Imperial CEO's Overbearing Love

Chapter 145

Su Jinxi's wine is very good, like a sleeping cat in his arms.

Si Li Ting tightly held her in his arms, "Su Su, you won't leave me, will you?"

Su Jinxi opened his sleepy eyes and asked vaguely, "what's wrong with you, uncle?"

"Susu, will you leave me?"

Jin Ting can't see the bright light from the window.

"As long as the third uncle doesn't abandon me, I will never leave him." Su Jinxi stretched out his finger, "do not believe us to pull the hook."

Such childish action, Si Li Ting is slowly hook the finger to Su Jinxi's little thumb.

"That said, never leave me."

"Well, that's it." Su Jinxi's head tilted and fell asleep in his arms.

The consequence of the hangover is that he wakes up the next morning with his head spinning around, and Su Jinxi lies on the bed with no energy.

"Uncle, I feel terrible..."

Si Li Ting rubbed her temple, "haven't you drunk so much wine before?"

"Well, I seldom drink. I was happy last night. Why didn't you tell me earlier when you were clearly t?" Su Jinxi held his neck and hung it on him.

Si Li Ting raised a smile, "at that time you didn't have me in mind, said you would play with me?"

"Uncle, I think things in this world are really wonderful. The sea is Gu Nancang. You know, I met him that night in the United States.

We were all in the same restaurant, but we didn't know each other's identity at that time. Later, because of will's affair, he saved me by accident, and we met

Su Jinxi's experience with Gu Nancang is more wonderful than novels.

Si Li Ting's fingers crossed her eyebrows and eyes, "Su Su, I don't like you to mention other men in front of me."

"Well, I won't mention it later. Ah, it's 8:30. Why didn't you call me earlier, uncle?" Su Jinxi gets up in a hurry.

"No hurry. I don't have to go to the company today. I have an appointment with Gu Nancang and Su Su Su. You were drunk last night. I talked about cooperation with him."

Su Jinxi stopped action, "third uncle, what did he say?"

"He is very cunning. He said he would not talk about business affairs. Let's go and talk about it today. At the same time, he also made an appointment with Tang Ming." Si Li Ting said in a deep voice.

"Ah? What kind of tricks is Mr. Gu playing? "

"When I go, I will know that I can calculate all other things. Gu Nancang is very hidden, but I can't count it."

"Then I'll get up quickly. I can't be late."

Su Jinxi got up to clean up and put on a delicate make-up. When he came out again, he had a new look.

Si Li Ting's eyes lit up, "my Susu, you can always surprise me."

"President, it's time for you to call me assistant su." Su Jinxi mischievous smile, opened the door for Si Li Ting, "president, please."

Si Li Ting chuckles and reaches out to take her into his arms and holds her into the car.

Su Jinxi called out and put his hand around his neck. "Uncle, are you going to scare me to death? You can't do this in other places. I'm your secretary."

"Fool, how many secretaries are secret lovers, you have to know that."

Su Jinxi is not satisfied with the name of the lover, "the lover can not see light."

"I'll make you Mrs. Smith as soon as possible." Si Li Ting's eyes flashed a firm.

As long as this project can be successfully snatched from Tang Ming, then Tang Ming will not have any chips to exchange.

Feeling his seriousness, Su Jinxi nodded, "well, I believe in uncle."

Tang Ming here is also carefully prepared, assistant Zhan accompanied Tang Ming for such a long time, it is the first time to see Tang Ming so nervous.

"Mr. Tang, you are sweating on your forehead, please wipe it."

Tang Ming took out a towel from his coat pocket and wiped it, "assistant Zhan, do you think we will win?"

"Mr. Tang, you haven't had a good night's sleep these days. You've been studying G company all the time. I think we've done so much homework, and we won't lose."

The result of this time is not sure. G company is a super listed company in the United States, although I don't know why they suddenly returned home to develop.

From their previous work style, they can only use one sentence to describe, there is no rule to follow!

Every time the result of winning the bid is unexpected, Tang Ming's heart will be so lack of confidence.

Two cars arrive at the same time, Tang Ming and Si Li Ting get off at the same time.

"Why are you here?" Tang Ming asked coldly.

"If you can come, can't I?"

Just met two people on the body already appeared opposite breath, Su Jinxi and Zhan assistant also appeared behind two people.

The two looked at each other and nodded. They didn't expect that their assistant, who had been working together not long ago, turned into opposition.Tang Ming didn't know that Gu Nancang also made an appointment with Si Li Ting. What's Gu Nancang's heart?

The two sides entered the private room together, and Gu Nancang was already waiting in it.

"Mr. Gu." Tang Ming although some dissatisfaction, Gu Nancang will Si Li Ting also called, but still with a smile on his face.

Si Li Ting's face is an expression all the year round, even if he asks for help, he will not lower his head.

Gu Nancang's line of sight is toward Su Jinxi. "Is your body OK? I've got a warm gruel for you

"I had a headache in the morning, and it's much better now." After su Jinxi knew that he was the sea, he was not so distant.

Si Li Ting's eyes flashed displeasure. Tang Ming was also curious. Gu Nancang seemed to have a better relationship with Su Jinxi than before.

Three people all like a woman equally, the atmosphere in the room is a little awkward for a time.

"Let's have a seat first. If you all come today, it means that I want to take the project to Dihuang or Tang Group."

Although it is a choice of two, but no one's heart bottom, a few people sat down.

Tang Ming took the lead in opening up: "Mr. Gu, I think Tang's group is more suitable than Dihuang for this project."


"I have studied Emperor Huang. Recently, there have been several large projects of several billion yuan. Even if she is rich in money, she will not be so rich in funds."

Tang Ming has also been looking for Emperor Huang's weaknesses, from the construction of crematoria to the looting of projects in the United States and their own projects.

The turnover of funds alone requires a huge and astonishing amount. What Emperor Huang did can be either an advantage or a disadvantage.

Si Li Ting knew that Tang Ming had some skills, but he did not expect that he also understood Emperor Huang.

Tang mingdun continued to add: "compared with Dihuang, Tang's group has more money and more energy. Cooperation with Tang Group will make this project more perfect."

Gu Nancang's face makes people can't see the idea, "general secretary, what do you want to say?"

Si Li Ting put down his coffee cup gracefully, "Mr. Tang, it seems that you are really concerned about Emperor Huang, but Emperor Huang is far less useless than you think.

Since I'm taking over this project, I've already made preparations for it, and I don't have to worry about the capital turnover. "

From Si Li Ting's bidding for the black gold card Tang Ming, we know that his value is far above himself. What happened to Si Li Ting over the years and why it has become so fierce!

Su Jinxi can feel the coldness from several sides when standing aside. She smacks her tongue. Is this the aura of the superior?

It seems peaceful on everyone's face, but in fact, the wind and clouds are surging.

Gu Nancang was not slow to open up: "the words of both of you have some truth. In my opinion, both of your companies are equally excellent, and it will not cause any loss to our company to choose who to choose."

Even at this time, we still can't guess what Nancang is thinking.

"What do you mean, Mr. Gu? In a word, we hope to cooperate with you

Gu Nancang took a sip of coffee and said, "you two are uncles and nephews. If you are a family, why are you so eager to win this project? Is there no one willing to quit? "

"Sorry, Mr. Gu, this project is very important to me. I have no reason to give up." Tang Ming looks at Su Jinxi.

This is the only chip he can use to fight for Su Jinxi. He must not lose.

Si Li Ting's eyes are firm, "I can give up any project, but this one can't."

Gu Nancang saw the two people's positive expression, and he guessed it was the same. Si Li Ting and Tang Ming fought for not a project, but a woman.

"Little hammer, it seems that they are fighting for you."

Tang Ming is surprised by Gu Nancang's address to Su Jinxi, why she is called a hammer.

Su Jinxi, as a client, didn't know what to say. "Who would you choose to cooperate?"

Gu Nan Cang said with a smile: "since they are all aiming at you, I will give you the right to decide. I will cooperate with whoever you want me to cooperate with."

As soon as he said this, the other three were stunned, including Su Jinxi himself.

This is a huge project with billions of dollars. Who is he and how can he give the decision to himself?

"Mr. Gu, you Are you kidding? This joke is not funny at all Su Jinxi shakes his head.

"Little hammer, what have I ever made fun of you. These two people, one is your nominal husband, the other is the one you really like. You are more suitable for this decision than I am

Gu Nancang thought about it last night. As he said, no matter it is with Dihuang or Tang's company, there is no loss to his G company.

Since both Si Li Ting and Tang Ming attach so much importance to this project, he has guessed something, so he is willing to give Su Jinxi the right to choose.

"Mr. Gu, this is a multi billion project of G company, so you give it to Jinxi? What is your relationship with her? " Tang Ming is not good at heart.Gu Nan Cang gently smiles, "my relationship with her, ah Let's have a relationship with netizens. "

Tang Ming is at a loss, Su Jinxi's heart is inexplicably warm.

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