Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 631 Roles; Interrogation; Celestial Nectar

With the meeting over, the disciples dispersed, their minds filled with anticipation and determination to prove themselves in the upcoming war. Mira, who had been silently watching the proceedings, found herself alone, away from the other Direct Disciples.

However, that didn't last for long as Nova, Eden, and the others immediately looked over with surprise written all over their faces. Even the usual emotionless Rayna couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and gawk at Mira.

'I didn't even sense her!' All the Direct Disciples thought.

Nova wanted to go over to her and say hi, but Aelina's voice stopped her from doing so.

"Good. Now that we're alone, I can give you more information about your roles in this war," Aelina said, her voice echoing throughout the area.

"As Direct Disciples, you must represent the peak in your respective fields. Whether it be invincible among those in the same stage as you or your knowledge in one of the sub-professions, you should be superior to almost everyone in the Sect, given you have one of the Elders as your Master. In the upcoming war, you will simultaneously be our main fighting force and our primary support!"

Aelina said her stern voice commanding attention.

"For those of you who are in the Core Formation Realm, you'll be supporting, analyzing, leading, and maintaining the Outer Court Disciples!"

"Those of you who are in the Nascent Soul Realm, the same goes for you, except you'll join the Inner Court Disciples!"

"However, you all who have reached the Soul Transformation Realm have a different job. While you still have to lead, analyze, and support the Core Disciples, you will mainly focus on strategizing."

"The Battle Maiden Sect hasn't made a large-scale public appearance like this in a long time, and that's for a good reason. I want you all to try and develop strategies to minimize the number of Elders and Soul Transformation Realm disciples participating in this war. The world doesn't know how many people in those Realms we have, and I'd like to keep it that way."

Stopping her speech to glance at the disciples and take in their expression, she smiled faintly.

"Of course, there are exceptions. Mira, Nova, Eden, Seraphina, Everly, and Rayna will be our main attack force team and will always be the vanguard, gathering all the attention on themselves. Since they are the most notorious and have all worked together in the past, I think this role is perfect for them. Some of you might be upset with this arrangement, but just know that all of your roles are equally as important as the next person. Do your jobs well, and you will be rewarded accordingly. Even if you aren't part of the attack force and sit in the backline, creating arrays for your fellow disciples, you can still earn rewards equal to those on the front lines."

"Your Masters will fill you in on the specifics. I'll call you when we're ready! Dismissed!"

Aelina didn't even give them a chance to say anything, immediately waving her hand and sending them back to their residences after she was done talking.

Of course, this wasn't without reason. She didn't have the time to stand there and answer every complaint they had. As the Sect Master, especially one who just declared war, she had better things to do with her time. Plus, around here, her word was law. The disciples didn't have to like it; they just had to follow orders.

If she was truly in the wrong or if someone had a better opinion, one of the Elders would tell her about it.

Now, the only ones left on the summit were Mira, Nova, Eden, Seraphina, Everly, and Rayna.

Aelina didn't waste any time saying what she needed from them.

"You will start your first mission tomorrow."


In a secret dungeon, Mira stood in her residence next to an unconscious Niko, the assassin she had captured and brought back.

Mira focused her attention on Niko, who was bound tightly to a chair in her residence. Her expression was cold and calculating as she prepared to use the Abyssal Enslavement Technique on him.

Dominique lay unconscious upstairs, with poison slowly corrupting her body. Time was running out, and Mira needed answers. Now.

She was supposed to go on a mission tomorrow but refused to leave the Sect without knowing if there was a way to cure Dominique!

Taking a deep breath, Mira activated the Abyssal Enslavement Technique. She gently placed her hand on Niko's forehead, injecting her Qi into his meridians.

Like a venomous snake, her Qi slithered through his energy channels, searching for the perfect spot to strike.

Niko's body trembled as he felt Mira's Qi invading his meridians. He unconsciously tried to resist, but Mira and the technique were too powerful.

As Mira continued to use the Abyssal Enslavement Technique on Niko, she felt an unsettling connection forming between them, like she could control his life and death with just a thought.

However, that feeling of having absolute control over another person's life made her feel… euphoric.

It was as if…

As if…

'I'm a god.' Mira thought and couldn't help but shudder. The term "god" always left a bitter taste in her mouth, but for the first time, she felt like she truly caught a glimpse of what it meant to be a god.

'This… I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this…'

While she was a heartless, cold-blooded murderer who could kill almost anyone without remorse, she'd never experienced this feeling of absolute control. She could feel his thoughts, his intentions, and his actions.

She could control his body to do whatever she wanted him to do, say whatever she wanted him to say.

Hell, she could even make the guy commit suicide, and he would have no way to resist!

Biting her tongue, Mira snapped out of her delusions, cold sweat dripping down her forehead as she almost got lost in that sensation.

'No wonder it's a forbidden technique. A normal person wouldn't be able to handle that.' She thought, but even now, she was forcing herself not to get lost in power.

It was as if the technique was telling her to delve deeper, control more people, and actually become a god!

Trying to push those thoughts aside, Mira focused on Niko, whose eyes were now open but glazed over and lifeless.

'Let's see if this technique actually works.' Mira thought.

"Tell me everything you know about the poison they used on my disciple, Dominique," Mira commanded, her voice icy and devoid of emotion.

Niko's mind was no longer his own, and he began to speak in a monotone voice, "It's a new poison created by the Toxic Blade Sect meant specifically for this mission. Though, the Shadow Necromancer Sect has been collaborating with the Toxic Blade Sect to strengthen the poison, making it even more lethal. It's called the Corpse Awakening Poison and is highly potent and dangerous to anyone under the Divine Sea Realm."

Mira was taken aback by that information, "Even those in the Mortal Shedding Realm are susceptible to this poison?"

"It's not confirmed, but they do suspect that to be the case," Niko answered.

Mira clenched her fist and asked the question that really mattered, "Is there a cure for it?"

"...There is no known cure, as it's a brand new poison," Niko answered hesitantly, instinctually knowing that it would piss Mira off.

Mira clenched her fists harder, but she didn't lose hope yet.

"No poison was incurable; it's just a matter of having the right ingredients," Mira said.

"So, tell me. Despite not knowing an actual cure, tell me any treasures, herbs, pills, or anything that might help either slow down the corruption or get rid of it altogether."

"..." Niko went silent for a moment before speaking.

"...There is a treasure called the Celestial Nectar that is said to be able to cure all ailments, no matter how bad they are."

Mira's eyes brightened upon hearing this, but she didn't get her hopes up just yet.

"And, where is this Celestial Nectar?"

"Rumor has it that it's in the Forbidden Forest, a place deep in the mountains surrounded by toxic creatures, poison fog, and much more. The Forbidden Forest is also speculated to be the real headquarters of the Toxic Blade Sect, but you'd have to ask the higher-ups of the Faction more about that."

Mira listened attentively to the information, taking in every detail.

"The Forbidden Forest… Toxic Blade Sect… I'll be seeing you soon." She muttered with her eyes closed.

Mira took a deep breath, her eyes filled with determination. She knew that the Celestial Nectar was her only hope of saving Dominique right now.

With the information extracted from Niko, she had a lead, a direction to follow. But she also understood the dangers and the enemies she would face along the way.

Despite the urgency, Mira could not simply charge into the Forbidden Forest. As a member of the Battle Maiden Sect, she needed to fulfill her duties in the upcoming war.

However, she would find a way to reach the Forbidden Forest and retrieve the Celestial Nectar, even if it meant defying orders and risking everything.

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