Indestructible God King

Chapter 134.1 Zhu Yan is Here to Help Me (1/2)

Chapter 134.1 Zhu Yan is Here to Help Me (1/2)

Qing CapitalRoyal Palaces main plaza!

Wang Ke held up a fake imperial edictas fake as it could be, and he blatantly revealed that he forged it to the people present.

But heres the freaky thing!

The old men acted in a crazy manner after Wang Kes ridiculous round of bluffing. They started cheering and shouting that it was real; all of them saw the edict as the real thing!

Zhu Yan was furious about the whole thing. Are you nuts!Wang Ke is trying to steal my empire!Cant you see that?

Zhu Yan wouldn't have been as triggered if it were someone else garnering that massive support. The heart of the matter was that Zhu Yan hated Wang Ke to the core; there was no way he could swallow his anger!

If I cant get it, neither will you!

Zhu Yan stopped caring about concealing his identity as he rushed to tear Wang Kes mouth.

Wang Ke, you are going too far! Zhu Yan jumped toward him with his hood flung back.


A horrifying Golden Core aura was swept across the entire place. The old men could barely stand up straight.

A billowing black smoke rose from Zhu Yans body and rose to the skies; all the officials around him were terrified.

Zhu Yan? Wang Ke was shocked to see him.

He... Hes our emperor? All the elderly officials were looking at Zhu Yan in shock.

You heard how we bashed you just now?

Wang Ke, hahaha! I bet you didnt expect this. Im already a Golden Core warrior. Quite gutsy, arent you, huh? Today! Zhu Yan roared wildly.


Suddenlya sword flashed before Zhu Yans eyes. The move shocked him, and could only move quickly to deflect the attack.


He was pushed back a few steps before he finally stabilized his body.

What? Zhu Yan could not believe he had been countered.

There are more cultivators?The guy pushed me back with a single attack and is surely on par with me!

He had been cautious in the beginning because he was afraid of possible traps set by Wang Ke. Later on he thought he was worrying too much, but he ended up being attacked the moment he revealed himself.

Wang Ke, you set up a trap for me? Zhu Yan cried out in shock.

Wang Ke was in a daze. What did you say?I didnt even know you were coming today! How was I supposed to know it would be good to set up a trap for you?

Out came a righteous cry. Demon! How dare you interfere with the imperial succession in the Mortal Zone!

Next, a man in a blue robe descended from the sky, landed near Zhu Yan, and pointed his long sword at the demon.

Zhu Yan didn't know who he was, but he ran without hesitation.


Another sword flashed from behind and struck the latter.


Zhu Yan was once again pushed back by an impact.

Another Golden Core warrior in a blue robe appeared behind Zhu Yan with a long sword.

What? Two Golden Core Stage experts? Zhu Yan gasped.

Tsshing! Tsshing!


Numerous swords flashed, suddenly rushing from all directions. Men in blue robes descended from the sky, swords in hand, encircling the former emperor the next moment.

Twenty powerful swordsmen surrounded Zhu Yan.

The latter was horrified.

Wang Ke, you... you! How vicious of you! To have this many righteous cultivators lying in ambush to get me! Zhu Yan raged against Wang Ke, teary eyed.

Wang Ke still looked dazed, though. I dont know any of them! I really dont!

You dont know them? Zhu Yan was stunned. Then, he shouted furiously, Wang Ke doesnt even know you! Why are you trying to stop me! Am I the only one interfering with the imperial succession? Isnt Wang Ke doing the same? Since you dont know Wang Ke, why arent you stopping him too!

A plump man came down from the sky right at that moment. It was none other than Zhang Zhengdao, who had just returned while riding his flying sword.

Ahh, Wang Ke. Im back, he said, I visited the righteous disciples located in the capital. They heard that you were here and said that you were a good friend, so they came to see you! They were in such a hurry to pay you a visit that I couldnt even catch up! He pointed at the twenty Golden Core cultivators in blue close to the end.

Wang Ke: ..................!

Brother Wang, its been a long time! one of the sword cultivators greeted Wang Ke courteously.

Wang Ke was confused. Who are you?Do I know you?

MeanwhileZhu Yan was in utter despair.

Wang Ke! he roared, How shameless of you! Didnt you just say that you dont know them? How could you say that? You are obviously lying!

Is there even a single true word in your mouth?

Damn you! Why would they act so courteously if they didn't know you?Good friend, they said; didnt you hear that?Didnt you?Do you think Im deaf?

I! Wang Ke was at a loss.

I really dont know them.

The leader of the sword cultivators stared at Zhu Yan and shouted, Shut up! Humph, you are the Great Qings former emperor, arent you? To think you willingly entered the demonic sect and are still unrepentant to this day, considering the nonsense youre spouting. You are now a demon wreaking havoc amidst the innocent. You shall die!

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The powerful group of sword cultivators readied their swords as if about to slash Zhu Yan into pieces.

The latter sucked in cold air while despair was written all over his face. Having barely attained the Golden Cores first level, he couldnt even withstand the power of a single sword; twenty swords in one go would surely destroy him. This time Im toast for sure!

Wang Ke, you scheming bast*rd! This is all your fault. I wouldnt have exposed myself if it werent for you! I got caught because of you.

Help! Brothers of the demonic sect! The righteous disciples are going to kill me! Help me~~~~! Zhu Yan roared.

He had already shown his ancestral uncles token to the demonic troops stationed in the area. They should be able to hear me. Please come and help if you hear me!Im going to die!But, can I hold on until they arrive?

You scum! How dare you ask for help! Kill him! a sword cultivator roared.

The swords slashed toward Zhu Yan; the latters anguish knew no end. Oh no, this is it for me! Theyre only going to find a corpse if help arrives.

Alas, Zhu Yan didn't know that those demonic disciples werent going to his aid.

In a small courtyard


Eight-Craks. None of you can leave during this round, you hear? I have a Pure Suit, and Im already waiting for the winning tile!

White Dragon! Thats right. Im going for a Pair-Pair Win, and Im also waiting for the winning tile already. No one gets to leave. You guys went and grabbed a fair chunk of my money just now! You must finish this round!

Green Dragon! You speak as though Im about to lose. No one can leave before we finish this round, not even to pee!

Come, Red Dragon! Humph, we shall see who wins!


The demons Mahjong game had reached a climax. Suddenlya cry for help came from the city.

Help! Brothers of the demonic sect! The righteous warriors are going to kill me! Help me~~~~!

The cry made the demons pause.

Whose voice is it? Is that Zhu Yan?

Zhu Yan? The righteous disciples are after him? Damn him, what a troublemaker. How long has it been since he came to the capital! Hes already offended the righteous faction!

Yeah! He only knows how to make trouble for us! I would have slapped his face already if he werent the Parlor Lords ancestral nephew!

Come on, let us finish this round!

The demons complained among themselves.

What to do? Shall we go and help him?

The Parlor Lord gave us orders. We need to go! But what about this round?

Yeah, Im about to win!

Isnt Zhu Yan already at the Golden Core Stage? If he cant beat them, he should at least be able to escape, right?

I think so. He can make a run for it first! Thatll teach him a lesson to stop making trouble, and we wont need to clear his mess all the time, ptooey!

Yeah, send someone to check on him. We can head over after we finish this round!

I agree!


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