Indestructible God King

Chapter 189.1 I'm Not a Troublemaker (1/2)

Chapter 189.1 I'm Not a Troublemaker (1/2)

In the snake den!

The Snake King looked at his once-filled abode now swept clean, and he grew increasingly angry. Thinking about how much effort it took him to rob the other demonic beasts' nests, but Wang Ke took all the pillage he gained, he raged all the more.

Damn it. All my hard work! Did I do everything just for you? I can't stomach it!

He was so angry that he lost all interest in robbing more nests.

He was waiting.

And soon, some snakes came back reporting.

"My liege! All the demons from the Divine Dragon Island left!" A snake general reported.

"What? Are they all gone? " The Snake King was surprised.

And the snake general answered, "Yes, our underlings saw She Qingqing, Zhu Yan, and the others from Divine Dragon Island leave! Also, Wang Ke is on their ship too!" A snake general reported.

"Even Wang Ke left?" The Snake King was astonished.

He just arrived at the Divine Dragon Island and left immediately. Why?

"Yes! Our king ordered us to keep an eye on the Divine Dragon Island and Wang Ke! We came to report the news immediately!" That snake general said respectfully.

"How about the Demon Sovereign? Did you guys see the Demon Sovereign? " The Snake King asked, still worrying about the threat.

"There is no Demon Sovereign. We didn't see him!" That snake general said respectfully.

"No Demon Sovereign? He's not on the ship?" The Snake King asked further.

"No one saw him! Looking at the demonic sect disciples, they seem to take She Qingqing's orders!" The snake general said.

"The Demon Sovereign is not there? He's not there? Good, good, good!" The Snake King cheered excitedly.

"My king? What should we do next?" That snake general asked curiously.

"You don't have to do anything. If the horde of you follows me, I might get exposed. Wang Ke is not singled out. Good, that's very good. I'm going to take back everything that he took from me! Haha, Wang Ke, I'm going to kill you!" The Snake King laughed sinisterly.

"My king doesn't need us to follow?" That snake general asked, feeling worried.

"Enough talk. Where were their ships headed? Bring me there! Show me the way, quick!" The Snake King commanded his subordinates.

"Right away!" That snake general acknowledged.

Hearing that the Demon Sovereign was no longer by Wang Ke's side, he was elated. He dashed across the Miasmic Sea and soon caught up with a few ships.

But since the Snake King saw She Qingqing on the ship, he restrained his impulse to jump on Wang Ke. He followed from quite a distance away. Only his eyes were above the water, watching Wang Ke with a heinous look.

It might be because She Qingqing and all those with her were too worried about Zhu Hongyi's safety, and no one realized that a gigantic serpent was following behind them.

Only when the ships arrived at the outer rim of the Demonic Dragon Island and stopped did the Snake King dive deeper into the ocean and close in on them. He wanted to hear what the people on the ship were saying.

While the Snake King dived deeper, She Qingqing was briefing the others on her battle plan. And soon, She Qingqing, Wang Ke, and Long Yu left with Tong An'an and his men.

Only Zhu Yan and the other demons from the Divine Dragon Island were left on the ship, waiting patiently.

At this moment, the Snake King didn't know that Wang Ke had already left, but because of his fear of She Qingqing, he didn't jump out of the water. He stayed still and listened carefully to the conversation on the ship.

"Zhu Yan, I heard from the others that you are a troublemaker. We are going to save Parlor Lord Zhu now; this is a critical time. Please don't cause any trouble!"

"Yeah! She Qingqing had already left for the Demonic Dragon Island. She should be back soon with more information! We need to prepare for war!"

"Lower your volume, guys! Don't alert our enemy! Rescuing our Parlor Lord is more important!"

"Especially you, Zhu Yan! Don't make too much noise!"




The bunch of demonic sect disciples chided and criticized Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan felt frustrated and retorted unyieldingly, "Damn it, why are you saying I'm a troublemaker? Who said so?"

Under the water, the Snake King heard their conversations. She Qingqing left for the Demonic Dragon Island? Is she no longer on the ship? The giant reptile's eyes glistened. But I'm not sure if Wang Ke is still around.

How do I confirm it? Should I just charge at them? None of them can win a solo fight against me, but if they jump at me together, I won't stand a chance! How?

Why don't I break the ship apart? That will force everyone to jump into the sea. Even if some can ride on their flying sword, I won't be fighting them. All I will do is grab hold of Wang Ke and run! That's what I will do!

On the ship, Zhu Yan continued his complaints and didn't want to admit to the label they gave him.

"Why? How would I know why? The brothers who came back from the Qing Capital told us that!"

"Yeah! Yeah! They said you are a troublemaker! The worst troublemaker! They told us to stay away from you!"

"I wonder if the Parlor Lord got caught because of you!"




The demons continued to denounce him.

"Bullsh*t. That has nothing to do with me! Nothing! How did I become a troublemaker? I'm just standing right in front of you! How am I making trouble for you all? Since all of you say I'm a troublemaker, prove it to me! How do I keep making trouble?" Zhu Yan raged.

And just when he finished speaking.


A massive blunt force hit the ship.

"What?" demonic sect disciples cried out in shock.

"There's a monster beneath us!" Someone reported.

"Booooom!" "Booooom!" "Booooom!" ......

A snake tail bashed the ships before the demons could defend themselves. In just a few moments, the few ships cracked into pieces.

"Ahh!" "I can't swim! Someone save me!"

"It's a monster! A snake!"

"How dare you destroy our Miasmic Sea Ships! You beast!"




A clarmoring of rage resounded across the entire sea region.

Countless flying swords were shot toward the Snake King.

After taking a few blows, the Snake King sunk back into the ocean.

"He's not there? Why? Where is Wang Ke? I did see Wang Ke on the ship while I was following them! Where did he go? The Snake King looked at those who fell into the sea, feeling annoyed.

What is not here! What should I do now?

The Snake King was both angry and anxious, yet he dared not to stay for long but quickly fled into the sea. I'm not going to stay and take the wrath of those demonic sect disciples! I need to go, right now!

And so, the Snake King ran.

And the demonic sect disciples cursed and swore.

Damn it. Where did that demonic beast come from!"

"He just came and destroyed our ship? Then he just ran? I dare you to stay and fight!"

"What a wretched beast! I dare you to come out from the sea. Come at us! Come!"




The demons showered the snake with vulgarities, but too bad for them that the Snake King was already gone.

Those who couldn't swim held on to wooden fragments for dear life. They floated on the sea surface in great frustration.

And soon, the swearing stopped. And they turned their eyes to Zhu Yan, who survived with the help of a wooden block.

His face twitched as he asked, "What... what are all of you looking at? This has nothing to do with me! I have no idea where did this monster come from! I didn't draw this trouble upon us!"

The demonic sect disciples looked irritated.

Of course this is your doing!

"Troublemaker! Damn, you can still say this has nothing to do with you?" A demonic sect's Branch Lord said with a stern look.

Although they had no proof that Zhu Yan was the cause of this unfortunate incident, they were immediately reminded of Zhu Yan, the troublemaker. Who else can it be?

Under the murderous look of all the demons, Zhu Yan was a little afraid.

"Everyone, please calm down. Let's get back on the shore first and wait by the edge of the Demonic Dragon Island. It's not too bad either, right? As long as we are careful, we won't alert those on the island." Zhu Yan tried to divert the attention.

And everyone continued their glare at Zhu Yan with black faces.

Of course we have to go up the island! Do you expect us to float here forever? Even for those who ride flying swords, isn't it tiring to stay in the air for such a long time?

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