Incubus' Blood Harem

Chapter 134 Verbal Cat Fight

"How dare you, you bitch!?"

Malcolm did not hold back from ridiculing her the way she did. He directly called her bitch despite knowing that she was Kayden's mate. Due to the link between the three of them Malcolm was also able to sense that she was Kayden's mate. And since he was just a mere blood servant for him, thus he was obliged to respect Lydia just as Medusa.

But perhaps he was also unable to force himself to respect her the way she acted all high and mighty in front of them. It was not like she could not feel the same link, but Lydia chose not to pay heed to that strong feeling.

Malcolm leaped towards her but before he could use his speed to reach Lydia and to strangle her, the succubus stopped him by grabbing his arm. Medusa could not afford to offend Kayden by attacking his mate, even if she was deeply hurt by the realization.

Medusa' eyes glared at Lydia as she tried hard to control herself from ripping off her neck. The woman's eyes started to fill with tears while she stared at Lydia out of spite. No matter how hard she controlled herself Medusa could not forgive Kayden for hiding such big truth from her.

"Why are stopping me? Didn't you hear how she insulted us?"

Malcolm was stunned the way Medusa prevented him to attack at Lydia. it was simply not her usual self but Malcolm could not def her orders too since he was bound to serve and obey Medusa.

"I heard her loud and clear. But we can't simply attack her knowing she is also linked to us."

Medusa sniffled and shifted her gaze towards Malcolm and glared at him straight into his eyes. The succubus was hurt and was enraged but she was also able to think wisely somehow. Or else Medusa would have already killed Lydia without even blinking twice!

"If you really want to satisfy your itch then break the link between us! I won't hold you back from killing her in whatever way you wish to!"

Malcolm was surprised by her words because Medusa had never used him or his powers to kill someone intentionally. She was not someone who would go recklessly murdering everyone who will come in her way. But in that moment her response and order was totally out of malice, which was obvious and aimed at Lydia.

Medusa knew that he was obliged to obey her commands, be it a right one or some crazy order. Since she was the one who transformed him into an incubus- vampire, thus Malcolm was bound to server her, as Medusa' servant. And now since his mistress wanted Lydia to be gone it was his duty to make it happen.

"Haha, you both fools really think it's that easy?"

Lydia chuckled in a mocking way as she strode towards the sofa, where Kayden was laying unconscious. The woman sat besides him and placed her both hands on Kayden's shoulders.

Whereas Mr Jones went somewhere inside to fetch his stuff which could help Kayden wake up. He was in deep slumber which did not seem to end any soon, and it made Jones worried. What kind of spell it was!? And who even casted it!?

"If you two really believe something like that will happen then keep on dreaming,"

Lydia glanced at Kayden who was sound asleep without caring for anything. He was not even aware that two women were fighting for him! Only if he was awake to settle the situation, after all he was the one who initiated the mess.

"I would never leave Kayden and if you two are that troubled by my presence then feel free to leave us alone!"

Lydia glared at both of them without caring what their reaction could be. She was not a weak vampire like before who was a coward.

This new Lydia was well aware that if somebody bites you should bite back. She knew if somehow Medusa ended up attacking her then was also ready to counter it. The newly found strength was enough to make her confident about everything.

Medusa revolted against her statement by gritting her teeth since she was bound by the rules of mate bond. But hereby I ask you, if the succubus was supposed to refrain from attacking Lydia then the theory technically should apply on both ladies too, right? Including Malcolm, since he was under blood servant pact with Kayden.

The Succubus was unable to take it anymore the way Lydia was constantly proving her, it was obvious she wanted to stir a fight so both of them could leave Kayden.

"Leave you alone? With him!?"

Medusa raised her voice in disbelief which surfaced on her face. There was an utter expression of disgust, anger and surprise over her face. The succubus resumed her speech when she saw that Lydia was staring at her.

"Don't you think you are being unreasonable here, miss shit mouth? He does not solely belong to you, and it's a pity that perhaps you are incapable of sensing the link between us all."

Medusa shoved Lydia's words into her own mouth, which made her stare angrily at Medusa.

The succubus was happy with her reaction and it served Lydia right, the way she was acting all high and mighty someone needed to put her in the place.

"You…..! How dare you call me all those nasty things!?"

Lydia became enraged with the labels Medusa gave to her, she immediately shot up from the sofa. The vampiress clenched her fists and seemed ready to throw some punches in Medusa's face.

"Oh really now!? You aren't offended by being an incapable vampire's mate. Isn't that how everyone knows Kayden? Then why are you being grumpy when called similar to him?"

Medusa mocked her with a smirk on her face, whereas Malcolm was amused by the whole verbal cat fight.

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