Indestructible God King

Chapter 142.1 Dao Lineage Blood (1/2)

Chapter 142.1 Dao Lineage Blood (1/2)

Draconic ley line? Wang Ke looked at Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi in astonishment.

What draconic ley line?Then why were the both of you speaking so dubiously?

You didnt know that? Zhu Hongyi asked.

Wang Ke was still confused, Know what?

In the Mortal Zone stand the Three Empires. Although they have been replaced many times, their capitals remain in the same place; all of them are located on top of the draconic ley line, right above the dragon head position! This would also mean that theres also a draconic ley line underneath the Qing Capital! Zhu Hongyi explained.

Draconic ley line? I have never heard of this before. What is it used for? To protect the empire? Wang Ke asked curiously.

But Zhu Hongyi merely shook his head, not explaining further.

Parlor Lord Zhu, why stop halfway? What is the draconic leyline used for? Wang Ke kept insisting.

Zhu Hongyi shook his head and said, You dont have to be concerned with this. Whatever it is, the draconic ley line is only a curse. Its unrelated to an empires auspiciousness!

Its unrelated to the empires auspiciousness? Wang Ke asked curiously.

But Zhu Hongyi looked toward his fellow Parlor Lord and asked, Zi Bufan, dont you know? Drawing the draconic ley line out would also bring about a catastrophe!

I dont care. I just want the draconic ley line! Are you going to help me or not! Zi Bufan replied.

You already know my answer! Zhu Hongyi appeared to be a little angry.

Parlor Lord Zhu, you havent explained things clearly. Is the draconic ley line completely unrelated to the empires wellbeing? Then why were the capitals of each empire built on top of the ley lines dragon heads? Wang Ke asked, feeling puzzled.

The draconic ley line would eventually regrow if its taken out! Its just that there wont be any dragon Qi underneath the capital for some time. In any case, a new draconic ley line will be born after a few years of regeneration! Zhu Hongyi explained.

Then, if Parlor Lord Zi prefers to draw it out, why dont you help her? Wang Ke asked, If shes supporting her ancestral nephew to conquer the empire, just for the draconic ley line, she will surely stand down and stop supporting him if you just give her the ley line! Wouldnt that be a win-win situation?

Wang Ke is right. Zhu Hongyi, help me get the draconic ley line! Then I wont touch Wang Ke nor his clan. How about that? Zi Bufan asked with a smile.

Yeah, Parlor Lord Zhu. Why hesitate? Its so simple! Wang Ke added.

But Zhu Hongyi explained further with staring eyes, You dont understand. The draconic ley line is tantamount to disaster! It would be harmful to everyone! Once it explodes, even Zi Bufan will be killed by its power!

You care about me? Zi Bufans eyes glistened in joy.

Wang Ke sought confirmation with a doubtful look, You mean that this draconic ley line is like a bomb? A super-duper bomb? It can explode at any moment, and destroy everything, both friend and foe?

A bomb? Uhh, I dont know what you are talking about. But it sounds about right! Zhu Hongyi nodded.

Wang Ke looked beneath him with a twitching face. Im standing on a bomb right now?My Wang Clan is going to unify the empire while standing on a bomb?

Tsssss~! Wang Ke sucked a mouthful of cold air between his teeth.

Parlor Lord Zhu, he said, You promised that you would help me settle the dispute between Parlor Lord Zi and me. And since Parlor Lord Zi gave you face and only asked you to help her with the draconic ley line, please, just help her! If you dont take it out, my clan members and relatives wont dare govern here either; who knows when this ley line will explode? Wang Ke urged Zhu Hongyi with an anxious look.

Zi Bufan chimed in with a smile, Zhu Hongyi, what do you think? You dont have to be concerned about my safety. Ive planned to put my hands over this draconic ley line, so I have a way! You just need to help me subdue it!

I cant do that! Do you think its easy to draw the draconic ley line? Its been sealed! Zhu Hongyi replied seriously.

So, why do you think Ive been trying to capture Zhang Li'er for so many years? Zi Bufan said.

Hmm? Everyone looked at her.

Zi Bufan continued, Zhang Li'er is not just the princess of the Golden Crow Sect. She is a member of the Zhang Clan outside the Ten-thousand Great Mountains, an authentic descendant of Heavenly Master Zhang! She has the Dao Lineage Blood in her, which can break all seals! We can use her blood to activate the seal within a short time and release the draconic ley line!

Dao Lineage Blood? Zhu Hongyi looked at Zhang Li'er in shock.

I know for certain. You know where I came from; I was a cultivator of the Golden Crow Sect, and I know this secret of theirs more than anyone else! Zhang Li'ers blood can help us open the seal quickly! Now, Im just waiting for you to nod in approval! Zi Bufan said.

Would that require us to bleed her dry? Zhu Hongyi asked with a frown.

Wang Ke interrupted them, Hey, Parlor Lord Zi. You just promised me to not kill her! She will die if you take all her blood!

But Zi Bufan reassured them, Its all right. Zhang Li'ers younger brother also returned from outside the Ten-thousand Great Mountains last year. Hes also a descendant of the Zhang Clan and has the Dao Lineage Blood. He works just as well!

Zhu Hongyi looked at Zi Bufan and asked, You started preparing to subdue this ley line a long time ago?

How about it? Zi Bufan asked, Help me, or not?

Zhu Hongyi was still hesitant. Zi Bufan waited patiently, letting him think it through.

Wang Ke felt helpless as he looked at Zhang Shenxu from afar. Who asked you to be this unlucky?But, since you helped me for free with God Wang Towers security, let me say one sentence in your favor. Just one!

Look, Parlor Lord Zi, Wang Ke said, Why not do this. You only want one of those siblings' blood, right? Why dont you take most of what you need from Zhang Shenxu and a little from Zhang Li'er? Do you think that works?

It doesnt matter to me. If Zhu Hongyi agrees to help me, Im okay with anything! Zi Bufan laughed.

Wang Ke was surprised. She agreed so easily?She became so amenable out of the blue.

Zhu Hongyi took a deep breath and agreed, Fine. Just this one time! Listen very carefully. After this, take your eyes off Wang Ke!

Haha, dont worry. If I say it, I mean it! Especially the things I promised you! Zi Bufan said with glistening eyes.

But Zhu Hongyi turned around, not looking back at her.

Lets draw their blood then! Zi Bufan ordered her men.

Right away! A few demonic disciples stepped up to comply.

But Wang Ke stopped them, saying, Hold on, hold on! Just now, Parlor Lord Zi promised to let me help you guys!

The demonic cultivators tacitly approved of him. And so they took out their specialized artifacts and jabbed them into Zhang Shenxus arm.

Glup! A large volume of blood was drawn.

Okay, enough. Leave Zhang Shenxu with his last breath. Lets do it for Zhang Li'er now. Just take a little! Look at the volume markings, dont take too much! Wang Ke immediately went into a commanding mode.

Meanwhile, the Golden Crow Sects disciples were waiting anxiously nearby.

Demon, demon!

Wang Ke... I still thought he was a good person, but hes helping demons to draw Senior Shenxus blood. Looking at how much they took, hes on the verge of dying!

Is something wrong with your brain? Can you blame Wang Ke for this? Hes trying to rescue Senior Shenxu!

Yeah! Thats right. Wang Ke went the extra mile to appease these demons and rescue our Eldest apprentice-sister!

Wang Ke rescued her and saved Senior apprentice-brother Shenxu!

Our eldest sister chose the right man indeed!

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