In The DC World With Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 89: Bad Story (1)

Chapter 89: Bad Story (1)

The hands of the watch turned back and the camera began to rewind time.

When Lizard Man fell from the top of Stark Tower, Dr. Connors only remembered the sound of the whistling wind ringing in his ears. Gradually, he remembered the sound of flying debris that had once whistled past his ear.

Accompanied by the immense pain of falling to the ground and the sight of blood before his eyes, Connors felt like he was in a dream.

Many years ago, he was just a military doctor who had just joined the army. Like all young people of that era, they firmly believed in the ideals of defending their country, so he and his comrades-in-arms participated in the war with confidence.

Connors could no longer remember the ambitious feelings they had at the time. The cruelty of the battlefield shattered all their dreams. Injuries, deaths, and bloodshed would not show any mercy to anyone's ideals or aspirations.

When he returned home, Connors had become a scarred and battered stray dog. He received compensation, but was thrown into the corner of a sewer like a leaky garbage bag.

This cruel society would not show any mercy to him for his past achievements and honors, and he began to clumsily learn how to live with one hand, like a clown on stage making people laugh with awkward movements.

The sound of bottles and jars falling and shattering echoed constantly in Connors' ears. His dreams became deeper and the few colorful memories he had began to fade away, leaving behind endless darkness.

He remembered the young soldier who was the most humorous in their team. When Connors saw him again, he was no longer recognizable as he had grown old. However, he still smiled and told Connors that he would be rescued soon, that the country had not abandoned him, and that he would soon become better.

Most of these young people who were once full of passion did not have Connors' high level of education. Many of them had never been to college, so as long as they spoke some seemingly profound terminology, they would feel like they had been given a godsend opportunity to change their downfallen lives.

From this old comrade-in-arms, Connors learned of a secret military plan.

In his dreams, the darkness began to deepen. Connors only remembered the cold light of the computer screen flashing in his field of vision. When he saw the information recorded on a certain text, he knew that from now on, he must keep his mouth shut and remain silent forever.

In this terrible scam, no clear-headed supporting role was needed.

After losing an arm, Connors lost his ability to speak again and became a mute.

Countless data and information became increasingly clear in his dream, surrounding and engulfing him with intense guilt and pressure that drove him almost insane.

Ever since then, Conor has made up his mind that if life is destined to be a downward spiral, then he must leave a sufficiently deep mark on this land, even if he has to die here.

The last word that existed in his consciousness was the name "Desperate Plan," a name he couldn't forget even after so many silent nights.

The cold light from the computer screen illuminated Peter's face as he searched for information in the laboratory that Dr. Connors had previously used in Stark Tower.

After Dr. Connors was rushed to the hospital for treatment, Peter was consumed with guilt. He knew that the problem must have been caused by the serum that Dr. Connors had been researching. He couldn't help with the treatment, but he hoped to find a way to solve the serum by researching its data.

Although Dr. Connors had withdrawn his data from Stark Tower, the research results of this collaboration belonged to Stark Industries and the military, and part of it was still stored in the data recording device terminal at Stark Tower.

Peter knew that Dr. Connors had the authority to modify the data on these devices, and he hoped to find some spider web traces from them.

But what surprised Peter was that the data device that Dr. Connors had used was too clean. Nobody could have even deleted the calculator's records so cleanly, leaving only a string of numbers without any explanation.

Peter found it very strange. Dr. Connors was not that kind of person. He was very rigorous in his academic research and would not do something like deleting the entire solution process and leaving only a seemingly plausible result.

Peter searched tirelessly on the computer, and finally he found some clues. He noticed that certain combinations of numbers seemed to follow a pattern. Peter quickly typed on the keyboard, the blue light from the screen reflected on his face and in his eyes. After a while, the light changed and Peter said, "What is this? Is it a website?"

Since this data terminal device did not allow internet access, Peter had to seek help from J.A.R.V.I.S. J.A.R.V.I.S analyzed the website and found that it led to an encrypted site with multiple layers of encryption. But that didn't stop J.A.R.V.I.S, and soon J.A.R.V.I.S obtained an image from the website.

Peter looked at the holographic screen in front of him and said, "What is this? It looks like a child's abstract doodle. Are you sure this is what the heavily encrypted website is trying to protect?"

"That's the only thing I found, Mr. Parker."

In a dimly lit laboratory, Peter crossed his arms and stared carefully at the messy lines on the paper. It was just a white paper with many black lines that seemed to have no pattern, as if drawn casually with crayons.

Peter frowned and looked at it for a while, then said, "No, this picture shouldn't be viewed like this. J.A.R.V.I.S, can you please flatten this image and turn the lines into 3D?"

"Like this, sir?"

J.A.R.V.I.S did as Peter instructed, but the result still looked like a tangled mess. Peter said, "Yes, that's right... Can you straighten them into lines according to their current turning patterns..."

In one second, the messy black curved pattern turned into a line pattern.

Peter widened his eyes and said, "It's the map of the New York sewer!"

He quickly opened his backpack and took out his recorded paper, comparing it to the map. "Yes! That's it! It's a 3D sewer map. Look, this road is the one I always take. I've been wandering around in there for days."

"But what's the point? Why did Dr. Connors hide this map? Anyone who spends a few days in the sewer should be able to figure out the route, right?"

Peter scratched his head and continued to look at the map, turning it over and over, and then compared it to his own route.

", there are a few wrong routes in here. Like here, this should be turning right after the next step, but it shows turning left. There's no manhole cover here, and at the intersection of these routes... that reservoir!"

"Dr. Connors is pointing to that reservoir! But what's there? That laboratory? But..."

Peter thought for a moment, quickly put away the map in his hand, and picked up his backpack. He said, "J.A.R.V.I.S, keep in touch with me at all times! I may need your technical support later..."

"No problem, Mr. Stark has granted you most of the technical support permissions."

Peter grabbed his backpack and ran out of Stark Tower, found the nearest manhole cover, and crawled into the sewer. He quickly made his way to the reservoir where the laboratory he burned down was located.

Opening the door of the maintenance station, there were still charred marks left. Peter felt that something was wrong. Although this maintenance station looked like an evil laboratory, it was only an appearance. He didn't find any useful information here.

On the contrary, there were various specimen samples and even some unidentified organ samples here. As an expert, Peter knew that many biological experiments were not playing with corpses like ordinary people thought. These samples that had been soaked for a long time were of no use at all.

Now that he knew this laboratory was Dr. Connors' work, it seemed even stranger. Dr. Connors was also an expert, how could he carefully place a bunch of equipment and specimens that were completely useless in the experiment here? It was as if he wanted people to think it was a biological laboratory.

Everything here seems to be designed for laymen, catering to their fantasies of evil scientists.

Peter didn't know that Dr. Connors was the owner here before, nor did he care about the strangeness at the time. But now, when he came back here, Peter recalled the scene he saw in the laboratory. Compared to a real biological laboratory, this place was more like a carefully arranged stage.

Peter became more and more confused. If this wasn't where Dr. Connors actually conducted experiments, then why did he hide a clue here? What does it refer to?

Peter searched here tirelessly, feeling along the walls and floors for possible hidden doors, but he found nothing.

With some disappointment, Peter left the maintenance station. He suddenly realized that the moss at the entrance of the maintenance station had also been cleaned, and some white powder was left in the corner. Peter began to think quickly, he remembered that on the road he took, some of the moss had been cleaned up, while others had not.

He ran a few steps forward and saw a corner with the same trace left behind. Peter followed this artificially processed trace forward and found that on the same on the road, there was a trace on a downward staircase, but not continuing forward.

Peter followed the disappearing moss trace all the way until these traces led him to the endpoint of the sewer.

There was also a maintenance station there.

The door of this maintenance station was not locked, and it looked abandoned for a long time. After all, this was the bottom part of the New York sewer, a place where sunlight never reached.

Peter opened the door and what he saw in front of him was just an ordinary maintenance station, with some random boxes piled up and cleaning tools that seemed to have been unused for decades.

Peter waved his hand in front of his face to disperse the dust, and opened all the boxes. At the bottom, he found a box containing an unidentified object.

Opening the box, Peter saw a device he had never seen before. It was a square black device with an antenna. Peter took out his mobile phone and took a photo, then called J.A.R.V.I.S. Soon, J.A.R.V.I.S. told him that it seemed to be an old data terminal with a signal transmitter, and although the version was quite old, the power was still decent.

"So, what's here?" Peter asked.

"You can bring it to Stark Tower, and I can perform a physical decryption," replied J.A.R.V.I.S.

So Peter put the data terminal into his backpack and left, carrying it on his back.

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