Indestructible God King

Chapter 130.2 Arrived at the Qing Capital (2/2)

Chapter 130.2 Arrived at the Qing Capital (2/2)

Wang Ke said he was going back to the Heavenly Wolf Sect, so Mo Sanshan could only get back at him there.

Mo Sanshan then looked down at Tong An'an and his bald subordinates.

According to my intel, Tong An'an should be a very careful person! He is steady and rarely makes mistakes, a trustworthy person in the eyes of the Parlor Lords. But damn! Wang Ke is only an Innate Stage cultivator! Why have you guys fallen into his hands time and again! Mo Sanshan muttered as he looked at them; they were tied up like rice dumplings.

Then he rubbed his temple as he continued saying, Can I really use Tong An'an and his men to bait bigger fish? What a headache! Sigh! Wang Ke already caught you three times. And now I get a headache whenever I hear about you encountering Wang Ke!

He stared in silence at his captives for a while, then heaved a long sigh. Forget it, let me give you guys one more chance! Humph!

Mo Sanshan cast a secret spell on them before he walked and disappeared into the forest.

Sometime laterTong An'an and his men were beginning to wake up.

Ouch! My head hurts!

I think my head is swollen!

Am I dead?


All of them were almost conscious.

Tong An'an also opened his eyes despite the painful headache he was feeling. He saw birds chirping in the trees when he opened his eyes.

I... Im still alive? Could it really be just a dream? Tong An'an said in astonishment.

Chapter Lord, were still alive! Wang Ke didnt kill us with that rock! one of the excited baldies said.

I didnt die. Haha, I didnt die! another one cheered.

Tong An'an turned and looked at his men; their sorry state made his face twitch. All their shaved heads looked swollen and big. What the hell!Ten big-head babies?

It had only taken them a short while to untie themselves.

Chapter Lord, I was so afraid; I thought I was dead!

Me too. That electrical shock was too horrifying.

Wang Ke is the worst! He wants to knock us out; but the thing is, the electrical currents kept us awake! Such suffering was far worse than death!

Lets leave Wang Ke be from now on, please?


The things they went through left the bald men with unforgettable and ghastly trauma.

Tong An'ans face twitched in annoyance. The thing is, I will be accountable for losing Parlor Lord Zis Lightning Whips if I dont deal with Wang Ke!

We still need to deal with Wang Ke! But he really is too cunning; we cant do it on our own! said Tong An'an in a serious tone.

What should we do then? his men urged.

Lets return and report to Parlor Lord Zi first! Then we can ask for reinforcements! Tong An'an said after a moment of silence.

Okay, sure, sure! the baldies said, surprised at their leaders suggestion.

Where is Parlor Lord Zi now? a bald man asked.

But Tong Anan looked at them and replied, I dont know either, but I know she will be in the capital. Lets rest first, then we will head to the Qing Capital to find Parlor Lord Zi.

Okay! We will listen to you! The bald men agreed.

All our clothes were destroyed, and were all injured. Who amongst you has money to buy some clothes and medicines? Tong An'an looked at his men and asked.

The bald men searched their pockets and realized they had nothing on them.

Tong An'an: ........................!


Mortal Zone, the Qing Capital!

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao finally arrived after a tiring journey.

The capital looked like the stage of a huge battle that had just ended, with corpses of the attacking army laying outside the moat; they seemed to have been left there to deter future attacks.

The guards at the city gate were inspecting the people coming in and out.

A commander of the defending troops immediately dashed forward when Wang Ke arrived; the guard was about to inspect them.

Clan Lord, my men dont know better. Please follow me! the panicked commander said.

Ill be in big trouble if my Clan Lord is inspected right outside his own territory.

Its okay; hes very serious about his job. Thats good! I dont blame him for it! Wang Ke shook his head and placated the man.

The guards looked shocked. The commander came from a special family background, and could even stand tall when talking with the general. Still, the fellow was acting quite submissively before the recent arrival.

The dead bodies outside the city belong to the enemy? Wang Ke asked.

Yes, a few military clans tried their luck in taking the capital during this period! Too bad for them, they were badly defeated by our soldiers; none of them dared to collect their dead as they fled! We just left them there to intimidate future attackers! the commander replied with a smile.

Go get some men to bury the dead! Wang Ke ordered.

Understood! the commander acknowledged.

Commander, a guard beside them reminded anxiously, The general said that were not allowed to move those bodies!

Just go and do your job! I will take responsibility for this! Go and do it! the commander said.

The guards felt rather frustrated, but they still complied.

The commander ignored what his men were saying. Of course, we need to obey the generals commands, but even our general obeys our Clan Lord.

Shortly after, the Wang Clan inside the city received news about Wang Kes arrival. A group of Wang Clan members rushed to the city gate; even the big cousin-brother went there to welcome him.

Clan Lord! his big cousin-brother walked over excitedly.

Clan Lord! All the clan members greeted Wang Ke.

Wang Ke, quite a lot of greetings, huh! Zhang Zhengdao said in surprise.

Of course, all these men follow me for a living. If they dont welcome me, who would they welcome? Wang Ke rolled his eyes.

The latter turned around and addressed the group, Remember, dead bodies cant be left in the open for too long. Even the enemys bodies must be buried quickly; corpses will rot and may cause a plague if left there for too long! Havent I taught you this before?

Understood! Big cousin-brother responded respectfully.

The other clan members quickly acknowledged the order too. Nobody talked back to him, even if they had their own opinions; none of them dared to argue against Wang Ke.

Use the plague disinfection method I taught you before. Make sure you disinfect the whole area! Dont make me teach you over and over again, Im really busy too! Wang Ke said.

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Yes, Clan Lord! they all replied.

And so, Wang Ke entered the Qing Capital while escorted by all his clan members.

A few of the ignorant guards rubbed their hands and even slapped their own faces at the city gate. Damn, am I dreaming?All the top brass in Wang Clans army are bowing to a stranger?It shouldnt be like that They havent even shown this much respect to those powerful immortals!

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