Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 587 [Scythe Manifestation] Part 1

"So," Ryuu took a sip of tea that Master Izaria prepared and asked, "let me first start by asking what you know about the [Manifestation] Realm?"


Mira stared at Ryuu like she was looking at an idiot, her eyes telling him everything he needed to know. It was as if they were saying, "I wouldn't be here asking you if I knew." Realizing that his question might've been a little dumb, Ryuu coughed uncomfortably and avoided eye contact with Mira.

"I-I guess I can assume that you know nothing, then?"

Mira nodded.

Regaining his composure, Ryuu clapped, "That's great!"

Mira tilted her head, confused, "...Why is that great?" She asked.

"Most information about the [Manifestation] Realm is either wrong or incomplete. Since you don't know anything, you haven't learned any bad habits I need to help you undo."

Mira wasn't sure whether he was telling the truth, but she agreed that it was probably for the best that she didn't know anything about the [Manifestion] Realm before now.

"Then, why don't you tell me what the [Manifestion] Realm is and how you entered it?" Mira took a sip of tea and asked.

Ryuu nodded in agreement but didn't immediately start his explanation, "I'll get there, but since you're still in the [Intent] Realm, I'll speak briefly about that just to make sure you haven't deviated from the correct path."

Mira didn't have any problems with that and signaled Ryuu to continue.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat, "First, as you might already know, the [Intent] Realm isn't all that complicated. In fact, the lands were filled with people who had reached this Realm in previous eras and in ancient times."

This was the first Mira's heard of this, but Ryuu didn't have any reason to lie, so she continued to listen.

"The reason might sound contradictory, but it's actually because people back then had to learn everything for themselves. While there were still Sects, Clans, and Martial Art Branches, the training was more personalized than it is now. Most people just learned the basics, then went out in the world to create their own styles."

That's when it clicked for Mira. The [Intent] Realm was all about mastering their weapon's fundamentals, sensing the weapon's "intent" and using that to enhance one's abilities. However, the caveat is that these fundamentals are slightly different for every person.

For example, someone with shorter arms might swing a sword slightly differently than someone with longer arms. Also, someone who had tempered their body would have a different fighting style versus someone who didn't.

The conclusion is that everyone fights a little bit differently. To reach the [Intent] Realm, one must have a near-perfect grasp of their strengths and weaknesses, then incorporate that into their fighting style to make their attacks as efficient and powerful as possible.

One can't reach the [Intent] Realm solely through another person's teachings, techniques, or comprehensions. People can create Martial Arts, and Qi Techniques through another's understanding of their weapon, but that's it.

"I see. So, that's why I haven't encountered that many people who have comprehended [Intent], much less the next Realm." Mira muttered, to which Ryuu nodded.

"Exactly! Many Sects and Clans today have their own disciplines and fighting styles that the children and disciples must learn. Aside from that, there are also Sects like the Immortal Sword Sect that only accept sword users. However, not everyone is attuned to the sword. If daggers or a spear would fit them better, yet they choose to learn the sword, they might have a hard time comprehending [Intent]."

Mira then picked up where he left off, "Then, over time, as people continued down this path, [Intent] just became this long lost, esoteric thing that only supreme geniuses can learn."

"That's right!" Ryuu nodded with a smile, "However, it's not like learning a specific discipline of Martial Arts that isn't perfectly made for you is bad or wrong. Neither does comprehending [Intent] mean that your fighting style is perfect. It just means that it's perfect for YOU!"

Mira's eyes lit up with understanding. Ryuu answered a question she's been curious about for a while now.

Why were many of her opponents so skilled, but they hadn't comprehended intent?

'So, it was just because they worked on practicing someone else's martial arts rather than creating and perfecting one specifically for them!' Mira couldn't believe she hadn't realized that all this time!

Ryuu noticed that Mira understood his words and nodded, "After experiencing our previous fights and since you know everything up to this point, I have no doubt you're on the right track. If that's the case, then I'll move on to the next Realm, [Manifestation]."

Ryuu took another sip of tea before getting into it, "The [Manifestation] Realm, while similar to the [Intent] Realm, is much more complex and digs deeper into how you can personalize your weapon."

"First off, you must have a deeper understanding of your weapon to reach this realm. It's no longer about the basics and more so about the essence of your weapon and how that can affect your fighting style. Once you've reached this level, you'll be able to manifest your weapon's power in a more tangible form that is unique only to you."

After saying that, Ryuu held his greatsword in one hand and pointed at it with the other, "Take a sword, for example. Can you tell me what a sword is? What do you think the essence of it is?"

Mira looked at the sword but wasn't sure how she should answer. Of course, she what a sword was, but she wasn't sure if he was looking for something different.

Noticing Mira's confusion, Ryuu answered her doubts, "It's fine. Just say whatever comes to mind. There are no wrong answers."

Hesitantly, Mira answered, "...A sword is a bladed weapon typically used for cutting and thrusting. It usually consists of a long, sharp blade attached to a hilt and is often used to threaten or kill others. It's a versatile weapon that can be used in many different situations."

Ryuu smiled at her answer, as she was pretty much on point, "A great answer!"

Then, he summoned one of his Sword Threads out of his greatsword.

"Just like you said, a sword is a great weapon that all kinds of people can use in many different situations. So, that's what I based my [Manifestation] on, versatility."

Waving the Sword Thread around, he continued his explanation, "Although my sword is massive and bulky, I truly believe the strength and essence of a sword lie in its versatility. That's why my [Manifestation] is this Sword Thread, as it represents a sword's adaptability."

From that simple example and explanation, Mira learned a lot.

First, one must deeply understand their body, their weapon, and how to sync the two together.

Second is that the manifestation must be based on the essence of the weapon.

Third, she understood that one's weapon manifestation doesn't have to look anything like their physical weapon.

Simply put, one reaches the [Manifestation] Realm when one reaches the necessary understanding of the weapon and has an image that reflects both the weapon's essence and the user's perspective of it.

"It… I-It's that simple?" Mira asked in disbelief. Wasn't reaching this Realm supposed to be difficult? Why does it sound so easy?!

"Hah?!" Ryuu scoffed, "Easy? No, no, no! It is most certainly not easy! First of all, many people can't even reach the required understanding of their weapon to even think about forming their [Manifestation]! Secondly, understanding the essence of a weapon that goes in line with your thoughts, wants, needs, and combat style for that specific weapon is incredibly complex."

Mira understood all that, but even then, she felt it wouldn't be challenging to reach the required understanding and form her [Manifestation].

'Though, I suppose the only reason I feel this way is because my comprehensive abilities and talent bloomed after becoming the successor to the F.LD.I.L. Not to mention, I just created a Mind Palace, further improving my cognitive abilities.' Mira thought.

She didn't doubt that an ordinary person would have trouble reaching the [Manifestation] Realm. Hell, most people have probably never even thought about the essence of a weapon in their entire lives! And why would they?

Even she hasn't thought about this kind of stuff until recently!

"So, what's the best way to reach the [Manifestion] Realm?" Mira asked. Her hand stretched out above the table as if she was ready to draw her scythe out of her Storage Space at any second, eager to fight Ryuu again.

She knew the answer already but just wanted an excuse to spar with Ryuu.

Looking into Mira's eyes, which were full of battle lust, all the hairs on Ryuu's body stood up. However, he knew he couldn't lie to Mira and could only resign to his fate, much to Master Izaria's amusement.

"Lots of training, meditation, and… fighting." He could barely finish that last word before Mira took out her scythe.

"I can train and mediate later, but for now, I have to make up for my loss against you a few days ago."

Mira flashed next to Ryuu, grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him outside.

'What do you mean loss?! You're the one who gave me the beating!!'

Ryuu really felt like crying but had no tears and could only accept his fate.

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