that he was quite handsome. He had a sharp jawline, long silver hair, rippling muscles, golden snake eyes, and he was about 1.9 meters tall. There wasn't anything about him that was unattractive.

Mira didn't say anything and just stared at the man, curious about his objective. The rage of him having seen her naked body was still there, but she at least wanted to know why he was here before she killed him.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." The man said and then bowed slightly, bringing his right hand over his heart. "My name is Aryan Palmer, and I'm the Prime Disciple of the Yin-Yang Sect."

Mira crossed her arms over her chest and stared down at Aryan, her eyes glowing crimson, "Why have you sought me out, Aryan Palmer from the Yin-Yang Sect?" She demanded.

Aryan paid no heed to her tone and just nodded his head, "So, you are Mira from the Battle Maiden Sect."

Mira scowled as she realized her blunder and cursed, 'Tsk! This fucker is going to be a pain to talk to.'

"Yes, I am." Mira affirmed, "So, what do you need? Are you here to ask me to become your partner?"

Ayran nodded, then shook his head, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't have thoughts of wanting you as my dual cultivation partner, but that's not the only reason I wanted to speak with you."

Mira raised an eyebrow, but her eyes clearly said that she didn't believe.

Aryan smiled lightly, not bothered by her distrust. "You probably don't know this, but I actually saw you a while back when you visited Plum Blossom City. You were only there for a short while and had a little girl following you along, so I didn't get a chance to speak to you."

Mira's eyes widened slightly, and she searched her memory for anyone like Aryan, but she couldn't recall anything.

Aryan continued, "Ever since I first saw you, I felt this inexplicable connection between us. I didn't know what this meant for the longest time but standing in front of you now, I think I understand."

Suddenly, Mira's instincts went wild, signaling danger, but she didn't know from who or from where. She took out her scythe and readied it in case of a potential attack.

"My bloodline, soul, and instincts are all telling me that you're the opportunity I've been waiting for—the opportunity to leave this god-forsaken continent. To reach heights I could only ever dream of." Ayran stepped toward Mira like he was taking a walk in the park.

Mira's eyes turned sharp and murderous intent began to leak out of her body. She pointed her scythe at the man and was going to attack, but for some reason, she couldn't move. There was this weird, ethereal pressure around her that seemed to isolate the space she was in.

"I'll offer you two choices, Mira. Submit to me or die. I don't care which one you pick, but it sure would be a shame if a beauty like yourself were to die without experiencing the pleasures of a real man." Aryan shrugged, "Either way, I get what I want."

Mira's frown deepened, 'Is this another case like Zander's? Is this man after the Firmament of Limitless Death and Infinite Life? But what is he talking about? Will he really inherit it if I submit to him?' Obviously, she would never do that, but it did make her curious.

"Yes, he will." The Guardian spoke into her mind, "His situation is a bit unique. You see, if you were to submit to him, it wouldn't be as simple as just kneeling down and calling him master. No, your body, mind, and soul would be his to do as he pleases. You'd literally turn into his slave, with no way of resisting."

Mira's face almost contorted, but fortunately, she controlled it, 'What the hell? How is that possible? Is it because of his bloodline or something?'

"Yes and no. That man seems to have inherited a portion of a dragon's blood essence and obtained its bloodline, although it's incredibly diluted—nothing like a true dragon. Still, having a dragon bloodline brings several perks, and one of them is called Absolute Submission. He has a watered-down version of it, but it basically allows him to enslave anyone who offers themselves to him. That, and his soul is slightly special.'

Mira had already expected something like that, but she was still surprised when she heard it. Those golden snake, or rather dragon eyes, weren't something that just anybody could have.

While she was talking with the Guardian, Aryan appeared only a few meters away from her, "Well, what's your answer? Although I might be a patient person, I don't have all day to waste."

Mira stared back at him and then smirked, "Heh. Do you really think you could do either of those things to me? If you were already too much of a coward to approach me back in Plum Blossom City, you certainly can't do anything to me now."

However, although she said that, she was a little worried about her restricted movement.

Aryan frowned slightly, and a hint of hostility shone in his eyes for the first time, "Death it is then."

Her raised his finger and pointed it at her head. Mira's eyes widened as she felt an unprecedented amount of danger from that finger. Channeling Qi all throughout her body and even activating her sapphire tail, creating a blue shield around her, she did everything she did to protect herself.

However, her instincts told her that wasn't enough! Using every ounce of willpower, Mira cocked her head to the side, partially freeing herself from the spatial lock.

Suddenly, a light shone from Aryan's finger and-



-something hit Mira, causing blood to spill from her head.

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