Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 593 ????? Trial Part 1

Mira's eyes shot open with a gasp as she filled her lungs with a deep breath of air! Looking around, she noticed Rhydian lying beside her, keeping watch, and breathed a sigh of relief.

'Haaa…. I hate those stairs.' Mira thought before she closed her eyes and swept her consciousness through her body and soul, ensuring there were no problems.

After a quick search, she found that her body was perfectly fine, and there were no more holes in her soul. That tentacle monster was gone too, which made her smile.

'I hope I never run into a monstrosity like that again!'


Since there were no problems, Mira fell on her back, causing dust to rise, and stared blankly at the cave ceiling. Her eyes felt droopy, and her mind was exhausted, even though she couldn't have spent more than a few days on the Abyssal Torment Steps. She, someone who could stay awake for an indefinite amount of time without getting tired, was so drained after just a few days of having a soul-sucking parasite inside her.

'I'll have to be careful about attacks on my soul in the future.'

That was Mira's last thought before she fell asleep.

A day later, she sat up, feeling much more energized than the day before and ready to finish the last two things before she could break through into the Nascent Soul Realm.

'I guess I'll get the Abyssal Battle Latter out of the way, then move on to the Item Trial.'

Once Mira made up her mind, she didn't hesitate to put it into action, so with a thought, she entered the F.LD.I.L.

She approached the arena and walked in, beginning the Abyssal Battle Latter according to her current cultivation.


Ten hours later, Mira teleported outside the arena, covered in sweat and blood but with a smile on her face. She had completed 10 stages, earning herself 2046 points. She might've been able to achieve more than that, but she didn't want to risk it as that last stage was already challenging enough.

The shadows she had to face weren't like ordinary people in the outside world. Each one of them could control their strength and body perfectly. Furthermore, their 'talent' is among the best, and they only make moves that can bring their opponent down.

So, fighting a Nascent Soul Realm shadow and winning is much more impressive than fighting some random Nascent Soul Realm human. At least in Mira's opinion.

'I don't know how strong those shadows would be at the Soul Transformation Realm, but I know there's a qualitative leap in strength for every stage after the 10th. There's a decent chance I could've won, but it's simply not worth the risk.'

After completing the Abyssal Battle Latter, Mira took another day to rest and adjust her mindset before starting the last major hurdle blocking her path forward.

When she felt like she'd reached her absolute peak, Mira walked over to the throne in the Firmament and sat down.

"I'd like to start the Item Trial, Guardian!" She called out, and like a ghost, the man appeared before her.

"Are you sure?" The Guardian asked, "I'll warn you now, but this trial is a bit unique. Should you not complete it with 100% accuracy, your path forward will be barred from you forever."

"What?!" Mira nearly jumped out of her throne in shock and anger, but she managed to keep a cool head, "What do you mean by that? The other trials weren't like that! Also, what's with this accuracy rating?"

The Guardian cleared his throat, then explained with a calm smile, "While this upcoming trial is technically for an 'item', it's more about testing to see if you're worthy of both your Dao and the Firmament of Limitless Death and Infinite Life."

"I get the latter, but why the former?" Mira asked, not too surprised that the Firmament was testing her again, as the entire thing is literally designed that way. However, for her Dao to be judged as well… She didn't know how to feel about that.

"There are a few reasons why your Dao is going to be tested, and you need to go through this trial to break through," The Guardian said, "One is that your soul is too unique. In terms of quality, it doesn't fall short of many souls at the Soul Transformation level. Because of that, you can't just use your cultivation technique to break through normally."

"That leads to the second reason: the grade of your cultivation technique is too high, and the resources needed to cultivate it are insane. The same goes for breaking into the Nascent Soul Realm."

"The last and final reason is that you're walking the path of the Absolute Ice Dao. Anything labeled 'Absolute' is taken very seriously in the cultivation world. It's not just about having total control over an element. No, it's the path of being invincible! Should you reach the apex of such a Dao, unless you fight against another person who controls an Absolute Dao."

"However, such Daos are incredibly complex, and the path forward isn't as simple as you think it is. With your puny mortal brain, you could never understand the complexities of an Absolute Dao. No, even Immortals and those so-called gods can't understand such a Dao!"

"During your Nascent Soul Realm breakthrough, you need to begin morphing your soul into a manifestation of your Dao and your existence. This upcoming breakthrough will determine whether you can down the path of the Absolute or not."

"Thus, the trial is here to help ensure you're on the right path forward and guide you on how to progress going forward."

Mira stared at the Guardian with wide eyes and her mouth agape, not expecting that the Dao she chose when she was young was so… incredible! But that choice effectively put her in a position where the chances of her never obtaining the revenge she oh, so craved were relatively high.

She snapped out of her reverie quickly, her face donning a grave expression. The situation was much more serious than she thought, and with how abnormally solemn the Guardian was, she could assume that the upcoming trial would be anything but easy.

'No, based on what he said, this might be my most difficult challenge yet!' Mira thought, but the idea of giving up before she even started never crossed her mind.

It's not like she had much of a choice anyways.

"Whatever! Just send me in! I hadn't spent all this time getting stronger just to be stuck at the most important part! I'll complete this damn trial and finally break through into the Nascent Soul Realm!" Mira announced, to which the Guardian smiled proudly.

"Good! Then, I'll see you later, and I wish you luck!" The Guardian said as he snapped his fingers.

Afterward, the Firmament erupted with a burst of energy, covering Mira with it. Then, a second later, it disappeared, along with Mira's physical body.

"I pray to me that you have good fortune, Mira, because hard work and skill aren't enough to get you through this trial." The Guardian bowed slightly at the throne and said a mental prayer to himself.


[Congratulations, Successor Mira XXXX, for making it this far in your cultivation journey.

Due to your unique circumstances, the Firmament has allowed you into this Secret Realm, where you will decide your future. Will you walk the path of an eternal ruler, or will you crumble, succumbing to the weight of your choices, just like the rest of them?

To complete this trial and leave this Secret Realm with what you seek, you must not look at the world through your eyes but with the eyes of the world. The Universe, the Heavens, and Hell know no bias. They judge impartially and keep the world in order. They are the beginning, the end, and the eternal. They are the Absolute!

However, you, a mere mortal filled with anger and hatred for the world, have decided to tread the path that only the judicators can comprehend. You, a mortal filled with bias and partiality, have decided to rebel against those who keep the order!

There have been many before you; when you're gone, there will be many after you. Learn from your predecessors and successors, conquer them, and destroy them so that your reign may be Boundless, Limitless, and go on for Infinity!

If you fail, your path forward will be forever blocked, and the Keepers of the Order will curse you!

Good luck, Successor Mira XXXX, and happy hunting!

You may now begin Stage 1 of the ????? Trial!]

'What the fu-?' Mira cursed but suddenly felt something tug on her body. She didn't know what it was, but she was clearly not strong enough to stop it and could only allow herself to be dragged.

After who knows how long, Mira's body crashed onto solid ground, and before she could even look around, she felt something burning her hands!

"Fuck! That's hot!!"

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