Indestructible God King

Chapter 137.1 Product Endorsement (1/2)

Chapter 137.1 Product Endorsement (1/2)

Qing Capital!

Wang Ke had already made preparations to ensure his own safety; then, he invited demons to the royal palace to play some Mahjong, beautifying the occasion by calling it Final Duel Atop The Royal Palace! The demons praised his witty humor and agreed to go.

Their company helped Wang Ke with the long wait. Finally, the person he had waited for arrived.

All the demonic disciples stopped their Mahjong matches and bowed respectfully, Parlor Lord!

Ancestral uncle, youre finally here! a grieving Zhu Yan cried out.

He was still tied up. Damn it, didnt you say Id be tied up only for a bit longer? No one came to untie me! Tears welled up Zhu Yans eyes upon seeing Zhu Hongyis arrival.

Parlor Lord Zhu, what brings you here? Wang Ke looked at Zhu Hongyi with a surprised face.

Didnt I send for She Qingqing?Why is Zhu Hongyi here?

Zhu Hongyi looked at the smoky and messy Mahjong room and frowned. His face turned black, especially when he saw Zhu Yan bound.

Finally, he turned his eyes to Wang Ke, Wang Ke, how dare you!

Me? What did I do? Wang Ke asked in astonishment.

Ancestral uncle, Wang Ke is colluding with the righteous faction. I heard it myself! They said hes the East Wolf Deputy Hall Lord. Remember those prisoners back on Divine Dragon Island! Wang Ke was the one who released them; I saw one of them a few days ago! Zhu Yan cried out.

Shut up! Zhu Yan shot his ancestral nephew a stare.

Zhu Yan: ............................!

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Why?Why do you want me to shut up?Arent you confronting Wang Ke?Im giving reasons so you can act.

Who asked you to send that letter to Qinger? Zhu Hongyi glared back at Wang Ke and said, She would have been here if I didnt stop her. Thats what you wanted? You want her to fight Zi Bufan?

Wang Ke was stunned. Well yeah, thats my plan! Whats wrong with that?

He immediately realized the problem when he gave the Parlor Lord a second glance. Oh no, I overlooked this.I only thought about myself; I didnt think of Zhu Hongyi himself.

One of them is Zhu Hongyis original wife-to-be, while the other is his mistress.Getting those two ladies together would bring about a catastrophe!Zhu Hongyi would then be put in a difficult spot!Both sides of his hand are still made of his own flesh!

That would equate to ethical misery in their family.

No wonder Zhu Hongyi came here personally while foaming at the mouth.

Parlor Lord Zhu, this... You cant blame me for this! You are the one who hasnt solved your relationship problems, and now Im dragged into this! Zi Bufan will be here to make trouble soon! Wang Ke explained with a helpless smile.

But Zhu Hongyi shot him a dead stare and said, What do you mean I havent solved my relationship problems? What has Zi Bufan got to do with me?

Uhh, Parlor Lord Zhu, how can you say that? Wang Ke retorted indignantly, My entire clan is about to be destroyed because of your affair! You cant have me carry the consequences of your happiness! Im innocent!

Humph! Zhu Hongyi snorted.

In any case, since he had already made the trip to the capital, he could also help Wang Ke deal with Zi Bufan.

What is happening here? Zhu Hongyi asked while looking at his ancestral nephew, Why did you tie him up?

Ancestral uncle, its all because of Wang Ke! Zhu Yan finally had the opportunity to talk and immediately raised his complaints, Wang Ke is colluding with the righteous faction, and he also schemed against me! He asked these demons to tie me up! Hes a spy from the righteous faction!

Oh? Zhu Hongyi looked at Wang Ke with a frown.

You cant blame us, Parlor Lord Zhu! Wang Ke explained, Some days ago, a group of righteous disciples indeed came to the royal palace. Some guy named Zhao Si from Xiangcun! He brought a group of powerful sword cultivators!

One of the demons chimed in, Thats Zhao Si from Xiangcun Sect! He brought over all the righteous disciples stationed in the capital. We are aware of each others presence and have remained in peaceful terms!

Yeah, Wang Ke continued, Alas, Zhu Yan suddenly exploded his demonic Qi when the righteous cultivators came; he was ready to fight them! Too bad he couldnt do much; they suppressed him right away!

Zhu Hongyi looked at his nephew doubtfully, Werent you here to rally the old officials? Why confront all those righteous cultivators so rashly?

I... I must have fallen into Wang Kes trap! I didnt know that the righteous group would happen to come. Its all Wang Kes fault! Zhu Yan complained tearfully.

Happen to come? Zhu Hongyi didnt believe a word.

Wang Ke explained, It took me quite the effort to tactfully ask them to spare Zhu Yans life! After that, a few more brothers from our demonic sect showed up; only then did we manage to suppress them with our numbers. Our demonic brothers had to stomach the humiliation, all to save Zhu Yans life. They could have defeated the righteous group, but they chose to spare the rat to save the dishes; they didnt want Zhu Yan to come to harm, thats why they held back their urge to fight! And finally, after painstaking effort, we rescued him!

Thats not how it happened! Its not! Zhu Yan screamed in shock.

Damn it. Neither side fought; what has it got to do with me! Its obviously because the demons were playing Mahjong and delayed my rescue. It is them who didnt follow my ancestral uncles orders! They were obsessed with the game; thats why I was captured by the righteous group.

Wang Ke is right! another demon corroborated Wang Kes account, Sigh! We warned Zhu Yan upon his arrival at the capital; we told him that there was a huge group of righteous disciples, and we urged him to avoid causing trouble as the time wasnt ripe for the two factions to clash But Zhu Yan refused to listen. He acted rashly and made a big mess. Rescuing Zhu Yan would have been impossible if not for Brother Wangs help!

The thing is, we took our sweet time playing Mahjong, but Wang Ke is trying to give us credit by saying that we endured humiliation and overcame hurdles to rescue Zhu Yan. Theres no need to refuse his praise!Besides, its a win-win situation if we reciprocate. Since Wang Ke showed us this much respect, we should praise him too.

And so, Wang Ke and the demons took turns commending each other, while Zhu Yan was described as an annoying troublemaker. All their spiel was about how their teamwork was key to saving the ex-emperor, enduring great shame and negotiating several insurmountable hurdles.

Zhu Yan was soon left with no words to retort.

He anxiously made an effort. Thats not how it was, ancestral uncle! Dont listen to their nonsense. Wang Ke is a spy from the righteous sects! And these demons were busy playing Mahjong, shirking their duties. Now they are pushing all the blame on me!

Alas, Zhu Hongyi didnt believe him. Damn it. With this many people going about your faults! Why dont you reflect on what you did wrong?

Parlor Lord Zhu, you see? We are also deeply concerned about Zhu Yans behavior. What if he stirs trouble and gets himself killed? Wang Ke sighed and continued, Thats why I suggested tying Zhu Yan up and stopping him from wandering around! You asked our fellow demonic brothers to protect Zhu Yan, but we may not be able to keep him from stirring trouble, considering how capable he is in that regard; even if we had three heads and six arms and followed him all day long. If you want to blame someone, blame me then!

A demon spoke up, Parlor Lord, we were the ones who tied your nephew. Brother Wang is not at fault in this! Parlor Lord, you gave us orders to take care of Zhu Yan, but he almost killed himself right after he arrived in the Qing Capital! We too are afraid!

Parlor Lord, blame me for it! all the demons grumbled.

Its not like that! Ancestral uncle, you must believe me! Zhu Yan urged.

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